Apocalipsis Pelucho - Cute Madness (8 levels)

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Apocalipsis Pelucho - Cute Madness (8 levels)

Post by luctor »

Take control of Oslo, a tiny stuffed dog tasked with bringing peace to a house filled with hungry and enraged plushies that threaten with destroying everything.

Download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing

TRAILER: https://youtu.be/2tugKVf2QJU?feature=shared

My first experience modding Doom, so apologies for the jankiness of it. Hopefully someone gets at least a laugh out of it.

This project was meant as a surprise for my wife, for two consecutive birthdays of hers:

-Episode One was as actually a clue so she could find her the location of her last birthay gift based on the epilogue text.

-Episode Two was a gift on itself for her following birthday. It is longer and higher quality.

She gave the OK for sharing it with the world. Mind that the story text is in Spanish and "inside jokes" abound, but they are not required for gameplay.

-2 Episodes with reskinned and new enemies:

   -The first one is a single level, my learning experience with modding Doom.

   -The second one is 5 levels + 1 final boss fight ( +1 secret level with a wildly different theming). The levels are more complex than ep1 and even have an overarching story and some "cinematic" moments.

   -I also made a shortcut for playing Doom 2 vs plushies as a bonus "third episode". It works fine, although plushies and impaled corpses certainly clash in regards of style.

-It also supports 2 to 4 player coop and even deathmatch, although single player is the focus.

-Meant for GZDoom with freelook and jumping (although jumping is not technically required for progressing).
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