Enter the woods once more and relive the nightmare.
Spoiler:The Ghoul's Forest is sort of a fan-remake/enhancement of CutmanMike's Ghoul's Forest 3 updated for modern audiences. Explore and freeroam a new map with more content than ever before, State of the art special effects and lighting effects. Relive the nightmare of 2007 like never before!
The reason I made this, aside from being a little loveletter to Cutty himself is that the original Ghoul 3 certainly has shown it's age and watching people play it today, I just wanted to give them a slightly "refreshed" experience. (It also doesn't help several of the mods mechanics/features are broken in the latest versions of GZDoom, Namely the dynamic lights and also now not being able to switch weapons properly.) I have tried to make Ghoul mods in the past but I mostly never finished them or lost them, and even then a lot of the times they proved too ambitious for me. I settled on a simple enhancement/remake to test out most of what I have learned from modding for G/ZDoom as a whole. Enhancing sounds and graphics to a few gameplay changes, I'm hoping you guys will enjoy this. 2 years later I decided to update it and pack it with the content and whatnot I wanted to achieve back in 2017.
New features include the following:
-Gone are the fists, You now have a hunting knife. If you can actually beat the whole game with this, I applaud you. It will 1-shot ghouls granted you gotta be careful because they will also one-shot YOU.
-New landmarks throughout the forest including a glowing pond (rumored to have souls swimming though it's waters), A house in ruin with a ritual circle and an aztec shrine.
-IcyTux's Ghouls from the fan-favorite addon for Ghoul 3 are here along with one extra one, See below for details.
-Extended version of the original BGM by Bouncy
-Lighter replaced with a torch
-Tons of bugfixes since the last version
-No more snuff/gore from Yurei, Replaced with a singular image and a less loud scream.
-New death animations if you die from certain ghouls
-New effects
-Redone sounds
-Player-defined gender voice clips.
-Hopefully a fairly simple remaster on a classic that can make it more playable and enjoyable for today's generation.
Spoiler:Before you ask: Yes, Yurei's snuff gore images have been removed and replaced. The sound effect when she kills you shouldn't wreck your speakers either. I warn you that it's still a jumpscare though. (Surprise, Surprise.)
Download: ZIP package with Freedoom IWAD + Recommended settings
https://www.mediafire.com/file/ipsyc8bv ... st.7z/file
(RECOMMENDED) controls as all these features are kind of necessary:
Shift: Run (Or turning on Caps Lock to always run.)
Mouse: Aim (Make sure mouselook is turned ON, The bow has auto-aim disabled now.

F: Jump
Download: Standalone PK3
https://www.mediafire.com/file/8v2m623v ... e.pk3/file
Download: Mod-compatible version (for weapon packs and player replacements)
https://www.mediafire.com/file/eukg4hn7 ... t.pk3/file
To those having issues with the game being too dark: Go to "Display Settings", Then "Hardware Renderer" and set the sector light mode to "STANDARD"
Thank you all for your support. If you find any issues, Please report them to this thread. I hope to update this over time and give a few touch ups here and there.