[Resource] Fed up with brown?

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[Resource] Fed up with brown?

Post by Enjay »

Short version:
Almost all the textures from Unreal Tournament (78MB)
Almost all the sounds from Unreal Tournament (45MB)
Some more sounds (15.6MB)

Some textures from Red Faction 27MB

Sounds from Red Faction in 8 bit mono FLAC format 36MB

And the sounds that I accidentally missed in the above zip 13.5MB

Textures from Kingpin 30MB

Requiem Avenging Angel sounds 30MB

Chasm the Rift resources (textures (but not the flats) and sounds) 8MB
I guess I could get the flats out, but most aren't that stunning and they take a little more time to extract. If there is a desperate need, I suppose I could do it.

Cyclones resources (textures, sounds music) 4MB

Tekwar graphics 12MB


I don't know about you, but I'm sick to the back teeth of seeing Quake/Quake2 (and even Quake3) textures in Doom mods. All those brown, heavy industrial textures that have been used in Doom so many times that they almost seem like part of the original texture set are just so dull and boring to my eyes these days.

So, I hope that some people may find a use for the textures linked to below. IMO, they are a much more attractive, far more varied and far more interesting set of textures than the Quake ones. They are most of the textures from Unreal Tournament. I know that anyone with UT can get these textures using the editing tools provided with the game but they don't seem to have been used very often.

A few things to be aware of:

The textures are in a zip and not in any way set up to be used in Zdoom. Many could just be dropped into a WAD/PK3 but some would need a bit of additional work (eg resizing or renaming to shorten their file name).

I have left them in their own palette in PNG format. Why? because that way they can be used in GZdoom in their original colours - many make nice use of subtle blues, greens and pinks. However, many also look very good in the Doom palette and people can either just use those ones in Zdoom and leave Zdoom itself to do the colour remapping or use a graphics program of their choice to do it (Zdoom usually does a very good job).

I have edited a handful of the textures to make them tile a bit better etc but this has been minimal.

Quite a lot of the textures are quite large - and look too big in Doom without scaling. I considered either resizing the textures in question to something more normal, or putting them into a WAD with a texture1 lump to scale them. However, I didn't. Why? Well, it wasn't laziness, honest ;) . I decided that it wasn't up to me to decide which textures should be resized/scaled but rather individual modders should make that decision based on their own needs.

A lot of the skies are a bit disappointing. Quite a few don't tile properly from left to right. However, there is some reasonably interesting stuff in there, so I left them and people can tinker with them as they see fit. There are some nice sky ceiling textures that can be used to good effect in Zdoom-style skyboxes though.

There are some textures that I thought looked as though they should have transparent areas. I marked the appropriate areas with cyan ( :roll: ) but they do not have transparency set. If anyone has a real problem with that, I can easily set the cyan areas to be genuinely transparent and upload the specific textures but, again, I thought that individual modders would be happy enough to do that themselves.

Some textures are clearly set up to be animations. However, because I did not put the textures in a Zdoom usable package, I didn't see much point in making an animdefs for them. It's an easy task for a modder to do anyway.

I sorted the files into the following groups.

CTF - Just a bunch of textures with UR CTF logos on them.
Natural - mainly earth, natural rock, water etc
Sky - pretty obvious, stuff related to skies
Techy - modern, futuristic and alien looking textures
Traditional - Stone walls, wood, castle-like stuff.

This was done fairly quickly and there are some that could easily be in more than one category and there will also be some in the wrong place that I missed.

Anyway, have fun with them.


About 78 MB and, yes, it took over 90 minutes to upload on my slow connection so it better not be corrupt. :evil:

Oh, and if anyone wants the sounds, I guess I could do them too but it won't be today. Zipped, they come to about 44 MB and I can't be bothered sitting waiting for that to upload too.
Last edited by Enjay on Sun Nov 02, 2008 2:41 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: [Resource] Fed up with brown?

Post by Cutmanmike »

Screenshots for those hard working men at work?
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Re: [Resource] Fed up with brown?

Post by Enjay »

Screenshots... Um, well you could just google for a screenshot of UT. ;)

Here you go. A few samples:

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Re: [Resource] Fed up with brown?

Post by Remmirath »

Wow! You rock, Enjay! Just tell me how did you open the .utx files...with XWE?
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Re: [Resource] Fed up with brown?

Post by InsanityBringer »

You can use UnrealEd which is provided with unreal tourament.
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Re: [Resource] Fed up with brown?

Post by Enjay »

UnrealEd does indeed allow you to do it. However, it is quite laborious, at least in the version I have, because you can only export one graphic at a time. However, they also provide you with a command line tool (called ucc.exe I think). It can open textures, sounds etc and with a bit of cunning and careful application of a batch file, I was able to extract the graphics quite quickly. Then all I had to do was remove the pointless ones and the duplicates, convert them to pngs, edit the ones that needed it and package them up. I think the whole process only took about 3 hours.
Last edited by Enjay on Mon Jul 07, 2008 2:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Resource] Fed up with brown?

Post by Remmirath »

Ok, thanks for the informations... :wink:
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Re: [Resource] Fed up with brown?

Post by Apothem »

SICK! You ripped all the textures from UT99!! Woot, I love these already. :D I've ripped quite a few sounds out of UT99, but I'd love to have a full pack of them. I look forward to seeing the post with those on it. Thank you very much Enjay!
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Re: [Resource] Fed up with brown?

Post by Ceeb »

I'll have to download this.

And so y'all know, I think Quake is fun, but I hate it's brown, drab, colorless palatte with a burning hatred. :evil:
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Re: [Resource] Fed up with brown?

Post by MasterOFDeath »

UT99 textures? Oh HELL YES

Thanks, like tons, for this Enjay! ;P
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Re: [Resource] Fed up with brown?

Post by Tormentor667 »

Heh, nice textures and good choice on the name ;)
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Re: [Resource] Fed up with brown?

Post by Enjay »

Tormentor667 wrote:Heh, nice textures and good choice on the name ;)
He he, I thought you'd like it. :)
Apothem wrote:I've ripped quite a few sounds out of UT99, but I'd love to have a full pack of them. I look forward to seeing the post with those on it. Thank you very much Enjay!
No problem. I've been uploading the sounds for 10 minutes now. It may take some time :?. I think I have them all (1080 sounds). If I don't have one or two, it's because either I missed them when making up my batch file, the ucc program couldn't recognise them for some reason or the sounds in question are not in one of the normal sound containers (UAX). I know that there are a few different ways to put stuff into files for UT (I remember it from the short period of time when I was modding the game) but most of the stuff is in the usual UTX, UAX, UMX format. Anyway, like I said, I think I got them all.

I also have the music extracted but I'm not sure that there is much point in posting them. IIRC, Zdoom can play Unreal mods directly from the UMX files so there is little point in me uploading the extracted ITs, S3Ms or whatever. Anyway, a modder would find extracting a single music file from its UMX much easier than pulling about 1000 sounds out of a series of different files and the music comes to about 40mb too.
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Re: [Resource] Fed up with brown?

Post by Enjay »

OK, sounds:


[edit] BTW, a lot of the file size will be down to the tutorial voice overs for the different game types. I could have left them out but, for the sake of completeness, I left them in. There are still plenty of other useful sounds though. I just listened to all 1080 of them. :roll: [/edit]
Last edited by Enjay on Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Resource] Fed up with brown?

Post by Tormentor667 »

Can someone host both files somewhere else? I am really no friend of ZShare :( I have a download max speed of 10kb there :(
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Re: [Resource] Fed up with brown?

Post by Enjay »

I would happily put them somewhere else but it takes me so long to do it, and the chances of my connection breaking at some point are just too high. :( The reason I picked zShare is because that was the one that seemed to get the best reviews from the off topic thread about file hosting. :?

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