Daggerfall Resources (MASSIVE amount of stuff)

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Daggerfall Resources (MASSIVE amount of stuff)

Post by janiform »

Here's a link to every single graphic from Daggerfall. It includes TONS of monsters, weapons, textures, and other objects. It has 41 different monsters, a lot of different medieval weapons (sword, dagger, mace, flail, warhammer, axe, bow), most with several different attack animations, as well as magical attacks. It has graphics and flora for everything from swampland to desert to rainforest to mountains. It has textures for (medieval) cities, graveyards, dungeons, taverns, wizard's towers, etc. It even has animated skies for sun/moon-rise/set from both East and West! The file includes all the menu and paperdoll inventory graphics as well.

Here's the link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9AVUYT86

Here's my poorly-made collage to show a few of the things in the game:

And here are some further links with screenshots and info:
http://www.mobygames.com/game/dos/elder ... creenshots
Last edited by janiform on Sat Feb 09, 2008 8:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Captain Ventris »

Snarboo? Come quickly.

And what's with the naked woman?
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Post by Gez »

Note that, if for some reason the sendspace link doesn't work, you can recreate that archive by downloading a Daggerfall demo (like this one) and using Daggerfall Imaging to extract the resources.

Note that some HUD graphics are meant to be mirrored, this is the case for the spellcasting ones such as in the above collage the one between the kick and the rat.

@ Ventris: the naked woman is a Nymph. Daggerfall, contrarily to the quite bawdlerized Morrowind and Oblivion, wasn't shy about nudity and sexuality. Heh. I recommend reading the Daggerfall books (at least Banker's Bet) on The Imperial Library.

For those interested, you can get a better view at the monsters here. All the creatures available seen in a walking animation -- plus, the daedra seducer has its transformation animation which is just cool. I contributed myself these pictures, as well as those on the Arena bestiary, to that wiki.

If you don't find the graphics too ugly, Arena can be interesting because you can, officially, download Arena (the full, final version of the game). Even if the monsters can't really be used, it has potentially interesting textures. To extract the resources, use WinArena.

I'll mention in passing that the Elder Scrolls modding community has always been quite respectful of Bethesda's demands that a game's resources should not be used for another game's mod. Which is why I mention download sites for the utilities and demo or full game -- if you're going to end up using these resources, you ought to at least credit these things. Maybe include them in the download pack or something.
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Post by Nash »

Yeah Daggerfall is full of naked pixel boobies!

I used to modify a lot of my DF's graphics with ANDYPIC... created new player faces, new player bodies etc... but I deleted them all because I got sick of playing DF (it gets very, VERY repetitive).

Also most of the DF sprites don't look good in the Doom palette. And some of them are just awful (some of the sprites are cartoony, some are more detailed... I mean WTF).
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Post by Gez »

If you don't get Bouncy's inexplainable problems, use PNGs rather than doom graphics for the sprites and textures. That way, no worries about the palette.
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Post by Matt »

Ahh, Daggerfall, the game that introduced me to literary erotica before I had the interbarf...
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Post by Virtue »

sweeeet! i might make my own medievil wad (look out LGM!)
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Post by janiform »

In general, it seems like PNGs are the obvious answer when using resources from other games. Why cram stuff into Doom's very limited palette when there's no reason to?

@Gez: Glad to see a Daggerfall fan, especially one who contributes to the great UESP. I'm sure that Bethesda's policy on using their materials in other games is no different than 3D Realms, the makers of Might & Magic, and id Software, all popular targets for resource-use. The fact is that these are good resources that don't deserve to languish when they could be used further, and Bethesda hasn't done anything with them in a long time.

And is it really possible to extract the full game's resources from the Betony demo?
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Post by Risen »

jutegyte wrote:In general, it seems like PNGs are the obvious answer when using resources from other games. Why cram stuff into Doom's very limited palette ... ?
Perhaps because ZDoom will convert it anyway, because it has to. You need to use a non-palletized renderer like the one in GZDoom in order to see the additional colors.
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Post by Gez »

jutegyte wrote:And is it really possible to extract the full game's resources from the Betony demo?
Well, I don't what they did leave out, or even if they left out anything other than all the map and quests...
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Post by Virtue »

is there no death frames?
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Post by Matt »

IIRC monsters instantly turn into corpses when they run out of hitpoints in that game...
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Post by Gez »

Yup. No death frames. No pain frame either. The big-ass blood splats would have hidden them anyway! :p
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Post by Enjay »

Someone already posted the sprites on here a while back. Does this pack contain more than that - ie are there wall graphics etc? I can't get to the file. Sendspace says it's unavailable.
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Post by Gez »

Sendspace deletes stuff after a while. I gave on the third post the details for how to get every graphic resources from Daggerfall (and a demo download link that should have most of the stuff, if not all).

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