Project Romero - The Trans Allies Thank You mod

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Re: Doom - The Way Romero Did - Let's show Romero we support

Post by Zhs2 »

I probably shouldn't feel compelled to make this post since it has nothing to do with the actual project, but here goes anyway with the trans-post pile that'll likely be shuffled off to Unpleasantness. I feel like something is being missed here in generalization, the fact that the charity was not just for trans, but youth trans, which doesn't surprise me for coming under fire. I'm not saying it's wrong for kids to have their own minds about it, but kids are young, their minds are mold-able and not fully developed. Indeed, if youth trans ideas happen to be any kind of parental agenda, that's half the controversy (and probably where the whole politicization aspect comes from). And even if that's not the case, being trans may not be about hormones and surgery initially (God forbid any of that happen too early), but we've already witnessed the suicide rate of fully grown adults who have felt that kind of decision was right first then later had too many problems with it...
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Re: Doom - The Way Romero Did - Let's show Romero we support

Post by Enjay »

The vast majority of trans people I have met (and worked with) were young when I met them. I haven't met a single one who's "trans ideas" were "any kind of parental agenda". In my experience, parents have either been against/unsupportive of their child's trans status or concerned but supportive.
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Re: Doom - The Way Romero Did - Let's show Romero we support

Post by Caligari87 »

There seems to be a misconception that money is just going into some lump sum to throw at for kids to have transition surgery, or something. That's not it at all (if it were, I could definitely understand hesitancy and criticism).

The way I understand: The whole point is being able to fund proper diagnosis / treatment across the board so the kids can have a healthy support system growing up and eventually determine the proper course of action through adolescence and adulthood, whether that includes hormone therapy, psychological therapy, transitioning, or none of those things. Transgenderism is a complex question and sometimes it takes a lot of money to figure out what a person needs, especially when they're too young to understand it all clearly.

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Re: Doom - The Way Romero Did - Let's show Romero we support

Post by Enjay »

And that seems to be a good counter to the concerns raised by Zhs2.

So, let's get back to discussing the project. This is the "Projects, levels" forum after all. :yup:
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Re: Doom - The Way Romero Did - Let's show Romero we support

Post by RiboNucleic Asshat »

For what it's worth, the charity in question doesn't even provide medication or access to surgery. It's simply counselling, education, and support, in order to assist youth who are uncertain about their trans status or need help dealing with the dysphoria and depression it brings.

Apologies for participating in a derailment, but I just wanted to clear that up. I feel that context might change how a lot of people view it.
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Re: Doom - The Way Romero Did - Let's show Romero we support

Post by kevansevans »

Last night we probably got our first "best contribution" to the mod from Barrels O' Fun:
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Re: Project Romero - The Trans Allies Thank You mod

Post by kevansevans »

We've managed to nail down more concrete ideas for the project and have updated the name to properly reflect the intent of this project. Please re-read the original post for the new guidelines.
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Re: Project Romero - The Trans Allies Thank You mod

Post by ShadesMaster »

Hmmm, I have a resource pack I cobbled together that just may fit the bill for this project. That's because I was thinking of starting my own collab project with that, to make DTWID type maps... but this could be it anyway. With it, you get:

- new textures and decorations
- smoother gun animations, blood effects
- a 'pulse rifle' that's like the arachnotron's attack. It's meant as a weaker plasma gun for earlier on, but the shots bounce off walls to up it's usefulness somewhat.
- a machinegun that's midway in strength between pistol and chaingun
- a few new monsters, like the rapid fire trooper to supplant the new machinegun. Hell Warriors, plasma imps too.
- bright maps for textures, monsters and effects
- and more!

The credits list is quite extensive, but it was designed with making classic-esque maps in mod. I used it for 'Deepest Evil' and have improved upon it here.

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Re: Project Romero - The Trans Allies Thank You mod

Post by leileilol »

I know it's an early planning stage, but...

- PK3 or WAD? PK3 for initial asset management to handle into a WAD later, or pure PK3 all the way?
- Vanilla-style maps in Zdoom/UDMF format?
- Palette alterations for better shades of lilac and turquoise? (For the palette players out there)
- Plans on legacy (read:2016) Zdoom compatibility?

I'd like to contribute somehow in some way... I can't really map or do any post-ACS scripting... I can only really 3D art and do a few lucky attempts at original sounds.
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Re: Project Romero - The Trans Allies Thank You mod

Post by WallyTheBoogieBug »

this is a wonderful project idea! as a trans person myself, id love to contribute
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Re: Project Romero - The Trans Allies Thank You mod

Post by Rachael »

WallyTheBoogieBug wrote:this is a wonderful project idea! as a trans person myself, id love to contribute
We have a Discord server linked in the original post - I highly encourage you to go there. If you can't do that - then you should let us know how you'd like to contribute - be it mapping, textures, sounds, etc.
leileilol wrote:I know it's an early planning stage, but...

- PK3 or WAD? PK3 for initial asset management to handle into a WAD later, or pure PK3 all the way?
- Vanilla-style maps in Zdoom/UDMF format?
- Palette alterations for better shades of lilac and turquoise? (For the palette players out there)
- Plans on legacy (read:2016) Zdoom compatibility?

I'd like to contribute somehow in some way... I can't really map or do any post-ACS scripting... I can only really 3D art and do a few lucky attempts at original sounds.
To answer your questions:
- Pure PK3 all the way. Will iterate in the 4th point why.
- Doesn't matter - just be creative. We're accepting Boom map submissions, even. Your map likely won't even be converted to UDMF unless it's absolutely necessary. So you can map in any format that you're happy with.
- Not sure what we're doing with the palette - no one has discussed that yet.
- No plans for that. We're going to be using ZScript, and a rather recent version of it at that. If you are constricted by a weak GPU, there are alternative OpenGL libraries available to allow you to run GZDoom at relatively low settings (re: "320x200 scaling") but they require fairly beefy CPU's.

At any rate, we'd really be happy to accept your contributions. If you can join the Discord, that would be great, but it's not a requirement.
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Re: Project Romero - The Trans Allies Thank You mod

Post by kevansevans »

Readded the discord link to the main page, accidentally removed it.

putting it here too:
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Re: Project Romero - The Trans Allies Thank You mod

Post by ShadesMaster »

And here's the link!!!! ... m.pk3/file

It would serve well to have the missing Doom 1 textures in this pack, however - they'll automatically have brightmaps, too!
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Re: Project Romero - The Trans Allies Thank You mod

Post by YukiRaven »

The last I checked, we were targeting true color.
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Re: Project Romero - The Trans Allies Thank You mod

Post by ShadesMaster »

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