DMFlag for 1 pickup per player of the same object

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DMFlag for 1 pickup per player of the same object

Post by Colerx »

I'm currently playing coop in GZdoom with a friend and separately with my brother, and we all noticed that we often run out of ammo/mana, depending on the wad obviously, and probably due our wastefulness :lol: , Double ammo could be a solution but if we were more people playing could not be enough.

Could be developed a DMFlag making single pickups, (ammo and/or inventory) to be collected by everybody, and then despawn? wich can't be picked up twice by the same player but just 1 time per person. maybe dsappearing too for who already did it and keeping it in the map for who still has to. something like that, hope I've explained well :roll:

I think I already have seen this somewhere, maybe in duke3d or doomsday I'm not sure.. was quite long time ago.

Thank you
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Re: DMFlag for 1 pickup per player of the same object

Post by Rachael »

I think it's possible for items to track each player in the game to see if that player has picked up the item. Not sure if it's better for this to be done as a mod or if the engine could/should handle it. But I did suggest that this should be posted, to see what the ideas for it could be.
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Re: DMFlag for 1 pickup per player of the same object

Post by Colerx »

Yeah, Having a search around the web I think somebody already did something like this on Zandronum forum , but at first try wasn't working for me, probably is not universal and working only on vanilla doom, and maybe zandro only

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