Hearts of Demons - ARACHNOTRON 0.0.2 Alpha [7/23/24]

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Re: Hearts of Demons - ARACHNOTRON 0.0.1 Alpha

Post by Artman2004 »

How do you switch the alternate ammo types? Weapon State 1 just changes the subweapon.
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Re: Hearts of Demons - ARACHNOTRON 0.0.2 Alpha

Post by Brohnesorge »

Hey, here's a 90% done update. There's quite a lot of stuff, and I want to get it out, but this mod (and others) will be put on indefinite hiatus. It's late, and I don't super feel like going over it, but the TLDR version is I'm not having fun making HOD style mods anymore, so I'm not going to stop instead of forcing myself.

Code: Select all

* General
  * Souls now have a 1/3 chance to spawn instead of always spawning
  * Souls restore less HP and PP
  * Twin-Linking now does reduced damage per shot, but still results in increased DPS   
  * Additional HUD messages added
  * Psionics and Subweapon choice is now preserved across weapon switching
  * Lots of VFX stuff
  * Barrier is no longer "armor" and is a physical barrier. Barrier can be disrupted by melee attacks.
  * Megabarrier now causes Renew to give a super barrier that cannot be disrupted and reflects projectiles, and is consumed on use
  * Alternate fire modes removed
  * Mind Blast removed
  * Controls are rempapped
    * Reload now cycles Psionics
    * Zoom now cycles Sub-weapon
    * Alt-Fire now uses Psionics
    * User 1 now uses Sub-Weapon
* Psionics
  * Remade. Button must now be held to charge up, and the power is used on release. Qol goes on cooldown after using a power. While on cooldown, charging speed is reduced and using a power harms you. You can use powers with insufficient PP, but it harms you.
  * PP now regenerates over time. Being on Cooldown stops PP regeneration
  * Force now instantly kills targets below a certain health threshold, and pushes enemies above that threshold, and completely fails above another threshold. Can be over-charged to increase power but also increase cooldown and PP cost
  * Possess is now known as Brainwash. Brainwash now has increased cooldown based on target HP, and can fail on high HP targets and bosses. Costs nothing and does not go on cooldown on a miss
  * Psi Crystals now give additional PP regeneration for a duration   
  * Psi Level added. Increases charge speed and cooldown recovery speed. Mind Boosters increase it.
* Subweapons 
  * Remade. Button must now be held to charge up, and the weapon is used on release, and fires a burst instead on continously.
  * Satae now fires up and ignites and homes after a short delay. Has a low ceiling safety.
  * Scorpion now slows you when charging, and you cannot move while its firing
  * Scorpion now deals direct beam damage 
* Weapons
  * Birdeater speed increased
  * Birdeater damage decreased
  * Recluse remade into a plasmathrower
  * Black Widow fire rate increased
  * Black Widow sprites updated
  * Black Widow now has spread
  * Black Widow damage decreased 
  * Black Widow now ignores armor and pierces targets at close range   
  * Vinegaroon will now overpen weak targets
  * Goliath various timing bugs fixed
Biggest things are the subweapons, psionics and barrier being totally overhauled. It takes a second to get used to, but its a lot more engaging and fun. See the OP for a download.

Thank you for your support and interest

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