I've been trying to figure out what's wrong with this for a while now but it's just not clicking with me, I've tested it in both Zandronum (this map is for a MP mod that I'm making for Zandro) and GZDoom and gotten the same result. The actor spawns but the model isn't present, and if I turn models off the actor's sprite will show up clear as day. I've combed through a good number of posts regarding model issues but just haven't been able to find one with a fix for this exact problem, if anybody can somehow help me out it'd be much appreciated.
For reference here's my DECORATE for the actor:
Code: Select all
Actor JungleTree 4000
Mass 9999
Radius 138
Height 482
TNT1 A 0
Code: Select all
Model "JungleTree"
Path "models"
MODEL 0 "jungtree1.md3"
Scale 25 25 25
ZOffset 32
FrameIndex POSS A 0 0