[MD3] CBMs 3D monsters realm, scout marine showcase

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[MD3] CBMs 3D monsters realm, scout marine showcase

Post by CBM »

Melee Ultramarine Mini pack...

Replaces pinky demon... the monster has the same stats except it has double the health of a regular pinky demon

https://www.dropbox.com/s/denpl8pft6o54 ... e.pk3?dl=0

This small packedge replaces the regular pinky demon with a helmetless ultramarine that wants to punch you in the FACE! For the glory of the emperor...

I plan on released many more mini 3D monster packs like this one... all relevant credits can be seen in a textfile in the archive


standard comes with 6 different heads... but there are other variants hidden in the pack if needed...


Code: Select all

eye texture from Procedural Eye Generator - Substance Designer Texture
made by soi on cgtrader



lizard head from cgtrader made by TheDragonAether



skeleton head from revenant model:

Model Name              : Revanant
installation directory  : quake3/baseq3/md3_revanant.pk3
Author                  : Alex "Daemon" Wayne			snifter42@hotmail.com
Skin Author 		: Jason "DarkHorizon" Sallenbach	dark_horizon_hl@hotmail.com
Website URL		: www.DragonSpyreStudios.com


sergeant heads and skins from Thug model:

<April 26, 2002>

Model Name:		Thug

Installation Directory:	baseq3\md3-thug.pk3

Model & Bots Author:	TiCaL - tical@kingpin.com		

Additional Misc. Help:	Syl^cs

Model Name              : Spacemarine40k
installation directory  : /baseq3/players/spacemarine40k
Author                  : Chris Glenn
Skin Authors 		: Chris Glenn - Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Crimson Fists, Dark Angels
                        : Jeremy Bone - Legion of the Damned
Email Address           : alexin@cglenn.com

Model description       : The Space Marines - Created in the distant past through genetic manipulation and arcane science, Space Marines are Humanity's ultimate warriors, dedicated to the defense of the Emperor and the Imperium of Man. A Space Marine army is a compact force of elite warriors each one the equivalent of ten normal men. From the steadfast reliablity of a Space Marine Tactical Squad to the alien-blasting power of the Predator Annihilator Tank, a Space Marine Army is flexible enough to defeat any opponent.

More info about Warhammer 40,000 and Space Marines: 

Other info              : This is my first effort creating Quake 3 Arena players models, and I think it turned out ok. I learned a lot making it and I hope to take that knowledge and make some seriously cool models. One area I had some trouble with was the skinmapping. The mapping itself wasn't bad but the skin layout could have used some more work. 
	Another trouble area was the animations. Between lack of experience and fighting with biped (I'm not sure if I can get used to no control curves) the animations we're a little difficult. I learned A LOT in doing these animations. Anyway, this is one area I want to improve on. Basically, I could have redone the animations over and over and they would have been better each time, but I didn't want to work on the same model over and over again. I figured I would release the model as it is and do the next model better. 

Credits                 : I used one of Paul Steed's bip files (Keel's I think) as reference for a couple of the animations. The crouch walk in particular was tricky. I didn't copy ANY keys however. 
			: I used Doom's Bot as the Space Marine's bot. I changed almost nothing about the bot except for all of the chat lines. I gathered a bunch of wh40k quotes and verbage for the chat lines. 
			: Goatman, for showing me the ropes with Q3 specific tools. 
			: Mattsterio, for letting us play with his recording equipment for the sounds.

Additional Credits to   : id Software, Games Workshop
			: www.polycount.com - Without this site this model would never have been created. The polycount crew is Bad Ass. And mad props to the message board members, who kept me motivated to finish this.

Thanks to               : Neversoft Entertainment, Skillzilla, Mattsterio, and special thanks to Sarah. 
* Play Information *

New Sounds              : YES
CTF Skins               : YES
LODs			: YES
BOT Support             : YES

* Construction *
Poly Count              : 1202 polys
Vert Count              : 640 Verts
Skin Count              : 5 DM, 2 CTF
Base                    : new
Editor used             : 3dsmax3.1, Character Studio 2.2, Photoshop 5.5
Build/Animation time    : 3 months on and off

* How to install this model *

 Copy the spacemarine40k.pk3 into your /Quake III Arena/baseq3/ directory.

* Copyright / Permissions *

This model may be freely distributed, provided all contents remain UNALTERED and my credit is maintaned. 

QUAKE III Arena(R) and QUAKE II(R) and QUAKE(R) are registered trademarks of id Software, Inc.
SPACE MARINES(R), ULTRAMARINES(R), BLOODANGELS(R), CRIMSONFISTS(R), LEGIONoftheDAMNED(R), DARK ANGELS(R), WARHAMMER40,000(R) are © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2000. All rights reserved. 


Code: Select all

actor ultramarinesergeant : Demon //replaces Demon
  Health 300
  SeeSound "umsg/sight"
  AttackSound "umsg/melee"
  PainSound "umsg/pain"
  DeathSound "umsg/death"
  ActiveSound "umsg/active"
  Obituary "%o was bit, ripped and teared to death by a crazy unarmed ultra marine."
    umsg A 10 a_look 
    umsg AABBCCDD 2 Fast A_Chase
    umsg EF 8 Fast A_FaceTarget
    umsg G 8 Fast A_SargAttack
    Goto See
    umsg H 2 Fast
    umsg H 2 Fast A_Pain
    Goto See
    umsg IJ 4
    umsg KLM 4	
    umsg NOP 8 A_Scream
    umsg QRS 4
    umsg TUV 4 A_NoBlocking
    umsg WXY 4
    umsg Z -1
    umsg ZYXWVUTSR 5
    umsg QPONMLKJI 5
    Goto See	

actor ultramarinesergeant2 : ultramarinesergeant {}
actor ultramarinesergeant3 : ultramarinesergeant {}
actor ultramarinesergeant4 : ultramarinesergeant {}
actor ultramarinesergeant5 : ultramarinesergeant {}
actor ultramarinesergeant6 : ultramarinesergeant {}
actor ultramarine : ultramarinesergeant {}

actor mutatedmarine : ultramarinesergeant {}
actor undeadmarine : ultramarinesergeant {}
actor deathmarine : ultramarinesergeant {}
actor darkangelmarine : ultramarinesergeant {}
actor bloodangelmarine : ultramarinesergeant {}
actor damnedmarine : ultramarinesergeant {}
actor crimsonmarine : ultramarinesergeant {}

actor MeleeMarine : RandomSpawner replaces demon
    DropItem "ultramarinesergeant"
    DropItem "ultramarinesergeant2"
	DropItem "ultramarinesergeant3"
    DropItem "ultramarinesergeant4"
	DropItem "ultramarinesergeant5"
    DropItem "ultramarinesergeant6"
	DropItem "undeadmarine"		

Code: Select all

Model ultramarinesergeant
   Path "Models\spacemarine"
   Model 0 "sergeant.md3"

	SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"	
	SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\default_1.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\head_nikki.tga"
   Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
   offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
   // 1 standing
   FrameIndex umsg A 0 0	
   // 164-176 walk
   FrameIndex umsg B 0 166	
   FrameIndex umsg C 0 170	
   FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
   // 137-139 attack
   FrameIndex umsg E 0 136	
   FrameIndex umsg F 0 137	
   FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
   // 34 pain
   FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
   // 58-80 death 
   FrameIndex umsg I 0 58	
   FrameIndex umsg J 0 59	
   FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
   FrameIndex umsg L 0 61	
   FrameIndex umsg M 0 62	
   FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
   FrameIndex umsg O 0 64	
   FrameIndex umsg P 0 65	
   FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
   FrameIndex umsg R 0 67	
   FrameIndex umsg S 0 68	
   FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
   FrameIndex umsg U 0 70	
   FrameIndex umsg V 0 71	
   FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
   FrameIndex umsg X 0 73	
   FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74	
   FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79

Model ultramarinesergeant2
   Path "Models\spacemarine"
   Model 0 "sergeant.md3"

	SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"	
	SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\default_1.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\head_blue.tga"
   Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
   offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
   // 1 standing
   FrameIndex umsg A 0 0	
   // 164-176 walk
   FrameIndex umsg B 0 166	
   FrameIndex umsg C 0 170	
   FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
   // 137-139 attack
   FrameIndex umsg E 0 136	
   FrameIndex umsg F 0 137	
   FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
   // 34 pain
   FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
   // 58-80 death 
   FrameIndex umsg I 0 58	
   FrameIndex umsg J 0 59	
   FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
   FrameIndex umsg L 0 61	
   FrameIndex umsg M 0 62	
   FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
   FrameIndex umsg O 0 64	
   FrameIndex umsg P 0 65	
   FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
   FrameIndex umsg R 0 67	
   FrameIndex umsg S 0 68	
   FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
   FrameIndex umsg U 0 70	
   FrameIndex umsg V 0 71	
   FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
   FrameIndex umsg X 0 73	
   FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74	
   FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79

Model ultramarinesergeant3
   Path "Models\spacemarine"
   Model 0 "sergeant.md3"

	SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"	
	SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\default_1.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\head_dragon.tga"
   Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
   offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
   // 1 standing
   FrameIndex umsg A 0 0	
   // 164-176 walk
   FrameIndex umsg B 0 166	
   FrameIndex umsg C 0 170	
   FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
   // 137-139 attack
   FrameIndex umsg E 0 136	
   FrameIndex umsg F 0 137	
   FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
   // 34 pain
   FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
   // 58-80 death 
   FrameIndex umsg I 0 58	
   FrameIndex umsg J 0 59	
   FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
   FrameIndex umsg L 0 61	
   FrameIndex umsg M 0 62	
   FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
   FrameIndex umsg O 0 64	
   FrameIndex umsg P 0 65	
   FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
   FrameIndex umsg R 0 67	
   FrameIndex umsg S 0 68	
   FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
   FrameIndex umsg U 0 70	
   FrameIndex umsg V 0 71	
   FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
   FrameIndex umsg X 0 73	
   FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74	
   FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79

Model ultramarinesergeant4
   Path "Models\spacemarine"
   Model 0 "sergeant.md3"

	SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"	
	SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\default_1.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\head_red.tga"
   Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
   offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
   // 1 standing
   FrameIndex umsg A 0 0	
   // 164-176 walk
   FrameIndex umsg B 0 166	
   FrameIndex umsg C 0 170	
   FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
   // 137-139 attack
   FrameIndex umsg E 0 136	
   FrameIndex umsg F 0 137	
   FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
   // 34 pain
   FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
   // 58-80 death 
   FrameIndex umsg I 0 58	
   FrameIndex umsg J 0 59	
   FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
   FrameIndex umsg L 0 61	
   FrameIndex umsg M 0 62	
   FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
   FrameIndex umsg O 0 64	
   FrameIndex umsg P 0 65	
   FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
   FrameIndex umsg R 0 67	
   FrameIndex umsg S 0 68	
   FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
   FrameIndex umsg U 0 70	
   FrameIndex umsg V 0 71	
   FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
   FrameIndex umsg X 0 73	
   FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74	
   FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79

Model ultramarinesergeant5
   Path "Models\spacemarine"
   Model 0 "sergeant.md3"

	SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"	
	SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\default_1.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\head_thug.tga"
   Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
   offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
   // 1 standing
   FrameIndex umsg A 0 0	
   // 164-176 walk
   FrameIndex umsg B 0 166	
   FrameIndex umsg C 0 170	
   FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
   // 137-139 attack
   FrameIndex umsg E 0 136	
   FrameIndex umsg F 0 137	
   FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
   // 34 pain
   FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
   // 58-80 death 
   FrameIndex umsg I 0 58	
   FrameIndex umsg J 0 59	
   FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
   FrameIndex umsg L 0 61	
   FrameIndex umsg M 0 62	
   FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
   FrameIndex umsg O 0 64	
   FrameIndex umsg P 0 65	
   FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
   FrameIndex umsg R 0 67	
   FrameIndex umsg S 0 68	
   FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
   FrameIndex umsg U 0 70	
   FrameIndex umsg V 0 71	
   FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
   FrameIndex umsg X 0 73	
   FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74	
   FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79

Model ultramarinesergeant6
   Path "Models\spacemarine"
   Model 0 "sergeant.md3"

	SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"	
	SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\default_1.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\head_yfs.tga"
   Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
   offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
   // 1 standing
   FrameIndex umsg A 0 0	
   // 164-176 walk
   FrameIndex umsg B 0 166	
   FrameIndex umsg C 0 170	
   FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
   // 137-139 attack
   FrameIndex umsg E 0 136	
   FrameIndex umsg F 0 137	
   FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
   // 34 pain
   FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
   // 58-80 death 
   FrameIndex umsg I 0 58	
   FrameIndex umsg J 0 59	
   FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
   FrameIndex umsg L 0 61	
   FrameIndex umsg M 0 62	
   FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
   FrameIndex umsg O 0 64	
   FrameIndex umsg P 0 65	
   FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
   FrameIndex umsg R 0 67	
   FrameIndex umsg S 0 68	
   FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
   FrameIndex umsg U 0 70	
   FrameIndex umsg V 0 71	
   FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
   FrameIndex umsg X 0 73	
   FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74	
   FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79

Model mutatedmarine
   Path "Models\spacemarine"
   Model 0 "mutatedmarine.md3"

	SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\lotd_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\lotd_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\eye.tga"	
	SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\lotd_1.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\eye.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 5 "Models\spacemarine\eye.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 6 "Models\spacemarine\eye.tga"
   Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
   offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
   // 1 standing
   FrameIndex umsg A 0 0	
   // 164-176 walk
   FrameIndex umsg B 0 166	
   FrameIndex umsg C 0 170	
   FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
   // 137-139 attack
   FrameIndex umsg E 0 136	
   FrameIndex umsg F 0 137	
   FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
   // 34 pain
   FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
   // 58-80 death 
   FrameIndex umsg I 0 58	
   FrameIndex umsg J 0 59	
   FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
   FrameIndex umsg L 0 61	
   FrameIndex umsg M 0 62	
   FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
   FrameIndex umsg O 0 64	
   FrameIndex umsg P 0 65	
   FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
   FrameIndex umsg R 0 67	
   FrameIndex umsg S 0 68	
   FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
   FrameIndex umsg U 0 70	
   FrameIndex umsg V 0 71	
   FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
   FrameIndex umsg X 0 73	
   FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74	
   FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79

Model undeadmarine
   Path "Models\spacemarine"
   Model 0 "deadmarine.md3"

	SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\default_1.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\skull.tga"
   Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
   offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
   // 1 standing
   FrameIndex umsg A 0 0	
   // 164-176 walk
   FrameIndex umsg B 0 166	
   FrameIndex umsg C 0 170	
   FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
   // 137-139 attack
   FrameIndex umsg E 0 136	
   FrameIndex umsg F 0 137	
   FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
   // 34 pain
   FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
   // 58-80 death 
   FrameIndex umsg I 0 58	
   FrameIndex umsg J 0 59	
   FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
   FrameIndex umsg L 0 61	
   FrameIndex umsg M 0 62	
   FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
   FrameIndex umsg O 0 64	
   FrameIndex umsg P 0 65	
   FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
   FrameIndex umsg R 0 67	
   FrameIndex umsg S 0 68	
   FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
   FrameIndex umsg U 0 70	
   FrameIndex umsg V 0 71	
   FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
   FrameIndex umsg X 0 73	
   FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74	
   FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79

Model ultramarine
   Path "Models\spacemarine"
   Model 0 "spacemarine.md3"

	SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"	
	SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\default_1.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
   Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
   offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
   // 1 standing
   FrameIndex umsg A 0 0	
   // 164-176 walk
   FrameIndex umsg B 0 166	
   FrameIndex umsg C 0 170	
   FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
   // 137-139 attack
   FrameIndex umsg E 0 136	
   FrameIndex umsg F 0 137	
   FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
   // 34 pain
   FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
   // 58-80 death 
   FrameIndex umsg I 0 58	
   FrameIndex umsg J 0 59	
   FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
   FrameIndex umsg L 0 61	
   FrameIndex umsg M 0 62	
   FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
   FrameIndex umsg O 0 64	
   FrameIndex umsg P 0 65	
   FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
   FrameIndex umsg R 0 67	
   FrameIndex umsg S 0 68	
   FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
   FrameIndex umsg U 0 70	
   FrameIndex umsg V 0 71	
   FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
   FrameIndex umsg X 0 73	
   FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74	
   FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79

Model darkangelmarine
   Path "Models\spacemarine"
   Model 0 "spacemarine.md3"

	SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\darkangel_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\darkangel_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\darkangel_2.tga"	
	SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\darkangel_1.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\darkangel_2.tga"
   Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
   offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
   // 1 standing
   FrameIndex umsg A 0 0	
   // 164-176 walk
   FrameIndex umsg B 0 166	
   FrameIndex umsg C 0 170	
   FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
   // 137-139 attack
   FrameIndex umsg E 0 136	
   FrameIndex umsg F 0 137	
   FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
   // 34 pain
   FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
   // 58-80 death 
   FrameIndex umsg I 0 58	
   FrameIndex umsg J 0 59	
   FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
   FrameIndex umsg L 0 61	
   FrameIndex umsg M 0 62	
   FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
   FrameIndex umsg O 0 64	
   FrameIndex umsg P 0 65	
   FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
   FrameIndex umsg R 0 67	
   FrameIndex umsg S 0 68	
   FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
   FrameIndex umsg U 0 70	
   FrameIndex umsg V 0 71	
   FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
   FrameIndex umsg X 0 73	
   FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74	
   FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79

Model bloodangelmarine
   Path "Models\spacemarine"
   Model 0 "spacemarine.md3"

	SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\red_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\red_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\red_2.tga"	
	SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\red_1.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\red_2.tga"
   Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
   offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
   // 1 standing
   FrameIndex umsg A 0 0	
   // 164-176 walk
   FrameIndex umsg B 0 166	
   FrameIndex umsg C 0 170	
   FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
   // 137-139 attack
   FrameIndex umsg E 0 136	
   FrameIndex umsg F 0 137	
   FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
   // 34 pain
   FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
   // 58-80 death 
   FrameIndex umsg I 0 58	
   FrameIndex umsg J 0 59	
   FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
   FrameIndex umsg L 0 61	
   FrameIndex umsg M 0 62	
   FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
   FrameIndex umsg O 0 64	
   FrameIndex umsg P 0 65	
   FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
   FrameIndex umsg R 0 67	
   FrameIndex umsg S 0 68	
   FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
   FrameIndex umsg U 0 70	
   FrameIndex umsg V 0 71	
   FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
   FrameIndex umsg X 0 73	
   FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74	
   FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79

Model damnedmarine
   Path "Models\spacemarine"
   Model 0 "spacemarine.md3"

	SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\lotd_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\lotd_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\lotd_2.tga"	
	SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\lotd_1.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\lotd_2.tga"
   Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
   offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
   // 1 standing
   FrameIndex umsg A 0 0	
   // 164-176 walk
   FrameIndex umsg B 0 166	
   FrameIndex umsg C 0 170	
   FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
   // 137-139 attack
   FrameIndex umsg E 0 136	
   FrameIndex umsg F 0 137	
   FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
   // 34 pain
   FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
   // 58-80 death 
   FrameIndex umsg I 0 58	
   FrameIndex umsg J 0 59	
   FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
   FrameIndex umsg L 0 61	
   FrameIndex umsg M 0 62	
   FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
   FrameIndex umsg O 0 64	
   FrameIndex umsg P 0 65	
   FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
   FrameIndex umsg R 0 67	
   FrameIndex umsg S 0 68	
   FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
   FrameIndex umsg U 0 70	
   FrameIndex umsg V 0 71	
   FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
   FrameIndex umsg X 0 73	
   FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74	
   FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79

Model deathmarine
   Path "Models\spacemarine"
   Model 0 "deadmarine.md3"

	SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\lotd_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\lotd_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\lotd_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\lotd_1.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\skull.tga"
   Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
   offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
   // 1 standing
   FrameIndex umsg A 0 0	
   // 164-176 walk
   FrameIndex umsg B 0 166	
   FrameIndex umsg C 0 170	
   FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
   // 137-139 attack
   FrameIndex umsg E 0 136	
   FrameIndex umsg F 0 137	
   FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
   // 34 pain
   FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
   // 58-80 death 
   FrameIndex umsg I 0 58	
   FrameIndex umsg J 0 59	
   FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
   FrameIndex umsg L 0 61	
   FrameIndex umsg M 0 62	
   FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
   FrameIndex umsg O 0 64	
   FrameIndex umsg P 0 65	
   FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
   FrameIndex umsg R 0 67	
   FrameIndex umsg S 0 68	
   FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
   FrameIndex umsg U 0 70	
   FrameIndex umsg V 0 71	
   FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
   FrameIndex umsg X 0 73	
   FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74	
   FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79

Model crimsonmarine
   Path "Models\spacemarine"
   Model 0 "spacemarine.md3"

	SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\blue_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\blue_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\blue_2.tga"	
	SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\blue_1.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\blue_2.tga"
   Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
   offset 1.0 1.0 20.0
   // 1 standing
   FrameIndex umsg A 0 0	
   // 164-176 walk
   FrameIndex umsg B 0 166	
   FrameIndex umsg C 0 170	
   FrameIndex umsg D 0 175
   // 137-139 attack
   FrameIndex umsg E 0 136	
   FrameIndex umsg F 0 137	
   FrameIndex umsg G 0 138
   // 34 pain
   FrameIndex umsg H 0 135
   // 58-80 death 
   FrameIndex umsg I 0 58	
   FrameIndex umsg J 0 59	
   FrameIndex umsg K 0 60
   FrameIndex umsg L 0 61	
   FrameIndex umsg M 0 62	
   FrameIndex umsg N 0 63
   FrameIndex umsg O 0 64	
   FrameIndex umsg P 0 65	
   FrameIndex umsg Q 0 66
   FrameIndex umsg R 0 67	
   FrameIndex umsg S 0 68	
   FrameIndex umsg T 0 69
   FrameIndex umsg U 0 70	
   FrameIndex umsg V 0 71	
   FrameIndex umsg W 0 72
   FrameIndex umsg X 0 73	
   FrameIndex umsg Y 0 74	
   FrameIndex umsg Z 0 79

Code: Select all

$random umsg/death 		{ umsg/death1 
				  umsg/death4 }
umsg/death1  			USMGDIE1  
umsg/death2 			USMGDIE2
umsg/death3 			USMGDIE3
umsg/death4 			USMGDIE4

$random umsg/pain 		{ umsg/pain1 
				  umsg/pain4 }
umsg/pain1  		USMGHIT1  
umsg/pain2 			USMGHIT2
umsg/pain3 			USMGHIT3
umsg/pain4 			USMGHIT4

umsg/sight 			USMGSEE

$random umsg/active 		{ umsg/act1 
				  umsg/act2 }
umsg/act1  		    USMGACT1  
umsg/act2 			USMGACT2

$random umsg/attack 		{ umsg/att1 
				  umsg/att2 }
umsg/att1  		    USMGATT1  
umsg/att2 			USMGATT2
Last edited by CBM on Fri May 21, 2021 8:30 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: CBMs 3D monsters realm - First monster ... Melee marine

Post by CBM »

heroes/player classes planned:

Neo - from the matrix
Lara Croft - from Tomb Raider
Captain Kathryn Janeway - from Star Trek (perhaps even with an optional generic "away team" to spawn on some maps)
Judge Dredd (from Judge Dredd)
Caleb - from Blood
Duke Nukeem (from Duke)

mainly because those would make much more sense as player models/classes than as monsters

other candidates for heroes/player classes

ironhide from transformers
batman the dark knight
cobra the vigilantee
police officer
cat woman
mr miyako
ripley from aliens
final fantasy 7 cloud strife

candidates for monsters

imperial stormtrooper
eldar wraith guard
eldar warp spider
space troll
skynet systems T-800 terminator
various zombies
various knights
baroness (cobra intel officer)
giant bug
giant spider
starcraft zerg monsters
dungeon keeper 2 mistress
hydra/naga/alien/mutant type monster
giant mantis
some kind of librarian space marine

candidates for boss monsters

the green goblin
hayley quinn
the joker
darth vader
dath maul
boba fett
dungeon keeper 2 reaper
MEGA TRON - leader of the decepticons
starscream - 2nd in command of the decepticons
cobra commander from G.I. Joe

candidates for npcs

jar jar binks/gungangs
some kind of sports fan
squid + various other sea creatures

vehicle candidates

hydralic loader from alien
Last edited by CBM on Sat Oct 03, 2020 11:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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SECOND MINI PACK - Dreadnought Ultramarine Mini pack...

Post by CBM »


Dreadnought Ultramarine Mini pack...

Hellfire Dreadnoughts have foregone the use of their Dreadnought Close Combat Weapons and their arms are replaced with heavy weapons

general info on dreadnoughts:
https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Space_ ... readnought

Replaces spider mastermind demon... the monster has the same stats as a cyberdemon except it has double the minigun of a regular spider mastermind demon
Standard spider mastermind attack sound is used.

I have made
ultramarines, bloodangels, darkangels, space wolves, blood, sith, skull, pirates, khorne and nazi skins

and the original author of the quake 2 model, made the default 1, default 2 and dead skins

https://www.dropbox.com/s/4fgbw4jq2l3vb ... t.pk3?dl=0

This small packedge replaces the regular spider mastermind demon with an ultramarine dreadnought that wants gun you down! For the glory of the emperor...

Image Image


Code: Select all

Model Name              : DEVASTATOR

installation directory  : quake2/baseq2/players/devastator

Author                  : SlapHappy (aka Chris Kelly)

Skin Author 		: SlapHappy (aka Chris Kelly)

Email Address           : kuo2@rcn.com

Model description       : The DEVASTATOR (as it's called) is an armored heavy weapon support vechical. Used primarially in small Space Marine assault forces, quick and easy to deploy behind enemy lines even in the most confineing of battlegrounds (space stations, within enemy fortress, etc)

This model was designed for the DEVASTATION QUAKE dm mod! Look for it! (coming soon)

Other info              : Check out the DEVASTATION mod!! (coming soon)

Additional Credits to   : id Software (of course), all the great folks at Q2PMP for maintaining an invaluable resource,

This model's look is adapted from Games Workshop Space Marine Dreadnought of WarHammer 40K

Thanks to               : Michael "Mag" Mellor, Paul Steed, Conor O' Cane,Devin Kelly, James Lee, The QTiP guys: (Darin Petersen, Mike Cronin, Ben Throop), all the developers out there with tutorials on their websites

* Play Information *

New Sounds              : YES -mostly adaptions of the cyborg and monster bosses

CTF Skins               : NO -but I welcome anyone who wants to take it on, 
				just be sure send me one ;)

VWEP Support            : NO -check out the DEVASTATION mod for Q2 to see what those big guns can really do!

* Construction *

Poly Count              : 592 polys

Vert Count              : 553 Verts

Skin Count              : 2 skins - regular and a damaged skin

Base                    : Brand Stinking NEW model by yours truly

Editor used             : 3DStudio MAX v.2.5 with the QTiP plugin, Adobe Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, Npherno's Skin Tool, Quake2 Model Editor

Known Bugs              : none

Build/Animation time    : forever...it seemed -it's my 1st one give me a break ;P

* How to use this model *

Simply extract it into your Quake2/baseq2/players directory. Have FUN!

But if you REALLY wanna kick ass with this model get the DEVASTATION Quake dm mod (it's what the model was designed for).

* Copyright / Permissions *

QUAKE(R) and QUAKE II(R) are registered trademarks of id Software, Inc.

Code: Select all

actor ultramarinedreadnought : SpiderMastermind replaces SpiderMastermind
  Health 4000
  Radius 40
  Height 110
  Mass 1000
  Speed 16
  PainChance 20
  MinMissileChance 160
  SeeSound "umdn/sight"
  PainSound "umdn/pain"
  DeathSound "umdn/death"
  ActiveSound "umdn/active"
  AttackSound "spider/attack"
  Obituary "%o was gunned down, ripped and teared to death by a ultra marine dreadnought."
    UMDN ABC 10 A_Look
    UMDN DE 3 A_Hoof
    UMDN FG 3 A_Chase
    UMDN HI 3 A_Metal
    UMDN J 3 A_Chase
    UMDN K 1 A_FaceTarget
    UMDN L 1 A_SPosAttackUseAtkSound
    UMDN M 1 A_SPosAttackUseAtkSound
    UMDN N 1 A_SpidRefire
    UMDN O 1 A_FaceTarget
    UMDN P 1 A_SPosAttackUseAtkSound
    UMDN R 1 A_SPosAttackUseAtkSound
    UMDN S 1 A_SpidRefire
    Goto Missile+1	
    UMDN T 10 A_Pain
    Goto See
    UMDN U 10 A_Scream
    UMDN V 10 
    UMDN X 10
    UMDN Y 10 A_NoBlocking
    UMDN X -1 A_BossDeath


Code: Select all

Model ultramarinedreadnought
   Path "Models\smdreadnought"
   Model 0 "smdreadnought.md3"

	SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\smdreadnought\ultramarines.png"
   Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
   offset 1.0 1.0 1.0
   FrameIndex umdn A 0 4	
   FrameIndex umdn B 0 5	
   FrameIndex umdn C 0 6
   FrameIndex umdn D 0 23
   FrameIndex umdn E 0 24	
   FrameIndex umdn F 0 25	
   FrameIndex umdn G 0 26
   FrameIndex umdn H 0 27
   FrameIndex umdn I 0 28	
   FrameIndex umdn J 0 29	
   FrameIndex umdn K 0 164
   FrameIndex umdn L 0 165	
   FrameIndex umdn M 0 166	
   FrameIndex umdn N 0 167
   FrameIndex umdn O 0 168	
   FrameIndex umdn P 0 169	
   FrameIndex umdn Q 0 170
   FrameIndex umdn R 0 171	
   FrameIndex umdn S 0 172
   FrameIndex umdn T 0 54
   FrameIndex umdn U 0 55	
   FrameIndex umdn V 0 56	
   FrameIndex umdn W 0 57
   FrameIndex umdn X 0 58	
   FrameIndex umdn Y 0 59	
   FrameIndex umdn Z 0 41


Code: Select all

$random UMDN/death 		{ UMDN/death1 
				  UMDN/death3 }
UMDN/death1  			UMDNDIE1  
UMDN/death2 			UMDNDIE2
UMDN/death3 			UMDNDIE3

$random UMDN/pain 		{ UMDN/pain1 
				  UMDN/pain8 }
UMDN/pain1  		UMDNHIT1  
UMDN/pain2 			UMDNHIT2
UMDN/pain3 			UMDNHIT3
UMDN/pain4 			UMDNHIT4
UMDN/pain5  		UMDNHIT5  
UMDN/pain6 			UMDNHIT6
UMDN/pain7 			UMDNHIT7
UMDN/pain8 			UMDNHIT8


$random UMDN/active 		{ UMDN/act1 
				  UMDN/act2 }
UMDN/act1  		    UMDNACT1  



okay.. so just downloaded a ton of half life 1 mods and ALL models from those are easily converted to md3 using noesis and looks so cool in GZDoom... I now have... an....insane... amount.... of 3D models to play with.... this is going to be f*cking EPIC! :D :D :D
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Re: CBMs 3D monsters realm, NEW monster: Ultramarine DREADNO

Post by CBM »

I've begun to experiment with making my own 3D monsters as well...


floating eye
meat blob with animated eyes
devilhorn trees inspired by shadow of the beast
phasing eye inspired by shadow of the beast

next up... space marine terminator
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Re: CBMs 3D monsters realm, NEW monster: Terminator marine

Post by CBM »

now.. we have a space marine terminator.... ultra marines terminator to be precise

he will shoot you at a distance and headbutt you plus punch you in the face when standing up close..

replaces the arachnotron but is actually more like a revenant that uses a hitscan chaingun instead

hp 300

sounds ... same as the regular space marine, I did a bunch of skins for him... ultramarine is default

text, modeldef etc... just open the pk3 file that is located here...
https://www.dropbox.com/s/f33pwrz0h7tzl ... r.pk3?dl=0

this guy was a royal pain in the behind to get working as I wanted him to


terminator... yo, you want some of this?

do ya?

come get some...

this fist is awesome..

and this gun is hardcore...

now take a REAL close look at my stormbolter.... real close...

and now my powerfist wants to punch you in the FACE! For the glory of the emperor...
you even get free headbutts as well...
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Re: CBMs 3D monsters realm, 3rd monster: Ultramarine TERMINA

Post by CBM »

status - mini packs


ultra marine dreadnought
ultra marine melee marine
ultra marine terminator

soon completed:
ultra marine devestator marine (armed with missilelauncher) - the regular helmet wearing marine plus gun
ultra marine devestator marine (armed with sniperrifle) - the regular helmet wearing marine plus gun
ultra marine devestator marine (armed with m.melta) - the regular helmet wearing marine plus gun
ultra marine devestator marine (armed with autocannon) - the regular helmet wearing marine plus gun
ultra marine devestator marine (armed with h.bolter) - the regular helmet wearing marine plus gun
ultra marine devestator marine (armed with h.plasma/p.cannon) - the regular helmet wearing marine plus gun
ultra marine devestator marine (armed with lascannon) - the regular helmet wearing marine plus gun
ultra marine tactical marine (armed with a bolter) - the regular helmet wearing marine needs a boltgun done
goblin wizard/grot psyker/gretchin warphead - only needs a 3d model for the imp shot done
ultra marines librarian - only needs a magic spell and the z doom config files done
grot spider rider with big gun - only needs the zdoom config files done
ork meganob - needs the final 3d work done and needs the zdoom config files done

in development:
ultra marine sergeant
ork mecha
nurgle plague marine
nurgle plague zombie
chaos cultist
jumppack marine
jumppack chaos marine
ork storm nob (jumppack)
ork warrior
ork loota nob
goblin warrior
goblin bannerbearer
eldar warpspider
eldar wraithspider
chaos marine
chaos sorceror
tyranid hive tyrant
tau fire warrior
mutated space marine
mutated chaos marine
chaos spawn
undead space marine
undead chaos marine
chaos runic marines
chaos masterblaster marine (sonic weapons)
goff rocker space ork (sonic weapons)
chaos terminator
chaos deamon prince
ork warboss
goblin trak bike
necron warrior
necron lord
necron triarch stalker
necron undead
necron doom scythe
necron monolith
nurgle drone

ultra marines commander
khorne chaos ork warrior
khorne chaos ork nob
ork regular nob
goblin soldier
chaos sorceror
pink horror
blue horror
tyranid warrior
ultra marine imperial predator tank
ultra marine imperial rhino tank
ultra marine landspeeder
imperial leman russ battle tank
imperial hellhound
imperial chimera
tau hammerhead
tau devilfish
tau battlesuit
ultra marine imperial repulser grav tank
heavy bolter team imperial guard
mortar team imperial guard
autocannon team imperial guard
lascannon team imperial guard
ultra marine thunderhawk
imperial valkyrie
imperial sky talon
imperial basilisk
imperial griffon
ultra marine imperial predator annihillator
imperial leman russ demolisher
imperial earthshaker cannon
ultra marine imperial predator Destructor tank
ultra marine imperial baal predator tank
ultra marine imperial warhound titan
ultra marine imperial Deimos Destructor predator tank
ultra marine imperial Deimos annihillator predator tank
ultra marine imperial predator Executioner tank
ultra marine imperial predator Infernus tank
imperial leman russ vanquisher tank
imperial leman russ conqueror tank
imperial leman russ exterminator tank
imperial leman russ annihillator tank
imperial leman russ executioner tank
imperial leman russ punisher tank
ORK LOOTED imperial leman russ battle tank
ork warbuggy
ork warbike (made the 3d model myself long ago)
ork wartrukk (made the 3d model myself long ago)
ork battlewagon (made the 3d model myself long ago)
ork bonebreaka tank
ork bonecrunsha tank
ork lungbursta tank
ork braincrusha tank
ork bowelburna tank
ork gobsmasha tank
ork gunwagon tank
ork guntrukk
ork gutrippa tank
ork spleenrippa tank
ork dreadnought
ork killa kan
ork lobba with goblin crew
ork heavy weapon team (bloodaxe orks with imperial guard support weapons)
rubic chaos marine
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fourth MINI PACK - Tactical Ultramarine Mini pack...

Post by CBM »


Tactical Marine Ultramarine Mini pack...

Replaces chaingunguy... the monster has the same stats as a chaingunguy except it has 300 health (represents the powerarmour).

ultramarines (default skin), bloodangels, darkangels, crimson fists and legion of the damned skins are available

https://www.dropbox.com/s/m32slzkg9cftd ... l.pk3?dl=0

video (YouTUBE video of the new monster in action in GZDoom):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqlzDpG ... e=youtu.be

This small packedge replaces the regular chaingunguy with an ultramarine that wants to gun you in down at a distance or in the FACE! For the glory of the emperor... (Hitscan enemy)

Image Image Image
Image Image Image


Code: Select all

Model Name              : Spacemarine40k
installation directory  : /baseq3/players/spacemarine40k
Author                  : Chris Glenn
Skin Authors 		: Chris Glenn - Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Crimson Fists, Dark Angels
                        : Jeremy Bone - Legion of the Damned
Email Address           : alexin@cglenn.com

Model description       : The Space Marines - Created in the distant past through genetic manipulation and arcane science, Space Marines are Humanity's ultimate warriors, dedicated to the defense of the Emperor and the Imperium of Man. A Space Marine army is a compact force of elite warriors each one the equivalent of ten normal men. From the steadfast reliablity of a Space Marine Tactical Squad to the alien-blasting power of the Predator Annihilator Tank, a Space Marine Army is flexible enough to defeat any opponent.

More info about Warhammer 40,000 and Space Marines: 

Other info              : This is my first effort creating Quake 3 Arena players models, and I think it turned out ok. I learned a lot making it and I hope to take that knowledge and make some seriously cool models. One area I had some trouble with was the skinmapping. The mapping itself wasn't bad but the skin layout could have used some more work. 
	Another trouble area was the animations. Between lack of experience and fighting with biped (I'm not sure if I can get used to no control curves) the animations we're a little difficult. I learned A LOT in doing these animations. Anyway, this is one area I want to improve on. Basically, I could have redone the animations over and over and they would have been better each time, but I didn't want to work on the same model over and over again. I figured I would release the model as it is and do the next model better. 

Credits                 : I used one of Paul Steed's bip files (Keel's I think) as reference for a couple of the animations. The crouch walk in particular was tricky. I didn't copy ANY keys however. 
			: I used Doom's Bot as the Space Marine's bot. I changed almost nothing about the bot except for all of the chat lines. I gathered a bunch of wh40k quotes and verbage for the chat lines. 
			: Goatman, for showing me the ropes with Q3 specific tools. 
			: Mattsterio, for letting us play with his recording equipment for the sounds.

Additional Credits to   : id Software, Games Workshop
			: www.polycount.com - Without this site this model would never have been created. The polycount crew is Bad Ass. And mad props to the message board members, who kept me motivated to finish this.

Thanks to               : Neversoft Entertainment, Skillzilla, Mattsterio, and special thanks to Sarah. 
* Play Information *

New Sounds              : YES
CTF Skins               : YES
LODs			: YES
BOT Support             : YES

* Construction *
Poly Count              : 1202 polys
Vert Count              : 640 Verts
Skin Count              : 5 DM, 2 CTF
Base                    : new
Editor used             : 3dsmax3.1, Character Studio 2.2, Photoshop 5.5
Build/Animation time    : 3 months on and off

* How to install this model *

 Copy the spacemarine40k.pk3 into your /Quake III Arena/baseq3/ directory.

* Copyright / Permissions *

This model may be freely distributed, provided all contents remain UNALTERED and my credit is maintaned. 

QUAKE III Arena(R) and QUAKE II(R) and QUAKE(R) are registered trademarks of id Software, Inc.
SPACE MARINES(R), ULTRAMARINES(R), BLOODANGELS(R), CRIMSONFISTS(R), LEGIONoftheDAMNED(R), DARK ANGELS(R), WARHAMMER40,000(R) are © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2000. All rights reserved. 

Code: Select all

actor ultramarinetactical : ChaingunGuy replaces ChaingunGuy
  Health 300
  SeeSound "umsg/sight"
  PainSound "umsg/pain"
  DeathSound "umsg/death"
  ActiveSound "umsg/active"
  DropItem "Backpack" 
 Obituary "%o was shot, ripped and teared to death by a tactical ultra marine."
    umtm A 10 a_look 
    umtm AABBCCDD 2 Fast A_Chase
	umtm E 1 A_FaceTarget	
	umtm F 1 BRIGHT A_CPosAttack
	umtm G 1 A_FaceTarget	
	umtm F 1 BRIGHT A_CPosAttack
	umtm E 1 A_FaceTarget	
	umtm F 1 BRIGHT A_CPosAttack
	umtm G 1 A_FaceTarget	
	umtm F 1 BRIGHT A_CPosAttack
	umtm E 1 A_FaceTarget	
	umtm F 1 BRIGHT A_CPosAttack
	umtm G 1 A_FaceTarget	
	umtm F 1 BRIGHT A_CPosAttack
	umtm E 1 A_FaceTarget	
	umtm F 1 BRIGHT A_CPosAttack
	umtm G 1 A_FaceTarget	
	umtm F 1 BRIGHT A_CPosAttack
	umtm E 1 A_FaceTarget	
	umtm F 1 BRIGHT A_CPosAttack
	umtm G 1 A_FaceTarget	
	umtm F 1 BRIGHT A_CPosAttack
	umtm E 1 A_FaceTarget	
	umtm G 1 BRIGHT A_CPosAttack	
	Goto See
    umtm H 2 Fast
    umtm H 2 Fast A_Pain
    Goto See
    umtm IJ 4
    umtm KLM 4	
    umtm NOP 8 A_Scream
    umtm QRS 4
    umtm TUV 4 A_NoBlocking
    umtm WXY 4
    umtm Z -1
    umtm ZYXWVUTSR 5
    umtm QPONMLKJI 5
    Goto See	


Code: Select all

Model ultramarinetactical
   Path "Models\spacemarine"
   Model 0 "tacticalmarine.md3"

	SurfaceSkin 0 0 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 1 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 2 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"	
	SurfaceSkin 0 3 "Models\spacemarine\default_1.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 4 "Models\spacemarine\default_2.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 5 "Models\spacemarine\bolter.tga"
	SurfaceSkin 0 6 "Models\spacemarine\fire.tga"
   Scale 1.15 1.15 1.15
   offset 1.0 1.0 1.0
   // 1 standing
   FrameIndex umtm A 0 0	
   // 164-176 walk
   FrameIndex umtm B 0 166	
   FrameIndex umtm C 0 170	
   FrameIndex umtm D 0 175
   // 137-139 attack
   FrameIndex umtm E 0 134	
   FrameIndex umtm F 0 272	
   FrameIndex umtm G 0 138
   // 34 pain
   FrameIndex umtm H 0 135
   // 58-80 death 
   FrameIndex umtm I 0 58	
   FrameIndex umtm J 0 59	
   FrameIndex umtm K 0 60
   FrameIndex umtm L 0 61	
   FrameIndex umtm M 0 62	
   FrameIndex umtm N 0 63
   FrameIndex umtm O 0 64	
   FrameIndex umtm P 0 65	
   FrameIndex umtm Q 0 66
   FrameIndex umtm R 0 67	
   FrameIndex umtm S 0 68	
   FrameIndex umtm T 0 69
   FrameIndex umtm U 0 70	
   FrameIndex umtm V 0 71	
   FrameIndex umtm W 0 72
   FrameIndex umtm X 0 73	
   FrameIndex umtm Y 0 74	
   FrameIndex umtm Z 0 79


Code: Select all

$random umsg/death 		{ umsg/death1 
				  umsg/death4 }
umsg/death1  			USMGDIE1  
umsg/death2 			USMGDIE2
umsg/death3 			USMGDIE3
umsg/death4 			USMGDIE4

$random umsg/pain 		{ umsg/pain1 
				  umsg/pain4 }
umsg/pain1  		USMGHIT1  
umsg/pain2 			USMGHIT2
umsg/pain3 			USMGHIT3
umsg/pain4 			USMGHIT4

umsg/sight 			USMGSEE

$random umsg/active 		{ umsg/act1 
				  umsg/act2 }
umsg/act1  		    USMGACT1  
umsg/act2 			USMGACT2

$random umsg/attack 		{ umsg/att1 
				  umsg/att2 }
umsg/att1  		    USMGATT1  
umsg/att2 			USMGATT2

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[MD3] CBMs 3D mad science monsters, 4th: Tactical Marine

Post by CBM »

thinking about doing a complete monster replacement traitor dark angels pack...

keen: hanging corpse
icon: sacrificial altar
painelemental: dark angel assault jump pack marine
archvile: dark angel devastator lascannon
wolfenstein: dark angel devastator heavy bolter
cacodemon: dark angels landspeeder
mancubus: dark angel devastator multi-melta
spider/arachnotron: dark angel devastator autocannon
lost soul: servo skull
revenant: dark angel terminator with powerfist and stormbolter
cyberdemon: dark angel hellfire dreadnought
imp: dark angel librarian
hell baron: dark angel devastator plasmacannon
hell knight: dark angel devastator missile launcher
chaingunguy: dark angel tactical boltgun
shotgunguy: dark angel scout shotgun
zombie: dark angel scout sniper
demon: dark angel mutated marine
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Re: [MD3] CBMs 3D monsters realm, 4th monster: Tactical Mari

Post by CBM »

working on trying to have 3d animated driveable vehicles...

first step... importing civilian cars that are already animated and then use the whole transform player thing that I still need to learn how to use....

hoping to also figure out how to use this to add flying vehicles, like a helicopter... ie... an already animated helicopter... same as the car except I would also need to figure out how to apply the 6 degrees freedom of movement system on JUST the helicopter, so helicopters will be step two... once civilian cars are working
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Re: [MD3] CBMs 3D monsters realm, 4th monster: Tactical Mari

Post by CBM »

ok, so started a joke monster wad as well... due to .. recent interaction on another forum :D

members so far...


and the corona macro virus monster
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Re: [MD3] CBMs 3D monsters realm, 4th monster: Tactical

Post by CBM »

just perfected these 6

dark angel traitor dreadnought - replaces spider master mind
dark angel traitor terminator - replaces arachnotron
dark angel traitor tactical marine - replaces chaingun guy
dark angel traitor mutated marine lizard head - replaces spectre
dark angel traitor marine sergeant - replaces demon
dark angel traitor undead marine - replaces doomimp and shoots 3d fireball with 3d explosion

all with more health than the monsters they replace

when all doom monsters are replaced with finalized models then I will release a 40k 3d monster pack for GZDoom, that I will also be using when making my space crusade TC

however.. space crusade does also have monsters like additional dreadnoughts, robots etc.. so I might have to expand on the original amount of monsters to cover them all when doing the actual space crusade TC

now working on these

chaos marine mutated snail head - replaces baron of hell
chaos marine mutated lizard head - replaces hell knight
chaos demon prince - replaces cyber demon


ork shoota guy - replaces shotgunguy
ork slugga guy - replaces zombieguy
ork mega nob - replaces archvile and will not resurrect anything
gretchin - replaces lost soul
gretchin on giant spider - replaces mancubus
deamonette - replaces ss dude
screamer of tzeentch - replaces caco demon
eldar wraithguard - replaces pain elemental
eldar warpspider - replaces commander keen

loyal space marine librarian - replaces player
(ultra marines, black templars, blood angels,
legion of the damned, space wolves, imperial fist)

none of the monsters will be likely to drop weapons, but some might drop other things instead that the player may trade for galactic credits
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Re: [MD3] CBMs 3D monsters realm, first 6 done

Post by SirBruce »

I loaded the pk3 but there are no sprites. The enemy is shooting at me while it's invisible.
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Re: [MD3] CBMs 3D monsters realm, first 6 done

Post by iBrokeMyAss »

SirBruce wrote:I loaded the pk3 but there are no sprites. The enemy is shooting at me while it's invisible.
Are you using the software renderer?
Switch to the Hardware renderer, since the Software Renderer can't handle models and voxels, and this is a model only project.
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Re: [MD3] CBMs 3D monsters realm, first 6 done

Post by CBM »

another one join the ranks.. a dark angels scout armed with a SHOTGUN... he will be part of a 40k monster pack for gzdoom that I will release when all monsters are replaced.. most if not all of the monsters from my minipacks will also be part of that mod... 40k vehicles will be in a seperate mod


doomworld thread
https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/1 ... es/?page=2

edit since I posted the video...

made some fixes... he no longer has a melee state and his shotgun flash animation frame is slightly better now

remember that the lastest version of gzdoom is needed for this and software rendering might not work

I am testing with gzdoom v.4.3.3
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Re: [MD3] CBMs 3D monsters realm, scout marine showcase

Post by CBM »

just added 3 versions of the scout marine (3 different faces and shoulder icons) to spawn at random...

current list of monsters with completed models that await decorate + modeldef + sndinfo:

space marine librarian / chaos librarian

chaos marine with bolter

eldar warp spider with brightlance
eldar warp spider with shuriken cannon
eldar warp spider with starcannon

eldar wraith guard with brightlance
eldar wraith guard with shuriken cannon
eldar wraith guard with starcannon

awaiting email regarding permission to modify the "gork" quake 3 model to create various

and will likely also add goblins plus a t800 terminator to function as a necron warrior just to get the full cast of space crusade in doom

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