SLADE crashes after computer updated.

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Moderator: GZDoom Developers

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Contrary to popular belief, we are not all-knowing-all-seeing magical beings!

If you want help you're going to have to provide lots of info. Like what is your hardware, what is your operating system, what version of GZDoom/LZDoom/whatever you're using, what mods you're loading, how you're loading it, what you've already tried for fixing the problem, and anything else that is even remotely relevant to the problem.

We can't magically figure out what it is if you're going to be vague, and if we feel like you're just wasting our time with guessing games we will act like that's what you're really doing and won't help you.
Posts: 32
Joined: Fri Sep 29, 2017 4:49 pm

SLADE crashes after computer updated.

Post by Bezhael »

I had no problems with running SLADE before. But now after updating the Distro version on my Linux computer it crashes immediately when I launch it.

Here is the error log:

Code: Select all

Version: 3.1.2 Beta 5
No current action

Operating System: Linux 4.6.0-kali1-amd64 x86_64
Graphics Vendor: OpenGL not initialised
Graphics Hardware: OpenGL not initialised
OpenGL Version: OpenGL not initialised

Stack Trace:
0: [unknown location] wxThreadInternal::SetState(wxThreadState)
1: [unknown location] [unknown:1520699616]
2: [unknown location] [unknown:1597099626]
3: [unknown location] gtk_text_layout_get_line_display
4: [unknown location] [unknown:1597112178]
5: [unknown location] [unknown:1597002785]
6: [unknown location] gtk_text_layout_validate_yrange
7: [unknown location] [unknown:1597165040]
8: [unknown location] [unknown:1597173437]
9: [unknown location] [unknown:1597173497]
10: [unknown location] [unknown:1592437836]
11: [unknown location] g_main_context_dispatch
12: [unknown location] [unknown:1563370688]
13: [unknown location] g_main_loop_run
14: [unknown location] gtk_main
15: [unknown location] wxGUIEventLoop::DoRun()
16: [unknown location] wxEventLoopBase::Run()
17: [unknown location] wxAppConsoleBase::MainLoop()
18: [unknown location] wxEntry(int&, wchar_t**)
19: [unknown location] main
20: [unknown location] __libc_start_main
21: [unknown location] _start

Last Log Messages:
Loading text languages
Warning: Language edf inherits from undefined language cstyle
Warning: Language decorate inherits from undefined language cstyle
Loading text style sets
Loading colour configuration
Loading base resource
Base resource loaded
Loading game configurations
Read game configuration "doom2" + "zdoom"
SLADE Initialisation OK
Posts: 17937
Joined: Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:22 pm

Re: SLADE crashes after computer updated.

Post by Gez »

Well it crashes in wxWidgets code and it also complains about not having OpenGL, so I figure you've got to install more stuff to make your distro work correctly before you can use SLADE again.
Posts: 32
Joined: Fri Sep 29, 2017 4:49 pm

Re: SLADE crashes after computer updated.

Post by Bezhael »

But OpenGL is installed because otherwise GZdoom would not work.

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