Operation Body Count - Version 1.0 Release!

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Re: Operation Body Count [Demo]

Post by ImpieTwo »

Douk Nouk Kem wrote:
ImpieTwo wrote:Screenshot of the first combat zone of the latest mission, Desert Strike. Features the first new boss, "Doc" Mustafa.
Are there any secret bunkers with power hungry madmen inside?
Not bunkers, but there IS a fancy desert villa with a power-hungry madman.


It's probably obvious by now that all the missions are based on games that involve middle eastern terrorist plots, including Desert Strike itself. I thought it'd be more interesting than 40 floors of an office building. I'm not sure if the UN towers will even be a featured level at this point cos I dunno how I can make it interesting. Especially after already featuring an office level at the beginning.
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Re: Operation Body Count [Demo]

Post by Gideon020 »

The UN mission is a race against time to reach and defuse a nuclear bomb, starting from the parking garage and going up?
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Re: Operation Body Count [Demo]

Post by ImpieTwo »

Gideon020 wrote:The UN mission is a race against time to reach and defuse a nuclear bomb, starting from the parking garage and going up?
That was the idea. I just don't know if I want to do another office building level or keep each mission locale distinct from the rest. If I do the latter, then the mission where you start in the sewer will have to have something else awaiting topside, like maybe an airfield.
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Re: Operation Body Count [Demo]

Post by ImpieTwo »

Current Progress:

16 enemies - terrorists, robots, and monsters.

9 missions: US Embassy, Oil Rig, Alcatraz, 2 Desert Bases, and a bunch of other locales.

Wicked Amiga soundtrack to ground the mod in the same era.

I've decided that, rather than revisiting the original OBC's plot of stopping terrorists occupying UN HQ, I would have the same villains committing terrorist activities in various locales and situations all based on other DOS-era games and movies. So the final product will be a grab-bag of 80s action movie madness, and also kind of a mod of ALL of these things. Here's a list of games that inspired most of the missions:

Hostage: Rescue Mission
Persian Gulf Inferno
Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf
Lethal Tender
Terminal Terror

Also, the Flamer is badass in the full version. It burns everyone: terrorists, rats, and even bosses.
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Re: Operation Body Count [Demo]

Post by ImpieTwo »

Beta version is ready for testing! Please give it a whirl and report any feedback here.
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Re: Operation Body Count [Beta Release - Testers Wanted]

Post by shadstarn »

feedback time!

i would love to be able to use these wepaons on custom maps

i just have one 1 main sugestion..... change .. alah ... becasuse its something many people love and respect its their god and its not okay to use their gods name like this
personal opinion for me... the same way its not good to use christian or jewish beloved names in such way ..its okay that they are arabic and terrorists but not okay to disrespect a whole peoples love and holiness
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Re: Operation Body Count [Beta Release - Testers Wanted]

Post by Korell »

Finished the first level. No issues. Tried to play through the second mission but ended up running around like a madman looking for a red keycard. The kill counter says I've killed 82/94 enemies, one floor has been fully cleared, I have the yellow and blue keycards but can't find the red one. I've not seen any hostages yet, either, so I guess they are behind the red doors, along with the last 12 enemies.
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Re: Operation Body Count [Beta Release - Testers Wanted]

Post by QuakedoomNukem Cz »

Korell wrote:Finished the first level. No issues. Tried to play through the second mission but ended up running around like a madman looking for a red keycard. The kill counter says I've killed 82/94 enemies, one floor has been fully cleared, I have the yellow and blue keycards but can't find the red one. I've not seen any hostages yet, either, so I guess they are behind the red doors, along with the last 12 enemies.
The boss, who's in catwalks, has the red key you need.
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Re: Operation Body Count [Beta Release - Testers Wanted]

Post by Korell »

QuakedoomNukem Cz wrote: The boss, who's in catwalks, has the red key you need.
Thanks, I've done it now. I don't think I'd ever have found it as I'm sure I'd had a message saying that the catwalks were cleared so I wasn't bothering to go back down there.
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Re: Operation Body Count [Beta Release - Testers Wanted]

Post by QuakedoomNukem Cz »

Korell wrote:
QuakedoomNukem Cz wrote: The boss, who's in catwalks, has the red key you need.
Thanks, I've done it now. I don't think I'd ever have found it as I'm sure I'd had a message saying that the catwalks were cleared so I wasn't bothering to go back down there.
Either it was overlooked, or it only goes for standard enemy types, instead of bosses.
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Re: Operation Body Count [Beta Release - Testers Wanted]

Post by Zen3001 »

shadstarn wrote:i just have one 1 main sugestion..... change .. alah ... becasuse its something many people love and respect its their god and its not okay to use their gods name like this
personal opinion for me... the same way its not good to use christian or jewish beloved names in such way ..its okay that they are arabic and terrorists but not okay to disrespect a whole peoples love and holiness
no, that would suck.
I don't care about jews or christians either, people make fun of them in videogames and movies too but they don't seem to be as offended.
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Re: Operation Body Count [Beta Release - Testers Wanted]

Post by ImpieTwo »

shadstarn wrote:feedback time!
i just have one 1 main sugestion..... change .. alah ... becasuse its something many people love and respect its their god and its not okay to use their gods name like this
personal opinion for me... the same way its not good to use christian or jewish beloved names in such way ..its okay that they are arabic and terrorists but not okay to disrespect a whole peoples love and holiness
No. Just no. Middle eastern terror groups are a real thing, their minions are brainwashed into thinking they're doing god's work, and I'm not gonna put this through a PC filter just to avoid hurting the feelings of some assholes who missed the point. If they're gonna get pissed off that the villains praise allah for perverse reasons, they're also gonna get pissed that the terrorists aren't all white dudes in suits.

It's not the first time someone has told me it's wrong to use Taliban as enemies in a game project, and frankly it's getting on my nerves. Another guy told me it was altogether racist in this same thread, which is [censored word].
Korell wrote:
QuakedoomNukem Cz wrote: The boss, who's in catwalks, has the red key you need.
Thanks, I've done it now. I don't think I'd ever have found it as I'm sure I'd had a message saying that the catwalks were cleared so I wasn't bothering to go back down there.
The reason for that is the key-holders have to have a different tag than the normal guys who give the "all clear" message when they're all dead, otherwise a key appears on EVERY corpse, which is kinda funny, but not what I want. The alternative is I can have the key on a pillar somewhere that lowers when the boss is killed, but I kinda wanted them to carry the keys themselves, so I'm kinda at an impasse.

There are some maps where you don't have to kill all enemies on a floor to secure it, such as the airport map. Enemies behind counters generally don't count 'cos they're essentially hiding.

Now that I think on it, the "catwalks clear" message isn't even necessary since there's no hostages to rescue down there. I may just remove it entirely.
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Re: Operation Body Count [Beta Release - Testers Wanted]

Post by shadstarn »

i dont think its racist and i don thtink its inappropriate i think its the same as having nazis but i thin its innaprorpiat to make current day beloved things of others in such a way that its used in vain...

like say if they used some word or someones beloved thing in wolfenstein that didnt have to do with hitler .. then i would be not okay with that.

you can do exactly what you want i just had to voice my opinion.

i think its wrong to take something that has nothing to do with something directly specially when there are people who love that thing and putt it so much out there .. because real muslims are victims themeslves of the terorirsts that is a fact they dont support them and when teorrorists missuse the name of their god which they do its not right towards the groups of people who do not support terrorists.

anyway you can do what you want its your freedom.
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Re: Operation Body Count [Beta Release - Testers Wanted]

Post by Rachael »

shadstarn wrote:i dont think its racist and i don thtink its inappropriate i think its the same as having nazis but i thin its innaprorpiat to make current day beloved things of others in such a way that its used in vain...

like say if they used some word or someones beloved thing in wolfenstein that didnt have to do with hitler .. then i would be not okay with that.

you can do exactly what you want i just had to voice my opinion.

i think its wrong to take something that has nothing to do with something directly specially when there are people who love that thing and putt it so much out there .. because real muslims are victims themeslves of the terorirsts that is a fact they dont support them and when teorrorists missuse the name of their god which they do its not right towards the groups of people who do not support terrorists.

anyway you can do what you want its your freedom.
Alright. First of all, this entire mod is a remake of a very old DOS game, using resources pulled from said game, in addition to throwing in other Doom community resources, plus Impie making a few of his own to make it what it is.

Second, radical Muslims are a thing. They are technically no different from Nazis. And Nazis are really just radical Christians. Both groups praise their gods, whatever they may call him, when performing what they deem as "holy acts". Both groups are terrorists. Both groups are hateful and bigoted. Both groups kill you on sight for not being them. (Or would, if they thought they could get away with it)

So really, you're getting worked up over a non-issue here. You can choose to be offended or not offended but that does not change the historical significance of the game itself and what it portrays, which is more important than following some arbitrary code of conduct spawned out of a confusion over the usage of the word "Allah."

And for what it's worth, I know lots of both Muslims and Christians that are good decent people. Most people following either religion are just trying to live by the day and be happy. On the flip side, I would never call any radicalized version of either religion good people, I think they are utter shit human beings that need to re-evaluate their understanding of life before they kill themselves and millions of other people. All radicals use their God's name in vain, whether they understand it or not, because if you understand the common ancestry of both religions, you know that Allah/God wants you to love for your fellow people, and to not judge or execute them.
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Re: Operation Body Count [Beta Release - Testers Wanted]

Post by shadstarn »

Rachael wrote:
shadstarn wrote:i dont think its racist and i don thtink its inappropriate i think its the same as having nazis but i thin its innaprorpiat to make current day beloved things of others in such a way that its used in vain...

like say if they used some word or someones beloved thing in wolfenstein that didnt have to do with hitler .. then i would be not okay with that.

you can do exactly what you want i just had to voice my opinion.

i think its wrong to take something that has nothing to do with something directly specially when there are people who love that thing and putt it so much out there .. because real muslims are victims themeslves of the terorirsts that is a fact they dont support them and when teorrorists missuse the name of their god which they do its not right towards the groups of people who do not support terrorists.

anyway you can do what you want its your freedom.
Alright. First of all, this entire mod is a remake of a very old DOS game, using resources pulled from said game, in addition to throwing in other Doom community resources, plus Impie making a few of his own to make it what it is.

Second, radical Muslims are a thing. They are technically no different from Nazis. And Nazis are really just radical Christians. Both groups praise their gods, whatever they may call him, when performing what they deem as "holy acts". Both groups are terrorists. Both groups are hateful and bigoted. Both groups kill you on sight for not being them. (Or would, if they thought they could get away with it)

So really, you're getting worked up over a non-issue here. You can choose to be offended or not offended but that does not change the historical significance of the game itself and what it portrays, which is more important than following some arbitrary code of conduct spawned out of a confusion over the usage of the word "Allah."

And for what it's worth, I know lots of both Muslims and Christians that are good decent people. Most people following either religion are just trying to live by the day and be happy. On the flip side, I would never call any radicalized version of either religion good people, I think they are utter shit human beings that need to re-evaluate their understanding of life before they kill themselves and millions of other people.
your name

okay.... look.... i said myself its the same as nazis.... i have no prob with killing terrorists in a game that is... i just say ... must we abuse the name of god the same way the terrorists do inside a game ... that name has a lot of meaning for millions and billions of people who arent terrorists do you get what i am meaning here? .. its dear and near to them...
if you are jew
or muslim
or even christian
it says " do not use gods name in vain "
that is what i am pointing out.

personally i have nothing else to say in this thread about this ... i manually removed the allahuakhbar soundbit .. i dont want to use gods name in vain.

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