Universal Gibs

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Re: [FINAL] Universal Gibs

Post by eharper256 »

Just a minor (mostly amusing glitch). I spotted some gibs (including a Baron's Arm) that were stuck rotating on the spot on the floor for some reason earlier. Probably nothing to worry about, as that's the first time I've seen this happen in many, many uses of this mod, so its likely just some weirdness that occured due to how they landed.

Also just one mild feature request, out of interest: when doing maps that turn into slaughter, is there any chance it can dynamically adjust the gib fadeout time to be faster? (i.e. if it detects 50 kills in the space of 20 seconds or something) Or perhaps start to auto-clear when it hits a certain gib threshold?

My PC is reasonably beefy (it was top of the line 6 years ago but is showing its age) but when you get to thousands of gibs it causes a bit of an extreme stutter and I have to interrupt my flow to run to the options menu and clear the gibs. I suppose a quick-clear bindable to a key might also work, you could stick it on an inconspicious part of the keyboard or something, though automatic clear would be preferable.

Even if not, thanks alot for this mod; its just what you need for doom catharsis!
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Re: [FINAL] Universal Gibs

Post by Accensus »

I am not interested in writing extensive ZScript anymore.

You can, however, bind the existing alias called "gibcleanup" to a key via console, like this: "bind k gibcleanup". Pressing the menu option executes the alias anyway.

As for the glitch, I've noticed it myself sometimes, but it's so rare that reproducing it is a pain in itself. It may get fixed soon by an indirect change, but I don't want to give more info as it's not certain.
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Re: Universal Gibs - Now With Presets!

Post by Accensus »

Hey everyone. I have added a preset menu for recommended settings when playing with various mods and for overall quick profile switching. After discussing it with Hearts of Demons - Baron developer Brohnesorge, the integrated version of Universal Gibs will be removed from that mod in favor of the aforementioned presets. For the time being, only UG and HOD - Baron have presets due to lack of other ideas.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Some presets do not change ALL settings. For example, UG High Performance will not touch your color settings or blood brightness, as those do not affect performance. On the other hand, Vanilla Minimalist may disable some options you may not want disabled and vice versa. Simply switch 'em back on/off afterwards for extra customization.

Also, screw that [FINAL] tag. It ain't over till it's over.

Full changelog:
- Added presets.
- "Trails" boolean removed from menu. Trail Type is now used to disable trails, similarly to how floor decals operate.
- Changed some default values.
- "Blood Pools" renamed to "Floor Decals" in menu.

As always, suggestions are welcome.
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Re: Universal Gibs - Now With Presets!

Post by namsan »

I think your latest update really improved the game's performance.
Thank you!
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Re: Universal Gibs - Now With Presets!

Post by Accensus »

I haven't done anything to improve performance outside of automatically adjusting certain settings (High Performance preset), but you're welcome. :)
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Re: Universal Gibs - Now With Presets!

Post by jablon1000 »


By accident i combined your mod with beautiful doom 6.3.2 and i get superb pixelated blood effect which look better than blood pools imo. I prepared for you pack that includes modified beautiful doom (i mod decorate and mapinfo only) and my gzdoom ini file. Try it yourself. http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fi ... 8892034736

Can you make something like that in your official mod?
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Re: Universal Gibs - Now With Presets!

Post by Accensus »

I see you've also included screenshots of your UG settings. Do you want a preset for Beautiful Doom or replacement for the blood pool sprites themselves? I'll say no to the latter because I have a different idea for a floor decal graphic.

I'm just not entirely sure what you're asking for here.
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Re: Universal Gibs - Now With Presets!

Post by jablon1000 »

Preset sounds good enough. Some little instruction about it in game menu/readme/your first post will be great.
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Re: Universal Gibs - Now With Presets!

Post by Accensus »

- Added jablon1000's Beautiful Doom preset.
- Renamed a few CVars to make more sense.
- Renamed a few menu items to make more sense.
- Updated Credits.txt

Suggestions to improve an existing user-made preset are accepted and welcome. You will both be credited for it.

EDIT: Added instructions to the OP on how to make presets. Remember, provide precise info or no preset will be added.
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Re: Universal Gibs - Now With Presets!

Post by Accensus »

- Changed floor decal sprite.
- Slightly reduced gib size. Have not adjusted the scaling for "Scale Gibs" option.
- Fixed the blood on one of the gib sprites so it doesn't look so weird when rolled 180 degrees.
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Re: Universal Gibs - Now With Presets!

Post by Someone64 »

May I request for more generic meat gibs? I know the other 2 gib mode options exist but I'm looking for gibs that are similar to those that the default of this mod uses but without limbs. An example of where this could be useful is Golden Souls 2 where there are plenty of plant enemies that you can uppercut gib into a collection of yellow limbs which just looks odd. This would apply to a lot of other monster mods, too like those with dogs and such.
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Re: Universal Gibs - Now With Presets!

Post by Accensus »

I've already talked to a friend about making new generic sprites. It's definitely gonna happen, but there's no ETA on it.
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Re: Universal Gibs - Now With Presets!

Post by Accensus »

- Fixed a conflicting sprite issue with Compendium where a powerup using BLDSA0 replaced the blood. UG's blood still uses the same name, but the Z and Y frames instead of A and B.

I should probably make a logo sometime.
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Re: Universal Gibs - Now With Presets!

Post by Valken »

I love your mod. Works great with Nice Wall Blood as well except it cannot change blood colors to green or blue with that loaded...

I wanted to ask if it was possible to adjust the colors for the Aliens and Alien Trilogy mods:



If someone can advise the code to add that would be great since all the human, aliens, predator and android blood and gibs are already there!
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Re: Universal Gibs - Now With Presets!

Post by Accensus »

Thank you.

@request: What do you mean by "adjust the colors for those mods"? I've admittedly never played any of those, and looking at their code it seems that UG shouldn't have any issues with blood color.

@Nice Wall Blood: I opened up the mod and noticed that all of the blood splatters are kind of...hardcoded. UG does not influence other mods in any way. In fact, it's the other way around - other mods influence UG.

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