neural upscale allowed?

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neural upscale allowed?

Post by roundtree »

Hello, I have a question about the rules before I post a project. Are neural upscale texture packs allowed in the graphics/audio patches section? I have successfully neural upscaled Chex Quest 3 completely. The project is on moddb right now. I have seen other neural upscales there and here as well.

I want to be crystal clear: what has been neural upscaled here is the original work that was in the chex3 iwad file. None of the graphics have been created by me. Bsrgan and realesrgan models were used. This is why I wanted to ask about the rules first. Thanks to anyone who can help!
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Re: neural upscale allowed?

Post by Rachael »

For the classic 90's releases - yes - as long as the graphics are meant to only work with the original games.

For more recent releases when they are done by the community - it depends.

Either way - always follow the license agreement.

For Chex it should be fine.
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Re: neural upscale allowed?

Post by roundtree »

Ok thank you! I have finished Chex Quest 3 completely and am now working on Strife. A partial bsrgan texture pack is already live on moddb right now. Sorry but it may take me another week or longer to actually post an entry here on the zdoom forums. I'm horrible at time management but will get to it when I can.
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Re: neural upscale allowed?

Post by ramon.dexter »

Strife neural upscaled assets would be a treasure to me... :shock:

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