Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.3.0 Beta]

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Re: Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.1.0 First Beta]

Post by openroadracer »

Aw, removing the hand guns? That's a shame. I liked them, the human machine gun in particular.

I was actually going to suggest a few rebalances to make the human guns more useful and maybe tone back the overkill a bit. First would be to make it where the human guns spawn on the vanilla shotgun, chaingun and rocket launcher spawns, respectively. The Hydra Gatling Guns would be moved to the plasma gun spawn, the Aym Flame Cannons would only spawn on Super Shotguns, while the Leviathan Launchers would only spawn on BFGs.

This of course leaves out the Bahamut Railguns; but for some reason, every time I fire them, it causes massive slowdown on my system. I'd almost be in favor of removing them entirely.

Also, I'd suggest adding an arm upgrade that would allow you to infuse your Grave into your human weapons by channeling it through your arms. This would enable stronger attacks by the human weapons, at the cost of using up both ammunition and Grave. This would have to be a relatively rare upgrade that only spawns on something powerful.

And one last thing: Would it be wrong of me to want to have a DOOM 2016-style jump-jet kind of thing as an upgrade? Like the Revenants from that game get? I know it would probably destroy the balance and progression of vanilla maps; but it'd be fun and fitting, I think.
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Re: Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.1.0 First Beta]

Post by Brohnesorge »

openroadracer wrote: And one last thing: Would it be wrong of me to want to have a DOOM 2016-style jump-jet kind of thing as an upgrade? Like the Revenants from that game get? I know it would probably destroy the balance and progression of vanilla maps; but it'd be fun and fitting, I think.
Funny you mention this, this is actually what I am (well, when I'm actually working on Rev) working on next. Actually adding this as a base mechanic and it will have its own class of upgrades.

As for your other suggestions, you've got the right spirit and I deeply appreciate the attention and suggestions, but the ships already sailed on the hand guns being removed. That said, almost every shoulder cannon is getting reworked and rebalanced. You can actually check out some of these (very incomplete and in progress) changes on the WIP branch of the repo.
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Re: Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.1.0 First Beta]

Post by openroadracer »

Brohnesorge wrote:The ship's already sailed on the hand guns being removed.
*sigh* That is a real shame. Ah well, can't have everything.

So, anyway, an idea just came to me. I know you're busy trying to juggle work between Hearts of Demons: Baron, this, and whatever real-life stuff you've got going on(COVID-19's been a bitch to all of us); but I wonder if there wouldn't be a way to figure out how to create a Hearts of Demons: Arachnotron mod, where you play as a cybernetic spider that's part heavy weapons platform, part psionic master of control. Imagine learning the secrets of the ancient Spider Demons, before they gave themselves to their cybernetic overhauls, while using an array of weapons fitted directly to the walking chassis of the Arachnotron. And since the Arachnotron(at least the DooM 2 version) has arms, allow it to add hand-held weaponry to its firepower, much like you originally designed in HoD: Revenant.

Granted, you'd have a slower movement speed than either HoD: Baron or HoD: Revenant; but you'd have an array of psionic powers ranging from simple telekinesis to the ability to temporarily turn enemies to your side. Plus, one issue I've had off-and-on with HoD: Baron and HoD: Revenant is that you often find yourself so tall that normal vanilla-like maps have your head in the ceiling and projectile weapons rendered useless; the Arachnotron would be much lower to the ground, reducing that issue.
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Re: Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.1.0 First Beta]

Post by Brohnesorge »

Actually, a HOD: Arachnotron is planned, as is a HOD: Archvile. These won't be coming out any time soon, but they are being actively designed. Its actually being planned to play almost exactly as you purposed.
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Re: Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.1.0 First Beta]

Post by openroadracer »

Brohnesorge wrote:Actually, a HOD: Arachnotron is planned, as is a HOD: Archvile. These won't be coming out any time soon, but they are being actively designed. Its actually being planned to play almost exactly as you proposed.
Oh, now I'm actually a bit excited.

So, Arachnotron actually will incorporate both weapons and psionics? Most interesting...
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Re: Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.1.0 First Beta]

Post by Colerx »

Also this one nice! Keep on the good work!
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Re: Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.1.0 First Beta]

Post by CherubCorps »

Really amazing mod. Loving the hydra chaingun.

Can't wait for the full version.
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Re: Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.1.0 First Beta]

Post by Brohnesorge »

wowee, the first update of the Beta. Its still pretty janky, but check out the changes below

Code: Select all

// --- GENERAL --- //
- Axe is now on Reload, and can cleave multiple enemies
- Hitting Reload without an Axe throws a haymaker instead
- Hand Guns removed
- Double Shots removed
- Afterburner mechanics added! Fuel gauge on the combat block. Can be used to double jump, dash and fly.
- Dash added to the sprint button!
- Jetpack added! Hit Zoom to toggle it on and off. Drains Afterburner fuel first, then starts to drain Grave.
- Movement mechanics removed. Just vanilla movement now.
- Combat Block of HUD now shows stackable item count, Afterburner fuel and Agitation amount
- Agitation mechanic added! Getting hit pisses you off. The more agitated you are, the more powerful your melee attacks but the less accurate your cannons are.

// --- WEAPONS --- //
- The Hydra changed to the Beur, a triple shot explosive machine gun!
- Leviathan is now single shouldered
- Aym remade to be a single fast fireball and a spread of hot shortrange fragments
- Behemoth Grave Cannon added! BFG tier weapon that deals extreme impact damage, a large amount of explosive damage in a huge area AND sprays BFG tracers!
- Various Malphas updates

// --- ITEMS AND UPGRADES --- //
- Revenant Rockets spawn whenever something dies
- Added Stimpacks and Medikits back in
- Gunzerk Sphere removed. For now...
- Ammo Pouches no longer spawn until after you have a Ammo Expansion
- Ammo Pouches now increase your ammo capacity by 10% and stack
- Berserk does 4x damage instead of 10x
- Armor is much more effective over all
- Fixed Ultra Armor being much less effective than intended
- Repair System is now a passive effect. After holding still for 3 seconds, heal HP at the cost of Grave rapidly over time.
- Adamantium Skeletons are now a Max Health boost instead of a passive DR boost. And stack.
- Grave Extractor upgrade added! Slowly regenerate Grave.
- Booster Jet upgrade added! Dodging, Double Jumping and Jetpacking cost less Afterburner charge.
- Barrier System upgrade added! Vastly improves all armor pickups.
- Ghost Field updated. No longer a use item. Instead turns you incorporeal while dashing, making you immune to projectiles, throwing off enemy aim and letting you pass through enemies.

// --- MISC --- //
- Removed screen tint at low armor
- Added hand twitching
- Pickup messages altered to be more flavorful
- New Font added!
- Damage Flash is now red again
- Lots of HUD changes and tweaks

Big things are the removal of hand guns, the introduction of the Afterburner, the addition of the Behemoth and various upgrades being added! Future numbered releases will focus on getting upgrades in, with inbetween versions being focused on polish and bugfixes.
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Re: Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.2.0 Beta]

Post by Red Helix »

I've never felt so badass playing a gameplay mod, keep up the development! Going to try Baron next.
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Re: Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.2.0 Beta]

Post by GeneralDelphox »

I noticed that this mod doesn't play well with Eviternity's MAP26: Transcendence. The map will just finish itself just about 12 seconds after you load into the map.
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Re: Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.2.0 Beta]

Post by SHayden »

Tried to run the mod and got this:

:zscript/weapons/behemoth.zsc, line 136: A_OverlayRotate: action function not found in BehemothLaucnher
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Re: Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.2.0 Beta]

Post by Captain J »

Tried it with the latest version GZDoom 4.7.1 and it starts just fine. Think the error you mentioned is related to Behemoth Launcher but frankly nothing problematic happened with it. Probably update your GZDoom?
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Re: Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.2.0 Beta]

Post by Brohnesorge »

Heya, just popping in to say Im working on Revenant again and you should see some updates soon. Im working on Asura balance and some misc features involving TargetSpy.
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Re: Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.2.0 Beta]

Post by Netheritor »

I really like your mods. Though, can't give you ideas on what to improve. Barons and revenant already created with good gameplay based on their themes. Barons focused on heavy attacks and revenant focused on fast gameplay. Though, I want to add outside the gameplay, it's the enemies and items, something that can reference other gameplay mods. Maybe easter eggs too.

Also, can it be considered as rude if I can't wait or want to see other HoD mods?
Like, HoD: Caco to focus on aerial combat and HoD: Zombie to... well, normal marine gameplay. Also, really wish to see you crossover it with your other mods, I'm not sure what the gameplay it will looks like though. It may need a decade for you to make it though, if the time and IRL thing is with you.
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Re: Hearts of Demons - REVENANT [0.2.0 Beta]

Post by Brohnesorge »

why do people keep asking for HoD Zombieman sm my head

There is a HoD Arachnotron and a HoD Archvile in the works so you can expect to see that soon maybe.

As for crossovers, I dunno, its not really my thing. I'll think on it

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