SallazarSpellcaster wrote:Hello!
I've played through the mod as each character, and have tested the weapons available using v0.74, I hope my thoughts are useful! - As an aside, I used Bolognese Gore Mod, made it really fun, seeing everything explode into bloody chunks.

Thanks for the detailed feedback!

I also used New Nashgore in all the demo videos, which is a little less extreme but still rather satisfying; I would usually recommend a gore mod (either NashGore, Universal Gibs or Bolognase is fine, going from least to most extreme gore-wise).
SallazarSpellcaster wrote:-Fists
-Primary: Feels alright, properly meaty the combo has a nice impact behind it and is overall satisfying to use.
-Secondary: Grappling hook giving Baratus ranged capabilities from the get-go is well appreciated. Pulling monsters your way for a good ol' one-two is always fun, too.
-Tertiary: Same as secondary, it seems? Only difference I could tell is that secondary retaliates with a quick punch, while tertiary uses a slower punch from the left hand.
For starters; there is no Tertiary for the starter weapons. The differences you're seeing are an illusion.

I did consider it, but I thought it was correct for them to be somewhat less versatile as there are no costs. That said, technically, Baratus sort of has a Tertiary; if you're too close to grapple with the chain, he instead whips them with it to cause knockback.
SallazarSpellcaster wrote:-Timon's Vorpal Axe
-Primary: Chunky axe swing, can't ask for more.
-Secondary: At first it took me a moment to come to terms with its range. It feels good to use as it can tear through enemies.
-Tertiary: Brütal. Though it's pretty costly, it justifies its cost in sheer damage output, having a blue mana ranged option is also well appreciated.
Fun facts; the Tertiary also gives you a little bit of HP back when it kills things and returns to your grasp, which is why it continues to cost 15. Due to the boomeranging, you can still sometimes hit when you miss as well.
The Secondary is indeed very short ranged, but its ripping does obscene damage (around 20 per tic (a tic is 1/35 of a second in Doom), and the slash can spend around 6-14 tics passing through an Ettin or similar sized target depending on where you place it). And Rippers don't set Pain flags, so tightly packed crowds of Centaurs can be dispatched with ease.
SallazarSpellcaster wrote:-Hammer of Retribution
-Primary: Same as with the axe, it feels meaty, and gets the job done.
-Secondary: Having the hammer do an arc takes a little getting used to, but once its arc is nailed, it provides a lot of strategic possibilities. The embers and flames it generates are awesome to look at.
-Tertiary: Really fun to use, having it keep trailing after it hits a ledge makes it pretty useful, too.
Yup, the Hammer's in a good place right now. Tertiary's shockwave is effectively an invisible ground-hugging rocket

, hence it jumping up ledges. It also has mild homing if it sees a target slightly off course that'll it'll miss by an inch, making it really handy!
SallazarSpellcaster wrote:-Quietus
-Primary: The attack works wonders, mana-less ripping vorpal effect is highly appreciated. It deals a lot of pain, making it a great melee weapon. Also appreciated the little bit of realism added to its acceleration.
-Secondary: This one is pretty awesome, works wonders against crowds and makes Quietus feel that much more powerful. Didn't expect the energy ball to explode in my face, though.
-Tertiary: The concept is cool - it feels as a DnD casting of Magic Missiles, which is nice, but the energy balls could do a little more damage, making it more viable to clear crowds of low tier enemies.
Quietus' Vorpal slashes are around 1/5 the power of the axes Vorpal Slash; but obviously they have no cost. Quietus has a wind-up time in melee. Much like a real greatsword, you rely on constant momentum to see its maximum effect.
Yes, the Secondary blows up in your face if you overcharge it. You can judge by the transparency: If it becomes completely opaque, it's hit maximum charge, let it go now! Its 3 seconds of charging to hit this stage; and at around 3.4 seconds, it blows up anyway (oops). That said, slight overcharge does in fact increase the damage and radius by another step for the risk seekers after a 0.17 second window.
Tertiary can already do 150-200 damage if all the balls decide to hit the same foe, making it arguably better for boss damage than mob clearance; and I kinda like that. That said, when mobs have lower HP in general (like in Doom and Heretic), it still works well in that regard (zombie hordes in doom!), so I'm cautious of increasing it too much just to be used for clearing the Hexen High HP mobs. I did also actually experiment with a non-homing, higher power version but decided I didn't like it much; so this probably won't get much more tweaking.
SallazarSpellcaster wrote:-Primary: The increased speed and added impact works pretty well, the side-swing animation makes it a more interesting weapon too.
-Secondary: The effect is cool, but the damage is quite lackluster, enough to not justify using it aside from having slight ranged capabilities.
The secondary is to help you out of tight spots, as it causes a small-scale disc of repulsion effect, blasting enemies back to give you breathing room to focus individuals with the primary.
Balancing the Mace is a tough one; original Hexen is very clear in making Parias have the weakest start. I didn't want to shift from that meta too far, and a powerful secondary would break that.
SallazarSpellcaster wrote:-Lightbringer
-Primary: Really cool attack, feels strong, powerful, and deals a sufficient amount of damage to make it viable throughout the game.
-Secondary: Rips ass. An easy, mana efficient way to destroy crowds, and also fun to use.
-Tertiary: The prism is an interesting concept, and the execution is done flawlessly. It really works as an early-game crowd clearer. Both fire modes are interesting and useful.
Glad I'm selling the Lightbringer to everyone. XD
SallazarSpellcaster wrote:-Font of Firestorm
-Primary: Though it looks and sounds amazing, its damage output seems to be too low - it took about 10 mana to kill one ettin, compared to 8 from the secondary.
-Secondary: Hexen II tomed Firestorm. Looks awesome, clears a whole corridor, and has a reasonable mana cost. Kicks arse.
-Tertiary: The ring of flame also looks and works awesomely. It really helps a lot in clearing crowds of close range attackers.
I'm a bit confused about that first bit; so I did a quick test again with spawning Ettins. Among my 12 test subjects, it always took 4-6 mana to kill one with the Primary Fire when I had it in my crosshairs and was close? This all adds up correctly: each puff can cause around ~30 damage and each 2 mana gets you 6 puffs of flame. We need a 180HP Ettin to be hit 6 times to die, so in theory, you can kill one with just 2 mana if every puff connects. But, this is unlikely with how erratic the puffs are; so again, it still seems correct. Just keep in mind its best used in short bursts despite the temptation to hose everything down (like a real Flamethrower!). The flames in this aren't rippers as well (they're sticky), so for close mob clearance, stick to the Tertiary fire.
Glad you like the effects and the other fire modes though! I spent awhile getting it to look cool, but it was worth it. Next update should add burning deaths to enemies as well!
SallazarSpellcaster wrote:-Crux Calicus
-Primary: Looks nice, and is pretty efficient mana-wise, works really well as a long-term option.
-Secondary: Though it's really cool, it takes time getting used to, as the distance of the blackhole can take one unawares and make them have a crunchy death. Still, it works really well as a crowd clearer.
-Tertiary: Energy shield works well, it gives a lot of strategic options such as creating choke points to unleash hell. At 10 mana, its cost is pretty reasonable, too.
Crux Calicus is doing everything it should, then. Yes, be careful of the range on that singularity. XD
SallazarSpellcaster wrote:-Vis Expelio
-Primary: Works well, gets the job done, plus its fun when monsters are gibbed - looks like you ripped them apart with your bare hands. It would benefit from having/causing falling damage, as it's really easy to send monsters flying.
-Secondary: Same as before, except it works against crowds. Feels good, gets the job done.
Rip and Tear! (insert other Doom Comic quotes). It deliberately doesn't cause falling damage. Whilst hilarious when it did, it became way too powerful for a starter weapon.
SallazarSpellcaster wrote:-Algor
-Primary: Works really well, causes a lot of damage, and the effect is really cool to look at, no pun intended. It has the added bonus of not causing pain to centaurs, but more on that later.
-Secondary: Feels badass, being able to summon a number of ice spikes is really awesome, and the damage output is quite consistent. It would benefit from being able to hold the attack however; as it is right now, after the fourth spike, the
attack is fired immediately, making it so the trigger needs to be released before firing would give it more strategic applications.
-Tertiary: Ice pillars are a great defensive solution, similarly to the shield generated by Crux Calicus. Its offensive uses are also quite neat, as they cause a lot of damage to a crowd; didn't expect it to cause damage to the character either.
As I mentioned briefly above, Rippers don't cause pain flags, so yes, the Ice Shards are the Magister's go-to for Centaurs. The insta-fire is intentional on the secondary; they're not meant as a run and gun, they're a sniping effect. Fun, slightly cheaty fact: the Tertiary ice pillars are always generated a set distance in front of the Magister, so even if he's sat at the foot of the ledge, they'll be generated on top.
SallazarSpellcaster wrote:-Fulgur
-Primary: Works much better in this iteration, it actually makes you feel like a true Sith Lord. Perhaps a slight chain-lightning effect at a lower damage could add more potency to it, then again it could also be
-Secondary: Takes some time to get used to, and lacks functionality outside of open areas. Other than that, the effect is nice, but it seems like it could also need just a little bit more damage.
-Tertiary: THUNDERSTRUCK!!! The thundercloud is awesome and its damage output is great.

Yeah, Chain-Lightning was tested and it was overpowered, so that's out. Due to the way the lightning currently works it adds alot of processing steps as well. As the ball can demolish crowds in the right circumstances, I'm not going to adjust it right now, but yeah, its a little niche I guess.
SallazarSpellcaster wrote:-Bloodscourge
-Primary: Works unspeakably better than the original, as it actually makes sense, plus its secondary effect, the fire rain, is awesome.
-Secondary: Also really awesome, and really makes the staff feel as an ultimate weapon, laying waste to everything around it.
-Tertiary: This is an interesting, utilitarian effect. It's also neat to use and provides excellent support to the Magister.
Everyone likes Bloodscourge it seems, so I guess its in a good place.
SallazarSpellcaster wrote:-Flechettes are cool in general, but Magister's seems like it needs a little tweaking in its damage.
It's slightly less damaging because its a versatile proximity mine, but I'll review it if needed in future.
SallazarSpellcaster wrote:-As it's been mentioned before, more weapons within reason would be cool - As I saw before, some of them are already planned, if I may make a suggestion/request for the Magister, seeing Magic Missiles implemented would be really cool, if only because it's never been done before in Hexen.
Funny you mention that; Primary Fire was actually originally going to be magic missiles (also hence the easiest difficulty setting for the Magister being the common D&D joke). The Lightbringer Prism's rainbow shots when you hit it with the Primary were originally meant for that purpose. However, I found that Vis Expello worked and felt better to use. That said; didn't Hexen II Necromancer use Magic Missiles (albeit they were not homing)?
SallazarSpellcaster wrote:-Item tweaks - Some items, in my experience, don't really see a lot of use; stuff such as the Banishment Device, for example, could be replaced by something different.
Also funny you mention that; I did have a plan for the Banishment Device to be replaced. The Chaos Device will stick around since its handy on occasion in annoying levels. I'm also planning on making all the classes have a unique Icon of the Defender effect.
SallazarSpellcaster wrote:-Screw Centaurs/Slaughtaurs - They're not fun, they're not nice, and really grind things to a halt. For these, it'd be nice to either see their health drastically reduced, or their blocking removed altogether; a blocking ability is cool for bosses such as the Heresiarch, but centaurs are like the second most common type of enemy, that really kills the pacing of action.
A few tweaks are planned for them already in the next patch actually; their blocking duration is being reduced by 1/3; but they're being made faster and more damaging to increase their aggressiveness. Slaughtaurs will cease blocking on pain, and will instead block as part of firing their shield missile (which they will now fire twice). Stalkers are being adjusted to give you a slightly bigger window to hit them as well. I'm not going to remove it entirely because, again, don't want to intrude too much on the iwad.
SallazarSpellcaster wrote:Overall, the mod accomplishes its purpose: Weapons feel strong, are strong and, most importantly, fun to use. Their sprites and effects are spot on, the only necessary things are mostly damage tweaks so their damage output matches their badass looks. Walpurgis is shaping up really nicely; as it is, it's fun to use, and makes weapons feel more meaningful to use than their vanilla counterparts, as you can safely rely on your whole arsenal. Keep it up!