how do i see what errors gzdoom builder is having when compiling zdoom ACS?
it says there is an error and there is a red exclamation next to "#include "zcommon.acs"" yet it seems to compile without a problem as the scripts end up working...super weird.
is there any way to see what the issue is? because right now its not showing any error.
i did have something popup asking if it could access a file though...but i cant seem to get it to come back. really weird.
im actually using Johnnyfives weather system (incredible) and haev never had issues. well now that im using GZDB when i go to compile it isnt a fan of compiling with the "#import "weather.acs"" underneath the include zcommon.acs.
the weather is in fact in the GZDB folder. not really sure waht teh issue could be.
also for some reason GZDB wont allow me to compile the script
script 15 open
PlaySound (39, "torture3",Chan_body, 1, true, 2.0, false);
why? do i need to update my zcommon.acs? if so where is the download...ive been looking FOREVER!
if anyone is curious on how to update their zcommon.acs go to ""
updated my zcommon...and now it compules and no sound plays. seriously....why does nothing work all of a sudden?