No sound in Lubuntu

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No sound in Lubuntu

Post by printz »

I have Lubuntu 22.04 and GZDoom doesn't play any sound. On initialization I see this message:

Code: Select all

S_Init: Setting up sound.
Sound init failed. Using nosound.
and the same error message from the second line (but even coloured in red) whenever I try to reset the sound system in-game.

How to get it to happen?
  1. Fresh install of Lubuntu 22.04. Easiest is by VirtualBox, but of course my real use case involves a real computer
  2. Make sure to give the virtual machine enough video memory to be able to start GZDoom. In my case I picked 32 MB.
  3. Once everything is updated and the VirtualBox guest additions are done (if using VirtualBox), download and install GZDoom for Ubuntu from the main website (
  4. Trying "sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/gzdoom_4.10.0_amd64.deb" at first may actually give out errors (apology for the language):

    Code: Select all

    dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of gzdoom:
     gzdoom depinde de libsdl2-2.0-0; dar:
      Pachetul libsdl2-2.0-0 nu este instalat.
    dpkg: error processing package gzdoom (--install):
     probleme de dependențe - se lasă neconfigurat
  5. So I had to install libsdl2-2.0-0. I did, also after running "apt --fix-broken install" (is this due to the shitty Lubuntu distro setup?)
  6. Then I finally installed GZDoom
  7. Now I can run GZDoom, but it has no sound. This isn't a problem with other ports (I tried my Eternity built from source though).
Any similar experience or anything I'm not doing right? Am I missing any critical sound dependencies which GZDoom's installation script ignores? If you ask why I insist on using Lubuntu, it's because I have an old PC and I want the lightest and still easy to use Linux distro for it (Windows is damned by planned obsolescence, so no).
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Graf Zahl
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Re: No sound in Lubuntu

Post by Graf Zahl »

Do you have OpenAL installed? If that cannot be found, sound won't work.
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Re: No sound in Lubuntu

Post by printz »

Thanks, I ran

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sudo apt install libopenal1
and it solved the sound issue!

On other variations of Ubuntu, like Ubuntu proper, I got sound out of the box. Presumably libopenal1 is part of the preinstalled distro on Ubuntu but not Lubuntu.

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