Basically, this means you can't effectively use things like triangular sectors or rounded walls too close to a stark light source, as the light source will create sharp shadows which ruin the rounding effect.

I have no idea how to go about implementing this, but if someone wanted to take a whack at it, here's a (Doom2) WAD I made which would make it all stick out. ... sp=sharing
Phantombeta suggested "add a way for modders to specify smoothing groups and such" which would be a good fix for anyone making maps right now. It might be the best thing to do. (in fact, if I had a choice, it'd be my preference)
Another one would be some way to detect when two connected surfaces have the same texture and somehow specify a "max delta" under which they end up blended. This would work for maps which didn't/don't implement it, but wouldn't have the same level of control for mappers who are building around dynamically-lit areas.
Stumbled upon requests from a couple years ago: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=64163