EDIT: And hope it's okay. Because i forgot to post some REELism fan arts here!
I admit, I was expecting the Blood soundtrack as well.Captain J wrote:i have one gripe to confess; A Grave Night has some fitting musics and such. However, they're too much chiptune-ish. It kinda ruins the whole spooky-PC Blood mood.
Spoiler:...so it's not all bad.
Jade Valley from Sonic RoboBlast 2 by D00D64 https://mb.srb2.org/showthread.php?p=729542DoomKrakken wrote:Halloweeism?
Are there more maps for Reelism that I'm missing?
I have the map, though I feel like it needs a lot of tweaking. For one thing, the sky starts out as the proper Greenflower Zone sky, before turning to Doom 2's SKY1 the instant the reels start rolling. Also, sector-based springs instead of Thing-based ones that you could make via DECORATE or ZScript; hard water instead of the 3D-sector based water from the original (D00D said he didn't like the enemies getting stuck deep in the pond, so this might actually be a good change); and, perhaps most egregiously, absolutely no 9-9-9 jackpot to speak of (so one'd have to be made). If I did release it, it'd be as-is, as a map that needs a bit of loving care still (though I should probably get permission from D00D to do so).Techokami wrote:Man I wish I knew about that SRB2 map, I'd love to give it a go. If someone could mirror that, it would be much appreciated!
Personally I was thinking Brak Eggman, but I'm a little concerned it's too similar to El Cybredemon (especially considering I rewrote the guy for 2.1 and more or less turned him into a Cyberdemon). Though, I suppose I could borrow some attacks from both of his incarnations and come up with something slightly different (maybe the glue gun attack and homing rockets from his 2.0 incarnation, and the flamethrower, napalm cluster bombs and Archvile attacks from his 2.1 variant...)?Techokami wrote:Somewhat related to that, I had an idea for a boss that Kinsie felt was a bit too "on the nose": Dr. Eggman in his Eggmobile, using SRB2 assets. He'd attack by shooting lasers/rockets and spawning robot enemies from the existing RoBots reel, so you'd be swamped with Trackbots and Firebots if you don't take him out quickly.
Why? I never said I was planning on making him anytime soon.undeadmonk354 wrote:I'm looking forward to see Brak Eggman in Reelism soon...