Replaces pinky demon... the monster has the same stats except it has double the health of a regular pinky demon
link: ... e.pk3?dl=0
This small packedge replaces the regular pinky demon with a helmetless ultramarine that wants to punch you in the FACE! For the glory of the emperor...
I plan on released many more mini 3D monster packs like this one... all relevant credits can be seen in a textfile in the archive

standard comes with 6 different heads... but there are other variants hidden in the pack if needed...
Code: Select all
eye texture from Procedural Eye Generator - Substance Designer Texture
made by soi on cgtrader
lizard head from cgtrader made by TheDragonAether
skeleton head from revenant model:
Model Name : Revanant
installation directory : quake3/baseq3/md3_revanant.pk3
Author : Alex "Daemon" Wayne
Skin Author : Jason "DarkHorizon" Sallenbach
Website URL :
sergeant heads and skins from Thug model:
<April 26, 2002>
Model Name: Thug
Installation Directory: baseq3\md3-thug.pk3
Model & Bots Author: TiCaL -
Additional Misc. Help: Syl^cs
Model Name : Spacemarine40k
installation directory : /baseq3/players/spacemarine40k
Author : Chris Glenn
Skin Authors : Chris Glenn - Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Crimson Fists, Dark Angels
: Jeremy Bone - Legion of the Damned
Email Address :
Model description : The Space Marines - Created in the distant past through genetic manipulation and arcane science, Space Marines are Humanity's ultimate warriors, dedicated to the defense of the Emperor and the Imperium of Man. A Space Marine army is a compact force of elite warriors each one the equivalent of ten normal men. From the steadfast reliablity of a Space Marine Tactical Squad to the alien-blasting power of the Predator Annihilator Tank, a Space Marine Army is flexible enough to defeat any opponent.
More info about Warhammer 40,000 and Space Marines:
Other info : This is my first effort creating Quake 3 Arena players models, and I think it turned out ok. I learned a lot making it and I hope to take that knowledge and make some seriously cool models. One area I had some trouble with was the skinmapping. The mapping itself wasn't bad but the skin layout could have used some more work.
Another trouble area was the animations. Between lack of experience and fighting with biped (I'm not sure if I can get used to no control curves) the animations we're a little difficult. I learned A LOT in doing these animations. Anyway, this is one area I want to improve on. Basically, I could have redone the animations over and over and they would have been better each time, but I didn't want to work on the same model over and over again. I figured I would release the model as it is and do the next model better.
Credits : I used one of Paul Steed's bip files (Keel's I think) as reference for a couple of the animations. The crouch walk in particular was tricky. I didn't copy ANY keys however.
: I used Doom's Bot as the Space Marine's bot. I changed almost nothing about the bot except for all of the chat lines. I gathered a bunch of wh40k quotes and verbage for the chat lines.
: Goatman, for showing me the ropes with Q3 specific tools.
: Mattsterio, for letting us play with his recording equipment for the sounds.
Additional Credits to : id Software, Games Workshop
: - Without this site this model would never have been created. The polycount crew is Bad Ass. And mad props to the message board members, who kept me motivated to finish this.
Thanks to : Neversoft Entertainment, Skillzilla, Mattsterio, and special thanks to Sarah.
* Play Information *
New Sounds : YES
CTF Skins : YES
BOT Support : YES
* Construction *
Poly Count : 1202 polys
Vert Count : 640 Verts
Skin Count : 5 DM, 2 CTF
Base : new
Editor used : 3dsmax3.1, Character Studio 2.2, Photoshop 5.5
Build/Animation time : 3 months on and off
* How to install this model *
Copy the spacemarine40k.pk3 into your /Quake III Arena/baseq3/ directory.
* Copyright / Permissions *
This model may be freely distributed, provided all contents remain UNALTERED and my credit is maintaned.
QUAKE III Arena(R) and QUAKE II(R) and QUAKE(R) are registered trademarks of id Software, Inc.
SPACE MARINES(R), ULTRAMARINES(R), BLOODANGELS(R), CRIMSONFISTS(R), LEGIONoftheDAMNED(R), DARK ANGELS(R), WARHAMMER40,000(R) are © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2000. All rights reserved.
Code: Select all
actor ultramarinesergeant : Demon //replaces Demon
Health 300
SeeSound "umsg/sight"
AttackSound "umsg/melee"
PainSound "umsg/pain"
DeathSound "umsg/death"
ActiveSound "umsg/active"
Obituary "%o was bit, ripped and teared to death by a crazy unarmed ultra marine."
umsg A 10 a_look
umsg AABBCCDD 2 Fast A_Chase
umsg EF 8 Fast A_FaceTarget
umsg G 8 Fast A_SargAttack
Goto See
umsg H 2 Fast
umsg H 2 Fast A_Pain
Goto See
umsg IJ 4
umsg KLM 4
umsg NOP 8 A_Scream
umsg QRS 4
umsg TUV 4 A_NoBlocking
umsg WXY 4
umsg Z -1
Goto See
actor ultramarinesergeant2 : ultramarinesergeant {}
actor ultramarinesergeant3 : ultramarinesergeant {}
actor ultramarinesergeant4 : ultramarinesergeant {}
actor ultramarinesergeant5 : ultramarinesergeant {}
actor ultramarinesergeant6 : ultramarinesergeant {}
actor ultramarine : ultramarinesergeant {}
actor mutatedmarine : ultramarinesergeant {}
actor undeadmarine : ultramarinesergeant {}
actor deathmarine : ultramarinesergeant {}
actor darkangelmarine : ultramarinesergeant {}
actor bloodangelmarine : ultramarinesergeant {}
actor damnedmarine : ultramarinesergeant {}
actor crimsonmarine : ultramarinesergeant {}
actor MeleeMarine : RandomSpawner replaces demon
DropItem "ultramarinesergeant"
DropItem "ultramarinesergeant2"
DropItem "ultramarinesergeant3"
DropItem "ultramarinesergeant4"
DropItem "ultramarinesergeant5"
DropItem "ultramarinesergeant6"
DropItem "undeadmarine"
Code: Select all
Model ultramarinesergeant
Path "Models\spacemarine"
Model 0 "sergeant.md3"
SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\default_1.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\head_nikki.tga"
Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
// 1 standing
FrameIndex umsg A 0 0
// 164-176 walk
FrameIndex umsg B 0 166
FrameIndex umsg C 0 170
FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
// 137-139 attack
FrameIndex umsg E 0 136
FrameIndex umsg F 0 137
FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
// 34 pain
FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
// 58-80 death
FrameIndex umsg I 0 58
FrameIndex umsg J 0 59
FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
FrameIndex umsg L 0 61
FrameIndex umsg M 0 62
FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
FrameIndex umsg O 0 64
FrameIndex umsg P 0 65
FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
FrameIndex umsg R 0 67
FrameIndex umsg S 0 68
FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
FrameIndex umsg U 0 70
FrameIndex umsg V 0 71
FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
FrameIndex umsg X 0 73
FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74
FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79
Model ultramarinesergeant2
Path "Models\spacemarine"
Model 0 "sergeant.md3"
SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\default_1.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\head_blue.tga"
Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
// 1 standing
FrameIndex umsg A 0 0
// 164-176 walk
FrameIndex umsg B 0 166
FrameIndex umsg C 0 170
FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
// 137-139 attack
FrameIndex umsg E 0 136
FrameIndex umsg F 0 137
FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
// 34 pain
FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
// 58-80 death
FrameIndex umsg I 0 58
FrameIndex umsg J 0 59
FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
FrameIndex umsg L 0 61
FrameIndex umsg M 0 62
FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
FrameIndex umsg O 0 64
FrameIndex umsg P 0 65
FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
FrameIndex umsg R 0 67
FrameIndex umsg S 0 68
FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
FrameIndex umsg U 0 70
FrameIndex umsg V 0 71
FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
FrameIndex umsg X 0 73
FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74
FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79
Model ultramarinesergeant3
Path "Models\spacemarine"
Model 0 "sergeant.md3"
SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\default_1.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\head_dragon.tga"
Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
// 1 standing
FrameIndex umsg A 0 0
// 164-176 walk
FrameIndex umsg B 0 166
FrameIndex umsg C 0 170
FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
// 137-139 attack
FrameIndex umsg E 0 136
FrameIndex umsg F 0 137
FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
// 34 pain
FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
// 58-80 death
FrameIndex umsg I 0 58
FrameIndex umsg J 0 59
FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
FrameIndex umsg L 0 61
FrameIndex umsg M 0 62
FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
FrameIndex umsg O 0 64
FrameIndex umsg P 0 65
FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
FrameIndex umsg R 0 67
FrameIndex umsg S 0 68
FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
FrameIndex umsg U 0 70
FrameIndex umsg V 0 71
FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
FrameIndex umsg X 0 73
FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74
FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79
Model ultramarinesergeant4
Path "Models\spacemarine"
Model 0 "sergeant.md3"
SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\default_1.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\head_red.tga"
Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
// 1 standing
FrameIndex umsg A 0 0
// 164-176 walk
FrameIndex umsg B 0 166
FrameIndex umsg C 0 170
FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
// 137-139 attack
FrameIndex umsg E 0 136
FrameIndex umsg F 0 137
FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
// 34 pain
FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
// 58-80 death
FrameIndex umsg I 0 58
FrameIndex umsg J 0 59
FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
FrameIndex umsg L 0 61
FrameIndex umsg M 0 62
FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
FrameIndex umsg O 0 64
FrameIndex umsg P 0 65
FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
FrameIndex umsg R 0 67
FrameIndex umsg S 0 68
FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
FrameIndex umsg U 0 70
FrameIndex umsg V 0 71
FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
FrameIndex umsg X 0 73
FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74
FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79
Model ultramarinesergeant5
Path "Models\spacemarine"
Model 0 "sergeant.md3"
SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\default_1.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\head_thug.tga"
Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
// 1 standing
FrameIndex umsg A 0 0
// 164-176 walk
FrameIndex umsg B 0 166
FrameIndex umsg C 0 170
FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
// 137-139 attack
FrameIndex umsg E 0 136
FrameIndex umsg F 0 137
FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
// 34 pain
FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
// 58-80 death
FrameIndex umsg I 0 58
FrameIndex umsg J 0 59
FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
FrameIndex umsg L 0 61
FrameIndex umsg M 0 62
FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
FrameIndex umsg O 0 64
FrameIndex umsg P 0 65
FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
FrameIndex umsg R 0 67
FrameIndex umsg S 0 68
FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
FrameIndex umsg U 0 70
FrameIndex umsg V 0 71
FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
FrameIndex umsg X 0 73
FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74
FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79
Model ultramarinesergeant6
Path "Models\spacemarine"
Model 0 "sergeant.md3"
SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\default_1.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\head_yfs.tga"
Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
// 1 standing
FrameIndex umsg A 0 0
// 164-176 walk
FrameIndex umsg B 0 166
FrameIndex umsg C 0 170
FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
// 137-139 attack
FrameIndex umsg E 0 136
FrameIndex umsg F 0 137
FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
// 34 pain
FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
// 58-80 death
FrameIndex umsg I 0 58
FrameIndex umsg J 0 59
FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
FrameIndex umsg L 0 61
FrameIndex umsg M 0 62
FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
FrameIndex umsg O 0 64
FrameIndex umsg P 0 65
FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
FrameIndex umsg R 0 67
FrameIndex umsg S 0 68
FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
FrameIndex umsg U 0 70
FrameIndex umsg V 0 71
FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
FrameIndex umsg X 0 73
FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74
FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79
Model mutatedmarine
Path "Models\spacemarine"
Model 0 "mutatedmarine.md3"
SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\lotd_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\lotd_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\eye.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\lotd_1.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\eye.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 5 "Models\spacemarine\eye.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 6 "Models\spacemarine\eye.tga"
Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
// 1 standing
FrameIndex umsg A 0 0
// 164-176 walk
FrameIndex umsg B 0 166
FrameIndex umsg C 0 170
FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
// 137-139 attack
FrameIndex umsg E 0 136
FrameIndex umsg F 0 137
FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
// 34 pain
FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
// 58-80 death
FrameIndex umsg I 0 58
FrameIndex umsg J 0 59
FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
FrameIndex umsg L 0 61
FrameIndex umsg M 0 62
FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
FrameIndex umsg O 0 64
FrameIndex umsg P 0 65
FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
FrameIndex umsg R 0 67
FrameIndex umsg S 0 68
FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
FrameIndex umsg U 0 70
FrameIndex umsg V 0 71
FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
FrameIndex umsg X 0 73
FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74
FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79
Model undeadmarine
Path "Models\spacemarine"
Model 0 "deadmarine.md3"
SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\default_1.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\skull.tga"
Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
// 1 standing
FrameIndex umsg A 0 0
// 164-176 walk
FrameIndex umsg B 0 166
FrameIndex umsg C 0 170
FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
// 137-139 attack
FrameIndex umsg E 0 136
FrameIndex umsg F 0 137
FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
// 34 pain
FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
// 58-80 death
FrameIndex umsg I 0 58
FrameIndex umsg J 0 59
FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
FrameIndex umsg L 0 61
FrameIndex umsg M 0 62
FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
FrameIndex umsg O 0 64
FrameIndex umsg P 0 65
FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
FrameIndex umsg R 0 67
FrameIndex umsg S 0 68
FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
FrameIndex umsg U 0 70
FrameIndex umsg V 0 71
FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
FrameIndex umsg X 0 73
FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74
FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79
Model ultramarine
Path "Models\spacemarine"
Model 0 "spacemarine.md3"
SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\default_1.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
// 1 standing
FrameIndex umsg A 0 0
// 164-176 walk
FrameIndex umsg B 0 166
FrameIndex umsg C 0 170
FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
// 137-139 attack
FrameIndex umsg E 0 136
FrameIndex umsg F 0 137
FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
// 34 pain
FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
// 58-80 death
FrameIndex umsg I 0 58
FrameIndex umsg J 0 59
FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
FrameIndex umsg L 0 61
FrameIndex umsg M 0 62
FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
FrameIndex umsg O 0 64
FrameIndex umsg P 0 65
FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
FrameIndex umsg R 0 67
FrameIndex umsg S 0 68
FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
FrameIndex umsg U 0 70
FrameIndex umsg V 0 71
FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
FrameIndex umsg X 0 73
FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74
FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79
Model darkangelmarine
Path "Models\spacemarine"
Model 0 "spacemarine.md3"
SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\darkangel_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\darkangel_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\darkangel_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\darkangel_1.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\darkangel_2.tga"
Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
// 1 standing
FrameIndex umsg A 0 0
// 164-176 walk
FrameIndex umsg B 0 166
FrameIndex umsg C 0 170
FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
// 137-139 attack
FrameIndex umsg E 0 136
FrameIndex umsg F 0 137
FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
// 34 pain
FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
// 58-80 death
FrameIndex umsg I 0 58
FrameIndex umsg J 0 59
FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
FrameIndex umsg L 0 61
FrameIndex umsg M 0 62
FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
FrameIndex umsg O 0 64
FrameIndex umsg P 0 65
FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
FrameIndex umsg R 0 67
FrameIndex umsg S 0 68
FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
FrameIndex umsg U 0 70
FrameIndex umsg V 0 71
FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
FrameIndex umsg X 0 73
FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74
FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79
Model bloodangelmarine
Path "Models\spacemarine"
Model 0 "spacemarine.md3"
SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\red_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\red_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\red_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\red_1.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\red_2.tga"
Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
// 1 standing
FrameIndex umsg A 0 0
// 164-176 walk
FrameIndex umsg B 0 166
FrameIndex umsg C 0 170
FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
// 137-139 attack
FrameIndex umsg E 0 136
FrameIndex umsg F 0 137
FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
// 34 pain
FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
// 58-80 death
FrameIndex umsg I 0 58
FrameIndex umsg J 0 59
FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
FrameIndex umsg L 0 61
FrameIndex umsg M 0 62
FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
FrameIndex umsg O 0 64
FrameIndex umsg P 0 65
FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
FrameIndex umsg R 0 67
FrameIndex umsg S 0 68
FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
FrameIndex umsg U 0 70
FrameIndex umsg V 0 71
FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
FrameIndex umsg X 0 73
FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74
FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79
Model damnedmarine
Path "Models\spacemarine"
Model 0 "spacemarine.md3"
SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\lotd_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\lotd_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\lotd_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\lotd_1.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\lotd_2.tga"
Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
// 1 standing
FrameIndex umsg A 0 0
// 164-176 walk
FrameIndex umsg B 0 166
FrameIndex umsg C 0 170
FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
// 137-139 attack
FrameIndex umsg E 0 136
FrameIndex umsg F 0 137
FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
// 34 pain
FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
// 58-80 death
FrameIndex umsg I 0 58
FrameIndex umsg J 0 59
FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
FrameIndex umsg L 0 61
FrameIndex umsg M 0 62
FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
FrameIndex umsg O 0 64
FrameIndex umsg P 0 65
FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
FrameIndex umsg R 0 67
FrameIndex umsg S 0 68
FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
FrameIndex umsg U 0 70
FrameIndex umsg V 0 71
FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
FrameIndex umsg X 0 73
FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74
FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79
Model deathmarine
Path "Models\spacemarine"
Model 0 "deadmarine.md3"
SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\lotd_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\lotd_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\lotd_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\lotd_1.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\skull.tga"
Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
// 1 standing
FrameIndex umsg A 0 0
// 164-176 walk
FrameIndex umsg B 0 166
FrameIndex umsg C 0 170
FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
// 137-139 attack
FrameIndex umsg E 0 136
FrameIndex umsg F 0 137
FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
// 34 pain
FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
// 58-80 death
FrameIndex umsg I 0 58
FrameIndex umsg J 0 59
FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
FrameIndex umsg L 0 61
FrameIndex umsg M 0 62
FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
FrameIndex umsg O 0 64
FrameIndex umsg P 0 65
FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
FrameIndex umsg R 0 67
FrameIndex umsg S 0 68
FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
FrameIndex umsg U 0 70
FrameIndex umsg V 0 71
FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
FrameIndex umsg X 0 73
FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74
FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79
Model crimsonmarine
Path "Models\spacemarine"
Model 0 "spacemarine.md3"
SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\blue_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\blue_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\blue_2.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\blue_1.tga"
SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\blue_2.tga"
Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
// 1 standing
FrameIndex umsg A 0 0
// 164-176 walk
FrameIndex umsg B 0 166
FrameIndex umsg C 0 170
FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
// 137-139 attack
FrameIndex umsg E 0 136
FrameIndex umsg F 0 137
FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
// 34 pain
FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
// 58-80 death
FrameIndex umsg I 0 58
FrameIndex umsg J 0 59
FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
FrameIndex umsg L 0 61
FrameIndex umsg M 0 62
FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
FrameIndex umsg O 0 64
FrameIndex umsg P 0 65
FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
FrameIndex umsg R 0 67
FrameIndex umsg S 0 68
FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
FrameIndex umsg U 0 70
FrameIndex umsg V 0 71
FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
FrameIndex umsg X 0 73
FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74
FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79
Code: Select all
$random umsg/death { umsg/death1
umsg/death4 }
umsg/death1 USMGDIE1
umsg/death2 USMGDIE2
umsg/death3 USMGDIE3
umsg/death4 USMGDIE4
$random umsg/pain { umsg/pain1
umsg/pain4 }
umsg/pain1 USMGHIT1
umsg/pain2 USMGHIT2
umsg/pain3 USMGHIT3
umsg/pain4 USMGHIT4
umsg/sight USMGSEE
$random umsg/active { umsg/act1
umsg/act2 }
umsg/act1 USMGACT1
umsg/act2 USMGACT2
$random umsg/attack { umsg/att1
umsg/att2 }
umsg/att1 USMGATT1
umsg/att2 USMGATT2