[EDIT 07/24/05] DECORATE Weapons Support Guide

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[EDIT 07/24/05] DECORATE Weapons Support Guide

Post by chaoscentral »

While making a custom weapon in ZDoom is a bit tricky. I am writing this "guide" to sort a couple things out.

A basic weapon in the decorate lump would look like this:

Code: Select all

ACTOR Doom3Shotgun : Shotgun 20024
   Weapon.SelectionOrder 350
   Inventory.PickupSound "misc/d3pickup"
   Weapon.AmmoGive 8
   Weapon.AmmoUse 1
   AttackSound "weapons/d3shtgnf"
      D3SH A -1
      D3SG A 1 A_WeaponReady
      D3SG A 1 A_Lower
      D3SG A 1 A_Raise
      D3SG A 0 A_JumpIfNoAmmo(1)
      D3SG A 6 A_GunFlash
      D3SG B 4
      D3SG C 4  
      D3SG D 34  
      D3SG E 2 
      D3SG F 2 
      D3SG G 8 
      D3SG F 2 
      D3SG E 2 
      Goto Ready
      D3SF A 6 A_FireBullets(10,10,15,30,0,1)
Now that big chunk of code describes the functions and states of a shotgun.
Lets start by analyzing this piece of code.

(ACTOR Doom3Shotgun : Shotgun 20024)- Describes that this thing is going to be a complex actor, like a monster or a weapon. Instead of a static object or projectile. This line must always come first so that ZDoom knows that it is "compiling" a sort of weapon.

Note: this line must always be in the format (ACTOR [weaponname] : [inheriting weapon or "weapon"] [doomed number])

After that line, there is a single bracket. This bracket marks the start of the code.

Next comes the various weapon stats, like what ammo type, how much ammo this weapon gives oyu when you pick it up, or how much it uses on one shot. Then there is the properties like what sound it should make when firing, or the message you recieve when picking up the weapon.

(Inventory.PickupSound "misc/d3pickup")-Tells ZDoom what sound to play when the item is picked up. [can be defined in the SNDINFO lump]

(Weapon.AmmoGive 8)-Tells ZDoom how much ammo to give when this weapon is picked up. [note, this is not the max of how much ammo it can hold]

(Weapon.AmmoUse 1)-Tells ZDoom how much ammo to use when firing the weapon.

(AttackSound "weapons/d3shtgnf")-Tells ZDoom what sound to play when the weapon is fired. [can also be defined in the SNDINFO lump]

there are other properties you can set there, but they were not required for that weapon, because it is inheriting all of its' missing properties from the original shotgun. Like the pickup message, if I wanted to define a custom pickup message, then I would have to put in a line of code that looks like this.

(Inventory.Pickupmessage "You got the Doom 3 Shotgun!")

(please note that the function 'Weapon.SelectionOrder' prioritizes which weapons the game should switch to if your current weapon runs out of ammo. So if you run out of shells, you would switch to the super shotgun because it's preference is higher than, say, the pistol.

That would go at the top of the script above the pickup sound. Also, notice how I didn't define an ammo type. It was because of inheriting that I didn't have to do it. Inheriting makes it a some what shorter process, by taking out the un-needed peices of code needing to be written.

Anyways... Let's get back to the analysis!

The next chunk in the code, is the most crucial part... The firing sequences!

These tell ZDoom what is going on and what to do at certain frames. This removes the previous limitations, of DeHacked or Whacked. Where you couldn't add in more frames, but could only replace the current ones. With this method, you are able to make brand new sequences, to brand new weapons.

The states code looks a bit like this:

Code: Select all

      D3SH A -1
      D3SG A 1 A_WeaponReady
      D3SG A 1 A_Lower
      D3SG A 1 A_Raise
      D3SG A 0 A_JumpIfNoAmmo(1)
      D3SG A 6 A_GunFlash
      D3SG B 4
      D3SG C 4  
      D3SG D 34  
      D3SG E 2 
      D3SG F 2 
      D3SG G 8 
      D3SG F 2 
      D3SG E 2 
      Goto Ready
      D3SF A 6 A_FireBullets(10,10,15,2,0,1)
Now lets analyze this state by state!

First off is the spawn state:

Code: Select all

      D3SH A -1
This makes it so when the item is placed onto a map, it will display a certain sprite. [like when you see a plasma rifle on the screen, you know what it is by looking at the sprite!]

This (as all other states) has to be in a certain format, which as follows:

Code: Select all

      [sprite] [frame] [delay]
the SPRITE is always the first four letters of the sprite.
the FRAME always is the next letter after the SPRITE.
and the DELAY is how long it will take before it gets to the next frame.
[note: DELAY is not in seconds, it goes at its' own pace, so play around with the numbers]
[note 2: for a SPAWN state, always use a DELAY of -1]

Next in these series of states is the READY state:

Code: Select all

      D3SG A 1 A_WeaponReady
This state, tells ZDoom that your weapon is ready to be fired! This state is needed, so after your weapon is selected, or done being fired. ZDoom knows when to stop the sprite animation.

The format of this state is similar to the SPAWN state, except for a couple exceptions.

Code: Select all

      [sprite] [frame] [delay] [action]
the SPRITE, FRAME, and DELAY are all used the same way as in the SPAWN state.
the ACTION, however is used in every state, except the SPAWN state. the ACTION tells ZDoom what to perform when it gets to this particular frame.
[note: keep in mind that this sprite, is supposed to be the idle state of your weapon! NOT what it will look like when it is on the ground]
[note 2: always keep the action as "A_WeaponReady" so ZDoom doesn't crash!]

The next two states, are basically the exact opposite of each other. Look at the format of the SELECT and DESELECT states:

Code: Select all

      D3SG A 1 A_Lower
      D3SG A 1 A_Raise
These states tells ZDoom what to do when you're weapon is selected and deselected. The format is the same as the READY state, except instead of putting "A_WeaponReady" as the action, put the "A_Raise" for the SELECT state, and "A_Lower" for the DESELECT state.

The next state, defines what happens when you click the shoot button. It tells ZDoom what to shoot, or what to do at the select frames.
On this weapon, there are a bunch of frames, but only about six of them are actual firing frames. The rest are to give the illusion, that it is "reloading".

The firing sequence looks like this

Code: Select all

      D3SG A 0 A_JumpIfNoAmmo(1)
      D3SG A 6 A_GunFlash
      D3SG B 4
      D3SG C 4  
      D3SG D 34  
      D3SG E 2 
      D3SG F 2 
      D3SG G 8 
      D3SG F 2 
      D3SG E 2 
      Goto Ready
The format of each line is exactly the same as the READY, SELECT, and DESELECT states. For the actions, there are alot of different things you can put in there. You don't need an action on every frame, just on the necessary ones. Here is a short list of actions, and their syntax:

A_FireBullets(h-spread, v-spread, number of bullets, damage per bullet, "PuffType", UseNoAmmo,range) - fires certain ammount of bullets with custom damage

A_CustomBulletAttack(h-spread, v-spread, number of bullets, damage per bullet, "PuffType", range) <-- Monsters only

A_RailAttack(damage,x-offset,ammo,"RR GG BB" color of the spiral, "RR GG BB" color of the line.)


A_JumpIfNoAmmo(number of frames) - it jumps the specified number of frames when you have no ammo.

A_GiveInventory("item name", amount) - gives the player an item

A_ReFire - goes to the HOLD state

A_TakeInventory("item name", amount) - takes an item from the player

A_SpawnItem("item name", distance, zheight, bool useammo [don't use ammo?]) - spawns item infront of user

A_CustomPunch(damage, dontrandomize, UseNoAmmo, pufftype,range) - defines a punching paramter

A_FireCustomMissile(type, angle, UseNoAmmo, xy-offset, spawnheight) - fires a custom missle

A_GunFlash - goes to the FLASH state, playing through the frames and drawing the sprites directly on top of the weapon's firing frames.

A_PlaySound("soundname") - plays the specified sound on the selected frame.

A_Explode - Damages all things within the explosion radius.

A_Gravity - makes the thing subject to falling from the air. (projectiles only)

A_SeekerMissile(angle threshold, angle maxturnangle) - threshold and maxturnangle determine how 'aggressive' the missile will home in on its target. The larger the values the more precise it is. Both angles are specified in degrees and must be in the range [0, 90]. (projectiles only)

A_JumpIfInventory("itemname", amount, frames) - Skips a certain number of frames depending on how much of an inventory item you have, the inventory items can also be weapons or ammo.

these are just some of the states used to define actions. If you have one that I haven't covered, email the function, and the syntax to mastershake2005@verizon.net

The next two states are semi important. The FLASH and HOLD states.
The FLASH state is only used if you want a muzzle flash to be in your weapon. The HOLD state is only if you want your weapon to be able to fire over and over again. [like a machine gun]

The FLASH state looks like this:

Code: Select all

     [sprite] [frame] [delay] [action]
By now you should know what each thing means so I'm not going over them.

The HOLD state looks very similar:

Code: Select all

     [sprite] [frame] [delay] [action]
     Goto Ready
This would be the firing sequence you would see if you held down the mouse button. But only if you use the "A_ReFire" code pointer to make it do so.


This is very simple to do. (I learned it by viewing the DECORATE of Daniel's Weapon mod)


Make your weapon. Then have it fire a custom missile, lets say that the missile is called FreezerMissile... Now the DECORATE for this missile should look similar to this

Code: Select all

projectile FreezeMissile
   Radius 11
   Height 8
   Speed 22
   Damage 21
   ExplosionDamage 128
   ExplosionRadius 160
   SeeSound "weapons/missilefly"
   DeathSound "weapons/freezebombexpl"
   Obituary "%o was killed by a FreezeMissile."
      FRMS A 0 Bright
      FRMS A 2 Bright
      FRME A 3 Bright A_Explode
      FRME B 0 
      FRME B 0 
      FRME B 0 
      FRME B 0 
That is just the missile, without trails. so now if you want to add in the trails just add in a couple frames to the spawn state, and add a couple codepointers and you are all set. I'm not sure how many frames you need though, so just mess around with it. this is what it looks like with the trails

Code: Select all

projectile FreezeMissile
   Radius 11
   Height 8
   Speed 22
   Damage 21
   ExplosionDamage 128
   ExplosionRadius 160
   SeeSound "weapons/missilefly"
   DeathSound "weapons/freezebombexpl"
   Obituary "%o was killed by a FreezeMissile."
      FRMS A 0 Bright
      FRMS A 2 Bright A_CustomMissile("FreezeMissileTrail",0,0,0)
      FRMS A 2 Bright A_CustomMissile("FreezeMissileTrail",0,0,0)
      FRMS A 2 Bright A_CustomMissile("FreezeMissileTrail",0,0,0)
      FRMS A 2 Bright A_CustomMissile("FreezeMissileTrail",0,0,0)
      FRMS A 2 Bright A_CustomMissile("FreezeMissileTrail",0,0,0)
      FRME A 3 Bright A_Explode
      FRME B 0 
      FRME B 0 
      FRME B 0 
      FRME B 0 
However you are still not done yet, because you need to define what the puff of somke will look like. So just create a projectile that will act as the trail, it will not hurt or move, just fade. Use this as a model to help you in creating your own.

Code: Select all

ACTOR FreezeMissileTrail
   Radius 4
   Height 3
   Speed 1
   Scale 0.7
   RenderStyle Translucent
   Alpha 0.5
      MTRL A 2
      MTRL AB 3
      MTRL CD 3
      MTRL E 4
      MTRL F 5
If you followed this correctly, then you should have a new missile, complete with trails :lol:

"Upgradable Weapons"

Ok... I just sorta figured this out the other day, so here is my explanation of it.

Have you ever wanted a dual weilding weapon, but only if you pick up one of them first? If so then keep reading... There are also other applications with this method, but you would need to screw around with it a bit. So here we go.

First we need our single weild weapon.

So here we have an smg for example

Code: Select all

ACTOR SMG : Weapon
   Weapon.SelectionOrder 200
   Weapon.AmmoGive 12
   Weapon.AmmoUse 1
   Weapon.Kickback 200
   Weapon.AmmoType "Clip"
      SMGG A 1 A_WeaponReady
      SMGG A 1 A_Lower
      SMGG A 1 A_Raise
      SMGG A 0 A_JumpIfNoAmmo(3)
      SMGG B 1 A_PlaySound("weapons/smgf")
      SMGG C 1 A_FireBullets(3,3,1,6,0,1)
      SMGG B 1
      Goto Ready
Notice there is no item number... thats because it is not needed for these types of weapons.

Next you need the dual weild version. It has to be a completely different weapon, try not to inherit from the single wield if possible.

So the dual wield looks like this

Code: Select all

ACTOR DualSMG : Weapon
   Weapon.SelectionOrder 200
   Weapon.AmmoGive 12
   Weapon.AmmoUse 1
   Weapon.Kickback 200
   Weapon.AmmoType "Clip"
      SM2G A 1 A_WeaponReady
      SM2G A 1 A_Lower
      SM2G A 1 A_Raise
      SM2G A 0 A_JumpIfNoAmmo(3)
      SM2G B 1 A_PlaySound("weapons/smgf")
      SM2G C 1 A_FireBullets(6,3,3,6,0,1)
      SM2G B 1
      Goto Ready
This also doesnt have an item number. These are just the weapons, not the pickups. For the pickups we need to use a custom inventory item, which you need grubbers latest build located on the feature suggestion thread.

For the Inventory Item you need it to check and see how many you have of that inventory item. Depending on the amount it will then decide which item to give you (single,dual or ammo) The inventory for this particualr item will look like this

Code: Select all

ACTOR SMGGun : Inventory 1989
   Inventory.MaxAmount 2
   Inventory.PickupSound "misc/w_pkup"
   Inventory.PickupMessage "You got the SMG"
      SMCH A -1
      TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("SMG", 1, 4)
      TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("SMGGun", 2, 6)
      TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("SMG", 1)
      TNT1 A 0 A_SelectWeapon("SMG")
      TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("SMG", 1)
      TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("DualSMG", 1)
      TNT1 A 0 A_SelectWeapon("DualSMG")
      TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("SMGGun", 1)
      TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("Clip", 12)
Notice the JumpIfInventory code pointer, that tells zdoom to skip X amount of frames if the certain inventory item is in your possesion. Also take a look at how the smggun inventory item removes itself during the last coulpe frames, that is because if it picks up more than the allowed ammount, then the item stays on the ground and just gives unlimited ammo. If you made your gun right you should have something similar to this concept. I will explain it better once I fully grasp the concept. For the actual wad containing two versions of this weapon go to http://forum.zdoom.org/download.php?id=2439


ok boys and girs today we get our alternate fire. It is basically the same as making normal DECORATE weapons, except with 2 extra states.
These two extra states are

Code: Select all



These are exactly like their normal counter parts, except you call the alt fire by binding "+altattack" to a key(mouse 2)
The normal gotos apply. for these its just Goto AltFire and A_ReFire...

Note* A_Refire in the alt section goes to alt hold. Im guessing the same with A_GunFlash.

As you can see, the alternate fire is basically the same as regular, just with a couple new states.

Alerting Monsters when you want

Lets say you want to make a reloading weapon(tutorial coming soon) But you do not want to alert the monsters while reloading. This can be easily achieved with a property flag and a single code pointer. Lets start out with our weapon.

Code: Select all

ACTOR OmegaRifle : PlasmaRifle 20020
      PLAS A 1
      PLAS B 2
      PLAS C 2
      PLAS D 2 A_FireCustomMissile("PlasmaBall", 0, 1, 0, 0)
      PLAS E 2
   Goto Ready
   Goto Ready
Ok, so its not the best weapon in the world, and it doesnt reload correctly, but the point is that we dont want to alert monsters with the alt fire state.
We achieve this by adding a +NOALERT flag to the weapon. So after that the weapon will look like so

Code: Select all

ACTOR OmegaRifle : PlasmaRifle 20020
      PLAS A 1
      PLAS B 2
      PLAS C 2
      PLAS D 2 A_FireCustomMissile("PlasmaBall", 0, 1, 0, 0)
      PLAS E 2
   Goto Ready
   Goto Ready
But now, it doesnt alert monsters when we fire normal... we dont want this. So our solution would rely in the projectile. Because the codepointer used to alert has to be used in a projectile, and not the weapon. We need to make a dummy projectile so lets start that.

Code: Select all

   Height 1
   Radius 1
   Speed 255
   Damage 0
   ExplosionRadius 0
   ExplosionDamage 0
      TNT1 A 0
      TNT1 A 0 A_AlertMonsters
      Goto Death
      TNT1 A 0
That will create a silent, invisible projectile that only alerts monsters. Now to finally make this work, we need to make a frame with a duration of 0 infront of the custom missile frame. So the finished weapon would look similar to this

Code: Select all

ACTOR OmegaRifle : PlasmaRifle 20020
      PLAS A 1
      PLAS B 2
      PLAS C 2
      PLAS D 0 A_FireCustomMissile("Alert", 0, 0, 0, 0)
      PLAS D 2 A_FireCustomMissile("PlasmaBall", 0, 1, 0, 0)
      PLAS E 2
   Goto Ready
   Goto Ready
*****EDIT 05/11/05*****

* New codepointers
* how to make custom projectile trails
*****EDIT 06/04/05*****
*how to make "upgradable weapons"

*****EDIT 06/23/05*****
*Alternate Fire
*Other crap (I think)

*****EDIT 07/03/05*****
*New Codepointers

*****EDIT 07/24/05*****
*Alerting Monsters

This guide was made to show people the basics of the new DECORATE system in the UNOFFICIAL build of ZDoom. This guide and the test wad was created by Chaos Central Inc. the weapon sprites that are in the test wad were "borrowed" from the demo of Doom 2.5

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask by posting on my forum at http://www.chaoscentral.tk

YOU NEED GRUBBER'S LATEST BUILD FOR UPGRADABLE WEAPONS... LOCATED HERE http://www.aki-izumi.com/biohazard/hosted/grb
demo wad using the weapon in this post
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Last edited by chaoscentral on Sun Jul 24, 2005 4:41 pm, edited 16 times in total.
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Post by killingblair »

Nice guide dude :thumb:
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Post by chaoscentral »

thanx, I need to know the syntax of the other functions too lol. I know I am missing alot of them, just post the missing ones if you notice any... :lol:
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David Ferstat
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Post by David Ferstat »

Thanks very much for the guide. Writing documentation is not much fun, so my hat goes off to anyone who does it. Good work! :)
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Post by killingblair »

I don't know who will agree with me, but this should be stickied!
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Post by chaoscentral »

lol I only wrote this in like 30 min. I was real bored
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Post by Sir_Alien »

killingblair wrote:I don't know who will agree with me, but this should be stickied!
I think putting it in the wiki will be enough. By your reasoning, we should sticky the whole wiki.

Then it would be a sticky wiki. :D
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Post by Cptschrodinger »

Sir_Alien wrote:Then it would be a sticky wiki. :D
You sicko...
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Post by killingblair »

Sniper joe wrote:
Sir_Alien wrote:Then it would be a sticky wiki. :D
You sicko...
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Post by chaoscentral »

I'll put it in the wiki in 10 min
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Graf Zahl
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Post by Graf Zahl »

It will be removed as soon as it becomes official. Then I'll write some real docs for it.
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Post by Sir_Alien »

That's Graf's way of encouraging people to write up documentation... :)
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Anakin S.
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Post by Anakin S. »

Great job! Looks pretty user friendly. I have a few comments:
chaoscentral wrote:A_JuimpIfNoAmmo(weapon number) - jumps to certain weapon if there is no ammo
No, it jumps the specified number of frames when you have no ammo. This is used to create things like Timon's Axe (loses the aura when you don't have mana) or the Heretic 2 fireball spell (shoots a weaker fireball if you're out of mana).

'Weapon.SelectionOrder' prioritizes which weapons the game should switch to if your current weapon runs out of ammo. So if you run out of cells, you would switch to the super shotgun because it's preference is higher than, say, the pistol. I think this is how it works, but I'm not entirely sure.

I have a few other things to add:
A_TakeInventory("item name", amount) - takes an item from the player

A_SpawnItem("item name", distance, zheight, bool useammo [don't use ammo?]) - spawns item infront of user

EDIT: It wasn't clear to me whether the ammo parameter of this function meant 0 = use ammo or whether or 0 = don't use ammo, so I'm not sure.

A_CustomPunch(damage, dontrandomize, UseNoAmmo, pufftype) - defines a punching paramter

A_FireCustomMissile(type, angle, UseNoAmmo, xy-offset, spawnheight) - fires a custom missle

A_GunFlash - goes to the FLASH state, playing through the frames and drawing the sprites directly on top of the weapon's firing frames.
Last edited by Anakin S. on Wed Apr 27, 2005 9:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by chaoscentral »

yea... thanks for the missing and wrong stuff. I was just trying to put this together for someone, so I didn't care about the wrong info lol. But I fixed it!
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Graf Zahl
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Post by Graf Zahl »

Sir_Alien wrote:That's Graf's way of encouraging people to write up documentation... :)

It should at least be in the same style as the rest. Right now it is more a rough overview than documentation. All the code pointers have to be properly documented like the existing ones etc. When the next version is out I intend to rewrite the entire DECORATE stuff because it already is way too much on one page.

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