[HELP] Convert GZDoom md3 models to RTCW mdc format

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[HELP] Convert GZDoom md3 models to RTCW mdc format

Post by Ozymandias81 »

Hello everyone,

while I am asking this for a friend, I still wonder how does one can do the inverse process to convert md3 models to mdc format needed for RTCW. To be precise, I need to know if it is also possible with models that have embedded skins, like quite all models present on Blade of Agony as example. Is it a question of folders? Also does the skin needs to be .tga format strictly? Does models need also bump/normal/others materials as well? I am not familiar at all with RTCW modding nor Quake3 related editing, but I know how to export stuff from both games for GZDoom, and I have always used a combination between Milkshape and Maverick 3d, so in case it would be cool to have a solution which involve mentioned editors. Thanks in advance :3:
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Re: [HELP] Convert GZDoom md3 models to RTCW mdc format

Post by Rachael »

I don't think you need to convert them at all. AFAIK md3 is native to the Quake3 engine (in fact that is where it started) and RTCW is based on the Quake3 engine. You should be able to just drag them right in.

As far as the skins, you'll have to use whatever format Quake3 supports, though the source for that game has been released (and I think RTCW was in the heels of that as well) - so if you use a source port that supports PNG you may not have to convert the skins. If you're targeting vanilla though - you may have to use PCX or TGA.
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Re: [HELP] Convert GZDoom md3 models to RTCW mdc format

Post by DSHenry »

Is there a way of converting the other way around?

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