[slow WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - BETA public DEMO

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Re: [slow WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - BETA public DEMO

Post by BoJustBo »

Ah you're correct. Since I've never played a Strife mod before I hadn't even noticed that GZDOOM wasn't finding the strife wad. Thanks for the help.

The mod looks fantastic, I've never played a "doom" mod with so much voxel art before. The world feels quite cohesive despite using assets from so many places. The only thing that felt a little odd was stores with plenty of stuff on the shelves and working computers in bombed out buildings.
I will say though that it is quite easy, unless you are up against multiple shotgunners with only melee you never feel in danger (I've not played for that long so maybe that changes later, but I did play on survival difficulty.) The starting weapon is more than enough to take care of everything and if you just look around in the starting town you'll have plenty of ammo.
Another thing that bugged me a bit is enemies that drop multiple credit sticks. Since you have to be very precise to pick up objects you get to hear about 10-15 "Nope" while trying to pick them all up from the ground.
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Re: [slow WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - BETA public DEMO

Post by ramon.dexter »

Wooo, back from the dead.
Not saying that there will be some quick updates, I just wanted to announce this project is not dead. I'm slowly returning to it.
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Re: [slow WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - BETA public DEMO

Post by Captain J »

That's excellent to hear. This project is already big, so it would've been a megaton of waste otherwise!
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Re: [slow WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - BETA public DEMO

Post by Ferretmanjcdenton »

ramon.dexter wrote:Wooo, back from the dead.
Not saying that there will be some quick updates, I just wanted to announce this project is not dead. I'm slowly returning to it.

That's the BEST thing I've heard today .. would have been a damn shame if this mod got wasted ...
It's amazing already ...
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Re: [slow WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - BETA public DEMO

Post by ramon.dexter »

True. When I left it 2 years ago, I was like "Nope, never returning back, ever".

But when the lockdown came, I was left at home with lots of free time. Situation in Czechia worsens every day and we are here practically locked in our homes, so again, I have lots of free time. I came to SoA and thought that dropping this project would be a really big waste of time and effort spent on it. So I'm slowly reviving it.
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Re: [slow WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - BETA public DEMO

Post by Leglock »

How is the correct order of wads? I noticed that when use the Quickbind for "bootknife" the game crashes
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Re: [slow WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - BETA public DEMO

Post by ramon.dexter »

the bootknife crash (and the staff melee crash) is caused by hack in decorate/zscript, which apparently worked in older gzdoom versions. Newer versions don't work with this hack, so I had to completely remake the bootknife. Have to note I already fixed it.

You can grab the fixed .pk3 here:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/14u1pL6 ... sp=sharing
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Re: [slow WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - BETA public DEMO

Post by Leglock »

ramon.dexter wrote:the bootknife crash (and the staff melee crash) is caused by hack in decorate/zscript, which apparently worked in older gzdoom versions. Newer versions don't work with this hack, so I had to completely remake the bootknife. Have to note I already fixed it.

You can grab the fixed .pk3 here:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/14u1pL6 ... sp=sharing
Thank! I gotta try it later today.

Looks really interesting. Never played (or know) any Strife mod before.
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Re: [slow WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - BETA public DEMO

Post by ramon.dexter »

Don't worry. It's basically the same as any other mod. The only difference is that you run it with strife1.wad instead of doom2.wad. Most of the graphics is made in doom palette and the sprites are truecolor png's. To be honest, after two years away I don't even remember why I chose strife instead of doom.
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Re: [slow WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - BETA public DEMO

Post by Apeirogon »

Haaaaaaaa, Tiche Udoli. It sounds funny at my naive language.
I know, without translation, that its "distant silence", as well as "girl" "dead city", "old canon". There are a lot of czech words in it??
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Re: [slow WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - BETA public DEMO

Post by ramon.dexter »

Polish? 'Tiche udoli' = 'silent valley'.
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Re: [slow WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - BETA public DEMO

Post by Apeirogon »

I was wrong, AAAAAA.....
No, ukranian. It just sounds like really old form of/rarely used synonyms for a words distant and silent. By old I mean this words was using in 1400-1500, if not earlier, years. Nowaday versions sounds differently, but the meaning of the word is still clear.
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Re: [slow WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - BETA public DEMO

Post by ramon.dexter »

Apeirogon wrote:I was wrong, AAAAAA.....
No, ukranian. It just sounds like really old form of/rarely used synonyms for a words distant and silent. By old I mean this words was using in 1400-1500, if not earlier, years. Nowaday versions sounds differently, but the meaning of the word is still clear.
Yeah, czech and other slavic languages sounded the same back in the middle ages. Actually, czech sounded more like present polish, and middle ages polish sounded like present czech. That's pretty interesting, when our and polish history is not connected.

And the 'tiche udoli' could be translated into something like 'тихая долина', but that's only mine amateur translation.
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Re: [slow WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - BETA public DEMO

Post by Apeirogon »

That was my second thought. But udoli sounds more closely to vdali (distant/at distance) than dolina (valley).
It also sounds like DELET on ukranian/russian :)

And also "distant silence" have more than one meaning, IMO. Its not only a name of a location but also "here are military fort, here are no silence at all, only roar of thousand machine guns and canons. And only there, far far away, at the distance, are silence...place where are no horrors of war, violence, etc... so we hold this ground to make that "distance silence" happened here, and we named this fort like this to always remember why we are doing so!!!1111".
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Re: [slow WIP] Shadows of Apocalypse - BETA public DEMO

Post by Ghost Prototype »

keep up the good work :)

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