"When's the next update dumbass?" - random zdoom user
Here it is, Imma keep it short 'n' sweet this time around and not waste any time
Requirements... Just in case.
Requires gzdoom 4.8.2 or higher
https://odysee.com/@DELTA:3/The_adventu ... _my_mod!:a
A small bit of lore:
You are kane "DELTA" winters, a rough-tempered, autistic, massively psychotic dingo with a shitty past that includes being transformed into a firaxian (a firaxian is a extra-dimensional entity that cannot die of natural causes but can still be killed), who also just so happens to be from the mystical fantasy land called "australia" and he is out to put down anyone that gets in the way of his daily fap sessions and weeky pissing on the random protogen! (more of the lore to CUM lmfao)
Some of his personal achievements: Saving the worlds of Asuzra, Earth, Therina-Prime, and Vernazij... Asuzra in particluar... TWICE Cygnis asked him about how he saved his homeworld from the absolute wreck that it was back to it's former glory and kane's answer? "I dunno I just shot up those serpent riders and destroyed A weird black glowing ball and here we are... Wait... Weren't you there when I did all that?" they've been friends or well.. friendly rivals ever since... Throwing a rabid koala at a PETA activist from an impossibly long distance whilst quoting the sniper from tf2, Won a 48-hour fapping contest, Trained a magpie called "PewpyDoo" to attack anyone Delta points at without question, regardless of race or gender, the winner of countless "Dumbass of the year" awards as well as some "Scumbag of the year" awards... Got to peg commander zafarra during his time in the DVI, no-clipping into the backrooms and made it out in one piece. and one of his personal achievements: Finally getting a girlfriend who actually has something in common to him... That being white fur, assimilated into the DVI, betrayed them and escaped in one piece, dark red, viscous blood, and an interest in taking the fight to the DVI...
The gameplay is fairly straight-forward: You run a speed that rivals that of a certain [censored word] blue hedgehog and your guns deal MASSIVE damage but also have limited ammo so watch out for that. You also have three starting weapons right off the bat: A pistol, a knife, and an assault rifle. This has been changed
quite a few weapons... Here's a small list of a few from the pile that was added:
Westwood - powerful revolver chambered in 454. draconic, cygnis gave this to delta after he save his homeworld from the serpent riders. Since then, dboi has proudly made a holster for it which rests upon his right leg.
Patriot - basic bitch automatic weapon, perfect for crowd control and saving ammo.
Nightmare reaper - handcannon that fires bullets imbued with a uranium-xenodite coating, giving it a red appearance.
Fear's end - ENORMOUS minigun that fires a similar type of ammo to the nightmare reaper, only larger...
Cyclone - basically auto-shotgun but with added fuck-you
Things I'm currently working on...
Custom voice lines resorted to snoipah from tf2
Custom enemy replacements
What's new...
a customizable titlemap - a bit barebones with few options with many more to come... The options for it can be found in the mod's menu under "titlemap customization" or something like that, settings only take place next time you boot up the mod...
A metric fuckton of weapons...
Slaughter map optimisation utility. Courtesy of the admin herself if I recall correctly. The credits file within the mod should cover that
Motion blur makes a comeback... Again if I can remember however the fuck many times I put that shit in and took it out
AND SO MUCH MORE... Little vague I know, but hopefully the credits file should cover that...
Planned features:
3d models using voxels... But not really...
compatibility with other games such as heretic, hexen, strife, chex quest, harmony, and maybe the adventures of square if you're lucky...
High-resolution sprites. rendered null-and-void due to me getting into the rhythm of 3d models... weapons are a nightmare though...
the abilty to play as a certain red dragon... Only time will tell who that red dragon is however...
another playable character: Delta's girlfriend Alyssa "Echo" Calloway might not happen... idk
download for the mod...
There is a credits and dedications text file in the mod, so you shouldn't have to worry about credits and all that... If I missed anything just let me know.
However, I wasn't able to keep track of everything, especially sounds, about 97% of the sounds I used to make new sounds with I don't know where the original source was, the sound credits go like this "[place where I borrowed sound] (actual source unknown)"
Also, if I missed anything, let me know via PM and I'll slap it in the credits for the next update!
INSTA-PATCHED! crisis potentially averted?
https://www.mediafire.com/file/yx88id50 ... d.pk3/file
Bonus stuff:
This mod will also be available on doomworld when it's done. Already is, but that thread is really fucking dead with no hope of revival

The credits lump contains credits meant for the assets used in the standalone IWAD that I'll make when the mod is finished. Credits file is a mess that dates way back to when I first made this mod.
Also added a side-plot which implies that delta knows a particular red gun-toting dragon (Don't worry, it's not canon... Just pretend that the dragon is from a different timeline and thus, an alternate version of that dragon from a different timeline.)
Ya'll should know who that red, gun-toting dragon is by now... He's been mentioned many damn times in this thread

Some feedback would be appreciated... Please...
EDITO-LE-BEETMAMEETO: the mod is compatible with the following mods (but are limited to): Gun-bonsai (which I ABSOLUTELY recommend anyone use with this mod), rampancy (also would recommend), and a bunch of other mods that I probably am not aware of, try and find what one works and what one doesn't.

Sorry if this thread's a little rushed, shit happens y'know