CURRENT VERSION: 0.595a as of 2-18-23
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- NOTE: REQUIRES GzDOOM 4.5 or higher -
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https://mega.nz/file/0Op1gRqL#-1shAvAjF ... PLzps2Tz38
https://drive.google.com/file/d/10riEqQ ... share_link
This is a STAND ALONE GZDOOM-only mod that merges Brutal Doom's modern gameplay with many new features that will make it closer to a survival horror game and give a sense of novelty and replayability to the good old games AND custom maps!
You'll be scavenging maps for equipment, slowly bleed to death with an open wound looking desperately for some bandages, and facing tough demons that can tear your body to shreds in mere seconds. Your flashlight battery can die out just when you hear a weird noise inside a completely dark room. We've been inspired by survival horror games of the past and present: Resident Evil, System Shock, Alien vs Predator/Isolation, Silent Hill, and more! We have an emphasis on horror, survival and realism, but only to the extent that it doesn't trump overall gameplay flow.
You are not walking in the park, Hell is not your playground anymore. You are Living Through Doom.
Reach us on discord: https://discord.gg/sAE7jDT
FULL CHANGELOG HERE https://pastebin.com/2fexMeE8

(uses SGT_Mark IV's Brutal Doom as a base):
Fully animated crafting station, immersive reagents combining system, and LOTS of craftable items. Full current recipes list HERE:

Plenty of new atmospheric sounds to make your surroundings creepier, and new animations for performing a lot of actions like: bandaging yourself, injecting stimpacks, wearing gas masks, tripping on the ground due to severe wounds, coughing, checking your ammo, new sounds for simulating the player's reaction to different types of wounds, tiredness, etc.
Customizable lighting settings to set your ideal mood; Creepy ambience sounds that play randomly during your playthroughs; A lot of new sounds for monsters, to make them more unsettling.
You can assign weapons to a "favorite" slot, and link different throwable explosives to the "quick toss grenade" keybind. The custom HUD gives you all the information you need to play the mod without cluttering your visibility (useless elements of the HUD will disappear when you don't need them)
Revolvers, claymore mines, unstable chemical vials etc. Most of old weapon have also been rebalanced, reskinned or overhauled with new fire modes and handling, for a more realistic and smart gameplay feel, where each weapon will have its own purpose in the game and the right situation to be used in.
You can now suffer from bleeding wounds inflicted by claws and bites, and you will also bleed to death if your health conditions deteriorate too far. Different items like bandages and medical supplies can stop the bleeding with a FULLY ANIMATED HEALING action. You can also be poisoned by certain enemies, poisonous gas and nukage (although the last one can be disabled from the options if some player thinks it's too much for them). This will lead to coughing blood, temporary blurred vision, loss of balance, etc.
Ammo spawns completely overhauled to be more scarce on most difficulty levels, including the maximum you can carry. This can be adjusted by selected difficulty level.
Most weapons now do more damage but ammo will be more scarce, or weapons will have a heavier recoil. Most mid-to-high tier monsters are generally more resistant, although they'll have weakpoints. Some of them will even have armor values, so be sure to pick the right weapon to dispose of them efficiently!
Melee weapons won't last forever: the chainsaw, the axe, and the new Knife will have durability and fuel. You can use FUEL TANKS to refill chainsaws, flamethrowers and napalm launchers, or carry them with you for when you actually need them... or you can just shoot them and watch the world burn.
Find keys on former humans' corpses and use them to get some useful equipment! (with a custom 3D voxel made from scratch)
Find a sacrificial dagger and then search for a beating demonic heart to sacrifice at an hell pillar to acquire demonic powers!
Ammo, health, weapon and artifact spawn points are now randomized. You'll never find the same stuff in the same map, but you'll also never find a BFG instead of a Shotgun. I tried my best to make this partial randomization balanced.
Many enemies now have rarer variants, with the chance to spawn in place of the normal ones. Some monsters will also spawn under specific conditions. For example, be careful when venturing in dark areas or hellish/volcanic enviroments!
Both in the form of istant pickups and items to be used from your inventory: flares, bandages, portable sentry turrets, night visors, armor moduels, experimental battle drugs, and many more!
Choose your ideal playstyle! This mod is NOT conceived to be played at normal difficulty settings (Hurt me plenty, Ultraviolence, etc.). You still can, but an experienced player will probably find them too easy, or with too much generous equipment spawns.
- If you're a newcomer to this kind of gameplay, I recommend you to play on "Lone Marine" or "Blood Marathon". If you're looking for a real survival horror experience, try "We Unhappy Few" or the easier (but still challenging) "Scavenger".
Play as a revamped version of Brutal Doom's old classes, or search for a real challenge trying the "Survivalist" or "the Scientist"! Each own with their own gameplay style, pros and cons.
Kill every monster in a map to receive a crate full of useful items and/or ammo that you can carry around before opening! Can be a lifesaver when playing in Survivalist mode. This feature can also be turned off, for the most daring ones!
New armor types, with different damage absorption percentages. The higher the tier, the less the pain! Also, armor has a crucial role in mitigating/nullifying the effects of bleeding wounds. You can even mount special modules on them to give them further special functionalities, like a portable life support module that will slowly heal your wounds, or a motion sensor to keep track of your enemies' position! Be aware though: if your armor breaks, so will the modules mounted on it. Craft some armor shards or scavenge for some armor bonuses to repair it!
This mod is intended to be played with dark lighting settings. If you do this, you'll still find a couple of way to see where you're going: flashlight now consumes " energy cells" over time, or if you find some, you could recharge them with lithium batteris. Flares can be dropped on the ground or you can light one up and take it with you...and night vision goggles are finally useful! (Of course you can cheat with the gamma correction but... meh. Should you play this mod if you want to do that?)
A lot of old sprites and sounds have been replaced, and there are also completely new ones fit the new items and ammunitions included in this mod.
You become a mindless and almost unstoppable beast for 40 seconds, then you'll start to feel dizzy... better find a place to catch your breath!
... lots of them. And still not enough. Oh no, no, very far from it.

- Collectable data logs that you can read from your personal in-game infopad, explaining the new implemented gameplay features of the mod in a very lore-friendly way.
- Difficulty settings rebalance (there are too many hard and unnecessary ones I use for experimenting).
- Better Hitboxes for some monsters.
- More items, more weapons, more mechanics, more monsters, MORE EVERYTHING!
- Bug fixes... yeah, more of them. They NEVER STOP.

- Your spooky ambient music of choice.
- ANY map pack that doesn't alter gameplay, monsters and stuff like that. You could try merging them, but expect difficulties.
- Most graphics, textures, and other visual mods and addon are completely compatible with this.

- Slaughterwads or other mapsets with very high enemy density.
- Other large gameplay mods, total conversions, etc.

Launch this with ZDL or another mod manager for Doom. Once the game is launched, there are some things I advise you to do before playing (In the future I plan to make most of these operations automatic):
Go to the MOD OPTIONS, then from the LiTDOOM options, take advantage of the included light & fog mod to make your doom look perfect to you. The mod adds many items like flares and ACTUALLY USEFUL night vision goggles, so if you want to play the mod as intended, set your game to leave the dark areas of the levels actually dark... or not. Your choice.
- Personally, I adjust the lighting and fog levels depending on the mapset. There isn't really a one size fits all approach, so mix and match!
There are some new commands from brutal doom and other ones that will cut some features out if you don't use them. Also remember to rebind inventory navigation keys.
- If you want to use the "full helmet" HUD (from the Brutal Doom's Player Options) you may have to scale it to fullscreen (from the hud scaling options). Visual how-to:

Full credits can be viewed inside the mod's main menu. Let us know if we're missing anything and we can add it.

Feel free to post any bugs/feedback here, or you can also reach us on our Discord channel!

We're happy to receive whatever feedback, comments, bug reports, ideas, etc. you're willing to send us! We hope you enjoy our more survival horror take on Doom. As of this version not everything is quite implemented yet, but you can expect:
- Crafting recipes and logs, all of which will be viewable in the PDA.
- A full overhaul of monsters and weapons to make our mod even more unique!
- More crafting recipes and items.
- Potentially more classes, weapons, content, etc. down the road as the core of the mod is completed.
Expect this post/thread to get updated with future content. Stay safe out there, marines!