[Fixed] Dead things always become passable

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Dead things always become passable

Post by Risen »

I'm working with DeHackEd on a light pole that is shootable. It should stay blocking after you 'kill' it. This would normally be accomplished by simply NOT using the code pointer that shuts blocking off. None of my frames have any pointers attached, but once it is 'dead' it is passable.

I tested my DeHackEd patch under MBF and it works as intended.
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Post by randi »

Please post your patch here.
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Post by Risen »

It was part of a larger project... I pulled the important parts out and dropped them in a WAD. Find a standard light pole, run into it, shoot it, then you can run through it. (MBF again behaves as desired)
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Post by randi »

Fixed, although you still probably won't like it. Whenever anything dies in Doom, its height is always reduced to 1/4th the height it had before its death, so the lamp will only be 10 units tall, and players can still walk on top of it. You will have to either enable infinitely tall actors or go ZDoom-only and use a breakable DECORATE item that overrides the normal death height.
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Post by Ultraviolet »

Shouldn't you be able to define two objects, a fixed and a broken light pole, and set the light pole's death sequence's last frame to the first frame of the broken pole?
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Graf Zahl
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Post by Graf Zahl »

And what should that accomplish?
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Post by Ultraviolet »

Whoops, forgot to think about that one. Should start going to bed early.

You could always script the light pole to spawn a seperate broken light pole on death.
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Post by Risen »

Breakable decorations are better for new implementations, so I'll do that for new projects. But at least now the older conversions that counted on this aren't affected. (even though infinitely tall actors may be needed)

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