[GZDoom pre1262-g61e09da] Terminal velocity = terminal crash

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[GZDoom pre1262-g61e09da] Terminal velocity = terminal crash

Post by Zhs2 »

Steps to reproduce:
- Launch Hexen.
- Map MAP04 (or any level with a suitable deathly fall - this is just the first one I know becomes reachable. Or noclip in MAP02.)
- Fall in.
- ??????
- Access violation!

edit: Killing yourself with your own explosions in this little ditty produces a similar crash-on-death.
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Re: [GZDoom pre1262-g61e09da] Terminal velocity = terminal c

Post by _mental_ »

It's is already fixed in ZDoom. You just need to wait when this will be merged into GZDoom.

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