If you look at the main boid class, there are quite a few parameters you can change:
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Action Void BoidFlight(
Class<Actor> BoidActor = "HXA_Boid", //This is the class type that boid will follow and try to match velocities with
double MaxVelocity = 20, //This is the max speed that it will go
double VelocityAcceleration = .2, //This is how fast the increases its speed
double WallDetectionDistance = 6, //How far away the Boid will detect walls. WallDetectionDistance * velocity, so the distance increases the faster it goes
Bool CloseToMaster = FALSE, //Will remain near master pointer if TRUE
double DistanceFromMaster = 400, //Max distance from master pointer
Bool CloseToTarget = FALSE, //Will remain near target pointer if TRUE. Overrides Close to master.
double DistanceFromTarget = 400,
double MinDistanceToBoid = 150, //Will try to move away from boids within this distance
double MaxDistanceToBoid = 900, //Will try to move toward boids if further than this distance
double BoidCohesion = 3, //How hard the boid will try to remain with other boids and match their velocities
double MinDistanceBeacon = 100, //Creates a beacon to move toward at least this far away
double MaxDistanceBeacon = 300, //Creates a beacon to move toward at most this far away
double MaxAngleBeacon = 100, //Creates a beacon at an angle at most this far from its current velocity
double MaxRandomMoveAngle = 120, //The max angle that the boid will randomly create a vector to move toward
double HorizonNormalizer = 1, //Adjusts all vectors in the array to turn toward the horizon. Higher than 1 moves them to horizontal faster, less than 1 lessens the effect
Bool UsePropertyValues = TRUE //If this is true and the default arguments have not changed, then the arguments will use the values of the actor's properties.
//Otherwise will force the use of the given argument values.