Ugly as Sin: A Hideous Destructor mutator pack

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Re: Ugly as Sin: A Hideous Destructor mutator pack

Post by Caligari87 »

Internally HDest tracks open ("bleeding") wounds, bandaged ("unstable") wounds, and closed ("stable"/"old") wounds. These are just simple counters, like 0-100.

The standard medikit automatically treats open or unstable wound points with technomagical healing gel ("Second Flesh") and converts them into stable closed wound points which passively heal over time, regaining the lost HP.

If you use HD's manual bandages for some reason, your open wounds become unstable wounds, which later convert into closed wounds but do not heal over time. This stops the bleeding but doesn't passively regain the lost HP unless you're already in good condition. Normally the only way to heal these is magic, waiting a very long time, or exiting the level.

The trauma kit provides a minigame (sort of like the medical system in Metal Gear Solid 3) where it groups those old stable wound points into colorfully-named wounds with some arbitrary problems you need to treat. Using the traumakit tools to clear the statuses from the wounds (dirty, obstructed, tissue damage, etc) marks them to passively heal at an accelerated rate, so you can regain the lost HP.

Much like the other weapons in HD, you can hold the [Use] key with the trauma kit open to get a list of controls for working with wounds and tools.

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Re: Ugly as Sin: A Hideous Destructor mutator pack

Post by ThatCat »

Thanks. That really helps a lot. So just to get this straight, when you bandage wounds you need to apply pressure to convert them to closed wounds, and then you need to use the trauma kit to heal these closed wounds?
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Re: Ugly as Sin: A Hideous Destructor mutator pack

Post by Caligari87 »

In essence yes! That's the basic idea. The pressure is optional, bandaged wounds will usually stabilize on their own. It just speeds up the process and helps guarantee they won't accidentally re-open if you're running and jumping.

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Re: Ugly as Sin: A Hideous Destructor mutator pack

Post by ThatCat »

Okay. Once again, thank you.
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Re: Ugly as Sin: A Hideous Destructor mutator pack

Post by deepwaterdiver »

What does the emergency respirator do?
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Re: Ugly as Sin: A Hideous Destructor mutator pack

Post by Caligari87 »

Allows breathing in underwater or airless sectors.

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Re: Ugly as Sin: A Hideous Destructor mutator pack

Post by -Ghost- »

Love me some environmental stuff like that. The Ultime Doom Visor is underrated for adding an actual oxygen mechanic for outdoor areas.
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Re: Ugly as Sin: A Hideous Destructor mutator pack

Post by Marisa the Magician »

Uh, I don't know if anyone's reported this but the 4.6.1 pk3 is empty. It just has the makefile and a readme inside it.
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Re: Ugly as Sin: A Hideous Destructor mutator pack

Post by Caligari87 »


Fixed. Just renamed the source zip and reuploaded because I'm lazy and not at my home PC and it should be basically the same regardless.

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Re: Ugly as Sin: A Hideous Destructor mutator pack

Post by Gollgagh »

I just updated for the first time in about a year and a half (from gz4.4.2).

Is it intended for sights becoming disabled when hiding in the dark with uas_ai_stealth turned on?
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Re: Ugly as Sin: A Hideous Destructor mutator pack

Post by Caligari87 »

No, which is why the stealth features are (supposed to be) disabled on later versions. They break various aspects of the game due to changes in HD's codebase and I haven't had the patience or energy to fix it. I am very sorry, I know that's not a very satisfying answer. I'll get around to it eventually, but it'll take time.

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Re: Ugly as Sin: A Hideous Destructor mutator pack

Post by Gollgagh »

Ah, that's a shame; HD+UaS+DarkDoom is my favorite way to play. Guess I'll just have to get used to playing "the old fashioned way" until then. :P

Fair enough on the answer, though; I took a peek at the current crosshair drawing routine and don't envy having to unravel that. Also, I did notice that the stealth option was greyed out in the menu, so that explains that.

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Re: Ugly as Sin: A Hideous Destructor mutator pack

Post by Crudux Cruo »

Hey, so i booted all git versions up with a current copy of gzdoom dev build and the newest HD, and in the 4.61 the text is wonky, but in the unstable releases it has a fatal code regarding the laser light system.
I'm a huge fan of this mod btw, really adds depth to HD!

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