Flakes Doom v2.6b (Updated 06/03/18) Home fixes

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Re: Flakes Doom v2.5 (Updated 16/01/18) A New Add-On!

Post by shadstarn »

i can not find the gambia link the site onlly has descpritpion
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.5 (Updated 16/01/18) A New Add-On!

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

Hey man, thanks for the feedback!

Remember that you can turn the infinite ammo for the pistol on the options, so you can work your way with charged shots.

I'll work around those issues, many thanks!
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.5 (Updated 16/01/18) A New Add-On!

Post by StroggVorbis »

Btw, looks like nobody mentioned it before, but I find it odd to give the player 18 cell ammo on spawn. This means 9 shots with the pistol. Why not 20 like a small energy cell? Just wonderin' :P
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.5 (Updated 16/01/18) A New Add-On!

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

I can do it ;)

BTW, i am going to send you a little PM :D
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.5 (Updated 16/01/18) A New Add-On!

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

shadstarn wrote:i can not find the gambia link the site onlly has descpritpion
Haven't seen your post buddy, i am sorry!

https://mega.nz/#!boYQmSLL!I7aqENK8ch3W ... VKCYnrP_qU

Here, use this link. I am going to post it on first page ;)
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.5 (Updated 16/01/18) A New Add-On!

Post by -Ghost- »

That addon is pretty cool! Only downside is it feels like there's a lot of weapons on slot 4 with it that don't really feel all that different.
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.5 (Updated 16/01/18) A New Add-On!

Post by Neccronixis »

The supershotgun won't fire individual barrels when quad damage is acquired - only 1 barrel will fire before reload.
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.5 (Updated 16/01/18) A New Add-On!

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

Yup, i chatted with Facínora about this yesterday. I suggested things like 3-shot bursts, melee attacks, alternate rpm's, among other things. He liked the ideas, so, when i have some time, i can think of cool things to add.


Wow, a big oversight on my part. As soon as i get to mess with slade again, i will check this. Thank you man.
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.5 (Updated 16/01/18) A New Add-On!

Post by Neccronixis »

Can I also suggest:
- Rearranging the weapon order in player.txt so that the more powerful weapons like the rocket launcher and chaingun are selected first
- Redefining the actors for smoke effects to something unique so that conflicting mods to not replace Flakes smoke effects (eg. change 'ShotSmoke' and 'GunSmokeSpawner' to 'FlakesShotSmoke' and 'FlakesGunSmokeSpawner'). There might be other effects that might need changing too.
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.5 (Updated 16/01/18) A New Add-On!

Post by Facínora »

-Ghost- wrote:That addon is pretty cool! Only downside is it feels like there's a lot of weapons on slot 4 with it that don't really feel all that different.
GAA1992 wrote:@-Ghost-
Yup, i chatted with Facínora about this yesterday. I suggested things like 3-shot bursts, melee attacks, alternate rpm's, among other things. He liked the ideas, so, when i have some time, i can think of cool things to add.
Yeah, we are on it. While my original plan was just add some extra stuff for purely nostalgic reasons (and for me to learn stuff), I think the project is showing potential to go further... plus, I love flakes doom and is always a pleasure to test Gambiarra with it.
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.5 (Updated 16/01/18) A New Add-On!

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

Thanks for you all about the feedback. All those suggestions were 100% corrected, as well as some of my own things i've changed. I am just going to delay the 2.6 release for a bit, due to gameplay testing/awaiting of more feedback and the such.
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.5b (Updated 12/02/18) Fixing Stuff

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

Hey guys, just bumping here because i updated Flakes once again. I can barely consider this an "update" as it most fixes stuff you feedbacked to me.

Enjoy Flakes 2.5b! Here's the changelog:
Thanks to Neccronxis and DabbingSquidward.
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.5b (Updated 12/02/18) Fixing Stuff

Post by StroggVorbis »


You're welcome. While I dig the changes to the HAR, I'm still not completely satisfied with it. I played around with it a bit and some things came to mind:

-Unzoomed, it's practically unusable, unless you're standing directly in front of the enemy. It has even worse spread than the chaingun, when in contrast to its zoomed mode and due to the fact that it's an assault rifle type weapon, it should be the most accurate bullet weapon of them all. It reminds me of the contrast between vanilla Doom's and Doom 3's shotgun. With the right balance, I could picture it becoming an all-round/jack-of-all-trades weapon. Other than the pistol, it's already the slowest bullet weapon and also has the highest damage per bullet. You could decrease the zoom level of the scope a bit, it's not a sniper rifle after all. If you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games before, there were scopes with either 1.6x or 4x magnification, you could use that as a reference :P
Because, the way it is now, the HAR is only usable zoomed in, but the zoom is so strong that you don't see much of your surroundings anymore. Also, unlike the chaingun, it doesn't need to spin/rev up and is always ready to fire, and so doesn't alert monsters while idle.

P.S. As you may remember from Aracnocide's thread, I was complaining about dropped weapons not giving half ammo. I'm not saying it has to change, it isn't necessarily a bug. If it's intentional, then it's all fine by me. But if you want to change this in Flakes too, let me know and I'll drop you a PM with some pointers :D
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.5b (Updated 12/02/18) Fixing Stuff

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

I am interested! Now, back to the H.A.R., instead of re-uploading a fix of it, i am thinking of uploading a small pk3 to you showcasing some fixes. In Flakes, i really haven't calculated the accuracy under vanilla values like i did in Kriegsland, (or the new Aracnocide one day to come, but i haven't wrote all the gun values yet because i am not in the mood for it now) i just chose a value and stuck on it. So, here's what i am thinking now.

Idle, the HAR actually shoots on a 8.0/8.0 spread.
Zoomed, it shoots on a 5.0/5.0 spread.

If i would balance this around vanilla values, i am deciding if i should make it 5.6/5.6 (vanilla) for the idle and 4.2/4.2 (25% more accurate) when zooming.

Or, just make it with a bigger spread, something like 7.0/7.0 (25% less accurate while idle) and make it 5.6/5.6 on scope. Or even 4.2/4.2, like above.

What would be the best balance for you? With the H.A.R. in mind, we could re-work the other guns as well so one fills the other where needed.
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.5b (Updated 12/02/18) Fixing Stuff

Post by StroggVorbis »

As it is now, the HAR hip-fire indeed has a spread of 8/8. That's more than the chaingun, which has 5/5. The Machinegun has a spread of 2.9/2.9. If you keep the values themselves, but distribute them differently, I'd say, from most to least accurate: HAR > Machinegun > Chaingun. You mentioned that the HAR zoomed has a spread of 5/5. I checked in SLADE, and you were right. But due to a bug, probably a missing Refire state, the HAR zoomed in always perfectly accurate, even in full-auto. I also saw that the bullets still hit below the HUD crosshair and the scope crosshair. You can either shift the scope graphic a few pixels down, or raise the Z-Axis offset.

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