Metroid: Demon Hunter - 1.5d, Beta and Github (1/7/22)

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Metroid: Demon Hunter - 1.5d, Beta and Github (1/7/22)

Post by R4L »

Original thread for Metroid Dreadnought by TerminusEst13 here!

What is this?

This is a fork of Metroid Dreadnought that aims to re-balance what was first introduced in the vanilla mod while adding new assets and new features.


-Original 3D Arm Cannon models for most of the beams, created by ThatOneRandomDude, presented as an optional add-on.
-New power-ups: Shinespark, Grapple Beam, Hi-Jump, Scan Visor (WIP) and more!
-New suits: Varia Suit for upgraded defense and protection against some environmental hazards, Gravity Suit for further upgraded defense and free movement in water AND protection against lava!
-3D models for the Gunship, as well as a Chozo statue prop, some of the pickups, and some 3D crates, also by ThatOneRandomDude! More on the way!
-Brightmaps for beams and props! Normal + Specular maps as well!
-A new HUD designed by me that was then re-worked by ThatOneRandomDude!
-Reworked jumping to be more like Metroid. Jump higher by holding down Jump!
-Rebalanced beams: damages and fire rates changed, some beams have been optimized to keep FPS up. Half-charge shots added.
-A full hub based campaign coming soon called Demon Hunter!

I've also tinkered with the code a bit A LOT:

-ACS and Decorate code is mostly cleaned up and commented or converted to ZScript.
-All abilities are obtainable instead of starting out with them.
-Items, health and ammo can be obtained in morph ball mode.
-Renamed ijon's math functions that were superseded by GZDoom so most things work again.
-Energy Tanks actually fill up 100% now. Health would become "full" at about 2 Energy Tanks and would not fill any further.

Known Issues

-Speed Booster has an awkward animation with weapons. This is due to using Offset in DECORATE with models. They just kind of disappear when Speed Booster is active. Could probably be improved with a ZScript rewrite.
-Mod support is limited although I'm working on making Demon Hunter more universal! I've tested a few mods running with Dreadnought, but it's still more or less "use at your own risk".
-Maps that use Soulspheres as trigger items can have problems if you have the max amount of Energy Tanks (you won't be able to pick it up and trigger the event).
-Energy won't refill past 100 in morph ball form. If you unmorph, it works as intended. If you pick up the first energy tank in morph ball form, you can't pick up energy AT ALL, morphed or unmorphed. Working on a fix!
-Morph Ball pickup does not automatically turn into a Missile pack if the player already has it. Working on a fix... Fixed in 1.5c!
-Doom Cannon does not appear on the HUD. I believe this is due to me adding the Morph Ball into the mix. Working on a fix... Fixed!
-Space Jump is still fucked. There are some print commands in met_spacejump.h that can help with debugging I think, but this might be beyond my scope... Fixed!
-Power Bombs still spawn without warning, infinitely, after acquiring certain items. Surely this isn't too hard to fix... Fixed!
-Fixing Space Jump borked wall jumping. There isn't any momentum after wall jumping. OHGODWHY Fixed! ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST
-Beam Select HUD carries over inverted mouse when mouse is inverted. Fixed!
-As of GZDoom 4.0.0, DO NOT USE MODELS IN VULKAN. They will not display properly. - This is now fixed as of 4.0.1!

Planned Additions/Fixes

-Add a user manual. This is almost done!
-Add remaining item banners.
-Add Screw Attack.
-Add toggleable beam combos.
-Change Samus' translations based on suit type.
-Rework Scan Visor with ZScript. Almost done!
-Refill a full Energy Tank if picking up an Energy Tank while having the max amount of Energy Tanks so map triggers can still work.
-Add lock-on system for easier gameplay with a controller or just for that preferred style of play. Also add the ability to lunge sideways to evade attacks.
-Shinespark ability. Added!
-3D models for the rest of the pickups and sprites. Done!
-Rework some animations and finish animations for certain actions, like the destructible crates, shooting missiles, and charging beams. Done for 3D models!
-Add the Varia Suit and Gravity Suit with their intended features and purposes (lessen damage taken, protection/nullify effects from heat/water). Varia Suit is in! Varia and Gravity Suit are functional!
-Make Charge Combos for each beam into separate items. In 1.5c!
-Make Boost Ball a separate item. Done!
-Make random spawners for items so everything has a chance to be picked up in-game without summoning items from console. In 1.5c!


-TerminusEst13 & Ijon Tichy for making this incredible mod.
-Models-Resource for the Metroid Prime model rips. There are no tags to show who did what on the website.
-ThatOneRandomDude for the awesome models, textures, sprites and HUD stuff.
-Wivicer for his brightmaps for the 2D beams! Thanks dude!
-GenghisJollybat in our Discord for naming some of the pickups, suggesting ideas, and beta testing. Thanks pal!
-CrazyWazy in our Discord for working with me to suggest new items/improvements to help him make his maps, his awesome compositions and beta testing. You da real MVP G.
-Xyifer in our Discord for making sprites of Sylux and beta testing. Thanks homie!
-Samusoidal in our Discord for beta testing, rigging models, and suggesting ideas. Thanks friend!
-Jekyll Grim Payne for help with some missile spawning code shenanigans and Ice Beam code.
-Everyone else in our Discord server for beta testing and suggestions/improvements. Seriously, I can't thank everyone enough...
-Everyone here, because without you, I wouldn't know how to do any of this shit to begin with.

Gameplay Video
Spoiler: Gameplay Video
Spoiler: Gameplay Video 2
Spoiler: Gameplay Video 3
Spoiler: Shinesparking!
Spoiler: Grapple Beam!
Spoiler: Gravity Suit!
Download Links!

As of 11/24/19, archive is approx. 45MB! Tested with GZDoom 4.2.4.

You need both files in the archive to play. The Tutorial level in the levels.pk3 has been edited so you can see everything in action.

As of 10/5/2018, I want everyone to be aware of a mapset in the making for MDO: ... s-out-now/

There is a playable demo available! Check the link for more info. Join our Discord here!
Spoiler: Github Repo
Spoiler: Betas
Spoiler: Stable Releases
Change Log
Spoiler: Change Log
Last edited by R4L on Mon Feb 07, 2022 9:40 pm, edited 79 times in total.
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Re: Metroid Dreadnought - Model Pack and Overhaul

Post by TerminusEst13 »

Was following this on YouTube for a while, looks like things were going pretty well! It's really nostalgic and a lot of fun to go through this again, and seeing all of the little changes really is inspiring.
It's amazing how much has changed on the engine side since this was first developed. At some point down the line it might be good to do a complete rewrite to keep things internally consistent...

Making things easier for other people to mod is definitely a fantastic idea, and while spacejump needs to be completely and thoroughly overhauled everything else seems to be working fantastic.
Well done! :D
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Re: Metroid Dreadnought - Model Pack and Overhaul

Post by Valherran »

I hope you can finish this project and get everything working. Metroid is quite frankly one of several untapped resources for modding, and it would be a shame to leave it incomplete.

An idea to Space Jump work (as well as Screw Attack) would be to make it a toggle-able function. So if it's enabled, it would put you in Space Jump/ScrewAttack mode the moment you press the jump key and will last until you land on a surface.
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Re: Metroid Dreadnought - Model Pack and Overhaul

Post by R4L »

TerminusEst13 wrote:Was following this on YouTube for a while, looks like things were going pretty well! It's really nostalgic and a lot of fun to go through this again, and seeing all of the little changes really is inspiring.
It's amazing how much has changed on the engine side since this was first developed. At some point down the line it might be good to do a complete rewrite to keep things internally consistent...

Making things easier for other people to mod is definitely a fantastic idea, and while spacejump needs to be completely and thoroughly overhauled everything else seems to be working fantastic.
Well done! :D
Thanks! I would like to clarify that your mod is still very easy to edit, unless you're adding 3D models... The names for the beams have a space in between, which you cannot have in MODELDEF, so those had to be renamed. Now, if anyone wants to add any 3D model, they simply can. :)

I was going to message Ijon about Parkmore, but he's not active anymore the last I heard?
Valherran wrote:I hope you can finish this project and get everything working. Metroid is quite frankly one of several untapped resources for modding, and it would be a shame to leave it incomplete.

An idea to Space Jump work (as well as Screw Attack) would be to make it a toggle-able function. So if it's enabled, it would put you in Space Jump/ScrewAttack mode the moment you press the jump key and will last until you land on a surface.
I wish it were that simple. The code is there, it just needs to be reworked a bit.
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Re: Metroid Dreadnought - Model Pack and Overhaul

Post by thedeathrunner123 »

PERFECT! i just started to play am2r. so i have a metroid prime style doom mod and a 2d metroid game now! awesome!!!
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Re: Metroid Dreadnought - Model Pack and Overhaul

Post by R4L »

thedeathrunner123 wrote:PERFECT! i just started to play am2r. so i have a metroid prime style doom mod and a 2d metroid game now! awesome!!!
This has been around for a while. Terminus made the mod long ago. Thanks for checking this out!
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Re: Metroid Dreadnought - Model Pack and Overhaul

Post by thedeathrunner123 »

cant pickup the variasuitpickup? it looks like a screw attack thou...
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Re: Metroid Dreadnought - Model Pack and Overhaul

Post by R4L »

thedeathrunner123 wrote:cant pickup the variasuitpickup? it looks like a screw attack thou...
Ah, I forgot a pickup state I think. I'll fix tonight when I get some free time after work. Even then, don't expect much. It's literally a replacement for the RadSuit.

Also, the pickup has the correct model. That is what the Varia Suit upgrade looks like in Metroid Prime.
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Re: Metroid Dreadnought - Model Pack and Overhaul

Post by thedeathrunner123 »

Hmmm. weird. bc in the original games that would be the screw attack. ... pzG4j-rgrM: see?
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Re: Metroid Dreadnought - Model Pack and Overhaul

Post by R4L »

thedeathrunner123 wrote:Hmmm. weird. bc in the original games that would be the screw attack. ... pzG4j-rgrM: see?
Indeed it would. It appears to be the Varia Suit upgrade in Metroid Prime however.
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Re: Metroid Dreadnought - Model Pack and Overhaul

Post by thedeathrunner123 »

the actual screw attack is this however ... lIMCODCeFM: i wonder, would it be possible to ever make a screw attack work?
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Re: Metroid Dreadnought - Model Pack and Overhaul

Post by R4L »

thedeathrunner123 wrote:the actual screw attack is this however ... lIMCODCeFM: i wonder, would it be possible to ever make a screw attack work?
Yes, that is the Screw Attack. I'm talking about the Varia Suit, which has the correct pickup. If the Screw Attack is ever implemented, I will be sure to use that model for the pickup.
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Re: Metroid Dreadnought - Model Pack and Overhaul

Post by thedeathrunner123 »

yeeeep. sounds good mate.
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Re: Metroid Dreadnought Overhaul - 1.1

Post by Voltcom9 »

I'm really a sucker for all things Metroid. This is really well done and has been added to my mod playlist. I enjoyed this a lot before but this overhaul was quite a fun nostalgic look back on an awesome mod! Great job.
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Re: Metroid Dreadnought Overhaul - 1.1

Post by R4L »

Voltcom9 wrote:I'm really a sucker for all things Metroid. This is really well done and has been added to my mod playlist. I enjoyed this a lot before but this overhaul was quite a fun nostalgic look back on an awesome mod! Great job.
Hey, thanks a lot! It's definitely a WIP, but I hope I can improve it further!

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