- First of all, it appears to be i can reload every single weapon i possess despite they're already filled up. And whenever i switch my weapon, the text would show up and clutter up the console which i would like not to clutter it so i can check out which items i obtained.
And speaking of which, the reloading sounds in general gets cut off by item pickup sounds.
- Feels like the enemies giving too much food items to me. Ammo items are fine sure, but it gives the side effect of making the game a lot forgiving since it has no difficult setting. They even drop a BIG basket of fruits and god knows where they hid all of them.
- Is there any way to skip the intro at the first episode called Story? I think the order must be well-organized like Episode 1, Episode 2 and Episode 3.
- Vampyr Veil, Small Armor and Large Armor Shard plays no pickup sound.
- So i'm keep picking up a lot's of Gold. But i can only buy Nails, Bolts, Potions and that's about it. I would like to buy more like Crystals and Ooze in the future update.
- It's clever that you fire Nails out of your guns and such, but it's projectile based so it travels kinda slowly. And in dark places, it's hard to see them because they're not bright nor loud enough to check if my shot is a hit or miss. Also the nails play no sound if they hit the enemy.
- I just noticed that you still can drink both Portable or Pickup Health Potions at full health.
- In Sea of Trees, This pillar goes down rather slowly.
- For some reason enemies actually can survive from long fall, making 100% kill impossible sometimes.
- So let's talk about thin platforms including breakable one. I know it's an experimental stuff but enemies usually shoot me above and it actually hurts me. And when breakable platforms are above me and too close, they fall right into me.
- At Deeper Dungeon, there's this nail trap that is COMPLETELY invisible and caught me off guard. Can you give it a hint at least?
- Vice versa, but with Fireballs.
- Boss fight with Val was neat and kinda challenging, but my computer would get laggy if the battle goes long. I'm suspecting that it's because of massive scorch decals coming from Val's Fireballs.
- At Courtyard, the snow somewhat go through the castle ceiling. I guess the sprite size is massive. And are those really a snow? Thought the Episode 1 ended in a middle of Desert.
- At Obruch of Mystery, I'm afraid this arena here, is random as hell, lost a sense of navigation and i have no idea what is going on. There's a lot of snow ponies sniping me and there's also small dragons? Throwing knives, buttload of knives under there it hurts me. A lot. Would be hella nice if i could get myself a Revolver or Crossbow since this level doesn't give you any! Also in this picture, that pony is stuck and can't move.
- This Tank boss fight was hilarious and exciting, but it had no health bar unlike Val's. And Episode 2 in general lacked shops, making Gold worthless.
- In Base of Operation, this Elevator has two Switches.
- The same thing goes for this lift in Storage.
- These moth dudes got stuck in Sandstorm.
- Captain Maddie boss fight was really good and creative too. However after beating him the game says "Divide by Zero in Script 10".