Vaecrius wrote:Neither do I - I can get a ringing sound to play if someone's been too close to an explosion, but I'm pretty sure changing overall volume for everything is beyond ACS or DECORATE. And even then there's still, say, telling the difference between an explosion in an underground parking garage and out in a field...Davidos wrote:I got sounds enough to do that but not the coding skill.
It couldn't be that hard could it?
I mean, you already got the sounds to play when the range is far enough.
How about if you reg the player comming in contact or close to an explosion, the far distance drops down to straight infront of the player, untill a certain ammount of time has passed, calculated with the healthdrop percentage to the player caused by the explosion <to calculate to aproximate range>
It shouldn't be that hard to add a looping beeeeeeeeeeep noise to that and a red (blurred) vision...
*Sighs* To bad they didn't call ACS Pawn or else I wouldn't be so lazy as to check the code to see if I can do it myself... but then again I don't want to edit your coding >.>;
-.- what's with me and starting new pages today?
I've been to 7 forums and already started like, 16 new pages XD