[Addressed] No screenshots :-(

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Post by Enjay »

When I use a launcher to pick a PWAD, I usually do it because I have unzipped the PWAD to my desktop and can't be bothered adding -file "c:\documents and settings\admin\desktop\pwad.wad" to the command line. However, I have noticed that when I do this, any screen shots I take during that game session also end up on my desktop. Which is actually quite handy. :)
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Post by cccp_leha »

Well, I just drag 'n dropped a WAD from the desktop, c:\ and c:\windows\temp\ and the screenshots got saved to c:\. When I run from Wad Author, they get saved into the IWAD dir.
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Post by Bio Hazard »

if you type "cd <whereverzdoomis>" in the console before taking screenshots, wouldnt that set the current directory to zdooms?

EDIT: never mind, there is a DIR command, but no CD

typing DIR will show you where the screenshots will end up
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Post by Lexus Alyus »

The problem isn't when it's ran from the command line, it's when you drag 'n drop a wad...

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Post by Enjay »

With a drag and drop start, the two most logical places to look (IMO) would be the zdoom folder, and the folder the pwad is in. If that doesn't work, then search your HD in the way Biff suggested. They must be there somewhere if you are getting the screen shot message.
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Post by randi »

I have decided to address this by adding a screenshot_dir cvar that you can use to specify the directory automatically-named screenshots should go in. (If you use the screenshot command with a filename, then this cvar is ignored.) Normally, screenshots will go te the current directory, which will be the program's directory if you start it by double-clicking on it and the wad's directory if you use drag-and-drop to start it.
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Post by Lexus Alyus »

It doesn't really make sense, cus my wad directory IS Zdooms directory... both the iwad's I use and the Pwad that I was testing are all in the same directory... but when I drag n drop the screenshots don't appear on that directory, weather or not they appear anywhere on my hard drive is another... I'll just do a quich search then...

Okay... it does save them... but in the wrong directory. It's saving them in 'd:\documents and settings\Lexus Alyus' (XP is in drive 'D', so that's right... but why doesn't it save into my Zdoom directory?). My Zdoom directory is F:\zdoom...


Thanks for addressing it though :-).
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Graf Zahl
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Post by Graf Zahl »

How do you start ZDoom? If you are using a start menu entry or a desktop icon it might have an incorrect path set.
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Post by HotWax »

XP does alot of weird things in regards to that cursed "Documents and Settings" folder. That was by far the dumbest change they could have made... dumber than a "My Documents" folder, even.
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Post by Eevee »

*le sigh* When I was forced to switch from gentoo back to XP I wasn't too happy having to type c:\Documents and Settings\Eevee\My Documents instead of just ~... curse your inferior filesystem, Microsoft.
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Post by Graf Zahl »

Eevee wrote:*le sigh* When I was forced to switch from gentoo back to XP I wasn't too happy having to type c:\Documents and Settings\Eevee\My Documents instead of just ~... curse your inferior filesystem, Microsoft.

Don't blame the file system which isn't that bad. The problem is that the system software doesn't use it efficiently (which has been a problem in all known Windows versions.)
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Post by Eevee »

There's no softlink support, though. If there were, I could just make a softlink to c:\blah\Eevee called ~ in c:\ and be happy.
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Post by Chris »

I thought there was a way to do file/directory links in NT/2K/XP? I remember reading something about that around here somewhere. Also, you could make an enviorment variable like:

Code: Select all

The you could just do %HOME% on the command line and it'll automatically evaluate to your d&s directory. Not perfect I know (I don't think it'll switch drives automatically if you're using 'cd'), but it's something anyway.

Or just switch to Linux.
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Post by randi »

You can't create softlinks, but you can create hardlinks, which function much the same as long as you stay on one volume:
fsutil wrote:F:\>fsutil hardlink create
Usage : fsutil hardlink create <new filename> <existing filename>
Eg : fsutil hardlink create c:\foo.txt c:\bar.txt

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