4.8 causes white screen when launched from UDB

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4.8 causes white screen when launched from UDB

Post by peewee_RotA »

I updated to 4.8 for compatibility with Hands of Necromancy. Ever since upgrading, launching a test from Ultimate Doom Builder causes a white screen to appear. When I press ~ or Esc, the white screen goes away and the game functions normally.

The only other thing I could find was that iwad selection is off by default now. I know that there can be weird results when the wrong IWAD is loaded. So I turned the selection back on, and loaded the game normally to see if I could reproduce, but no dice.

Here's the resulting command line that the map editor launches:

Code: Select all

-iwad "C:\Games\hexen\base\HEXEN.WAD" -skill "3" -file "C:\Games\packs\xrpglevels" "C:\Games\packs\xrpglevels\xrpglevels.wad" "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\4l080n3n\fxnvaf75.wad" +map MAP16  -file "C:\Games\xrpg\pk3\v1_4_1\xrpg.pk3" +playerclass "Random"
OS: Windows 10

Will follow up with a video.
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Re: 4.8 causes white screen when launched from UDB

Post by peewee_RotA »

Video comparing 4.6.1 to 4.8
Blue Shadow
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Re: 4.8 causes white screen when launched from UDB

Post by Blue Shadow »

I got this problem today (I'm assuming it's the same) with GZDoom 4.8.1 and OpenGL as the backend. Here is how it can be reproduced:
  • Start GZDoom from the command-line with the attached file, and Heretic as the game, while warping to E1M1. You shouldn't notice anything strange. Everything is fine.
  • Quit GZDoom, then start it again (from the command-line just like before), only this time warp to E1M2. The result is that you get a black/white screen.
Things to note:
  • The difference between the two maps is that in E1M2, in which the glitch happens, the player is facing away from the sky. Once the player turns around, and the sky comes into view, the glitch disappears.
  • You need to run a game that has a startup screen, like Heretic, Hexen and Strife. If you try the steps above with Doom (no startup screen), you won't get the glitch.
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Re: 4.8 causes white screen when launched from UDB

Post by Graf Zahl »

Just warping to the original E3M8 will do the same. It looks like it needs one frame without 3D scene to fully initialize from the startup. Toggling the automap will also bring it back on track. It's also only in the regular GL backend. That's not going to be easy to find...
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Re: 4.8 causes white screen when launched from UDB

Post by peewee_RotA »

Thanks for looking into this.
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Re: 4.8 causes white screen when launched from UDB

Post by Laskow »

Sorry for bumping, has this bug been solved? I've checked the changelog since 4.9.0 but couldn't find anything related to it.

EDIT: Stupid English mistakes.
Last edited by Laskow on Sat Nov 16, 2024 10:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 4.8 causes white screen when launched from UDB

Post by Rachael »

If it's still not moved to the closed bugs forum then no it has not been solved.

Re: 4.8 causes white screen when launched from UDB

Post by Norourke71 »

Hello, I think I have a possible solution. Just delete the gzdoom.ini file. I was having a problem running gzdoom from udb, it would always start with a black or half black half white screen. Pressing escape would fix the issue. I was researching, and someone suggested deleting the gzdoom.ini file. Worked for me.

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