Blood Fixer (updated 10/1/17)

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Blood Fixer (updated 10/1/17)

Post by Nevander »

EDIT: The file names have been changed to avoid confusion with an older mod already called bloodfix.wad

I know this kind of thing has been done before but I wanted to do one myself. This fixes the mismatched blood for the Spectre, Hell Knight, Baron of Hell, Cacodemon and Lost Soul.
  • Spectre will now bleed the same fuzz style you that you have set for renderstyle OptFuzzy (particles disabled so that it won't look bad with non-fuzz settings).
  • Hell Knight and Baron of Hell bleeds green like their death frames.
  • Cacodemon bleeds blue like their death frames.
  • Lost Soul has no blood at all or no blood decals. It never made sense to me for a Lost Soul to bleed since they are pretty much just a flaming skull with no flesh.
  • Revenants have darker blood to resemble it starting to dry and such.
There is also a new Plus version included which has all the features above in addition to:
  • Lost Soul health reduced by half to be closer to Doom 64 and PSX Doom
This WAD is designed for use with normal Doom IWADS or with mods and megawads which do not modify monsters.

Here's the WADs:
Here's a preview image:

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Last edited by Nevander on Sun Oct 01, 2017 1:49 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: Blood Fixer

Post by NightFright »

Neat! I had made a similar file like this already (like many others, I guess), but I didn't know you could make the Spectre blood use the render style from the menu. Will use this with any wad out there which doesn't modify monsters. ^^

Two things to mention:
- It looks like the Baron of Hell still bleeds red, though. Is this intended?
- Removing bleeding for Lost Souls provokes the philosophical question whether bleeding shouldn't be removed from Revenants as well, assuming they are only walking skeletons. But then again, maybe there's some rotten flesh left on them underneath those rags they wear, so I guess we can live with it. :P

I would like to see this added to (G/Q)ZDoom as an optional fix that can be activated via ingame menu, actually.
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Re: Blood Fixer

Post by Nevander »

Oops. I forgot the Baron in classic Doom also has green blood in his death frames. Been playing too much Doom 64 lately. I will fix this shortly.

EDIT: Done. Also added note about Revenants.
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Re: Blood Fixer

Post by NightFright »

Excellent! Thanks for fixin' the bloodfix, pal! ^^
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Re: Blood Fixer

Post by CasualChris »

Thank you for this! The inconsistency always bothered me.
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Re: Blood Fixer

Post by Enjay »

NightFright wrote:- Removing bleeding for Lost Souls provokes the philosophical question whether bleeding shouldn't be removed from Revenants as well, assuming they are only walking skeletons. But then again, maybe there's some rotten flesh left on them underneath those rags they wear, so I guess we can live with it. :P
There has been a long running debate as to whether the Revenant wears trousers/pants or if that is just bloody raw flesh around his upper thighs and pelvis.

Personally I think it's pretty clear from the sprite, the concept art/mockup statuette and the versions from Doom3 and Doom2016 that it's the second option.
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Re: Blood Fixer

Post by Expect No Mercy »

I thought it looks more like these guys:
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Re: Blood Fixer

Post by Tapwave »

Enjay wrote:
NightFright wrote:- Removing bleeding for Lost Souls provokes the philosophical question whether bleeding shouldn't be removed from Revenants as well, assuming they are only walking skeletons. But then again, maybe there's some rotten flesh left on them underneath those rags they wear, so I guess we can live with it. :P
There has been a long running debate as to whether the Revenant wears trousers/pants or if that is just bloody raw flesh around his upper thighs and pelvis.

Personally I think it's pretty clear from the sprite, the concept art/mockup statuette and the versions from Doom3 and Doom2016 that it's the second option.
I gave Lost Souls and Revenants a more brick colored blood, so that it looks more.. I dunno, dried and mixed with bonemeal?
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Re: Blood Fixer

Post by Nevander »

That's actually a good idea. I might give Revenants darker blood, but probably not Lost Souls.
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Re: Blood Fixer

Post by SiFi270 »

According to the books, they're (and I quote) "a skeleton in lederhosen". Apparently the authors had a really shitty monitor.
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Re: Blood Fixer

Post by Tapwave »

Nevander wrote:That's actually a good idea. I might give Revenants darker blood, but probably not Lost Souls.
I used this one.

Code: Select all

bloodcolor "brown";
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Re: Blood Fixer (updated 4/21/17)

Post by Nevander »

Updated to make Revenants have a bit darker blood and the Lost Soul has its dynamic lights back, I always forget dynamic light bindings are not inherited automatically when replacing actors. :x
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Re: Blood Fixer (updated 4/21/17)

Post by Mr.Enchanter »

Why not make Lost Souls bleed flames if it's possible?
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Re: Blood Fixer

Post by Enjay »

SiFi270 wrote:According to the books, they're (and I quote) "a skeleton in lederhosen". Apparently the authors had a really shitty monitor.
Seriously? Skeletons in lederhosen? That has to be one of the daftest things I've read in a while. Image

Well, I suppose there is a precedent for "bad guys" doing that.
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Re: Blood Fixer (updated 4/21/17)

Post by hoover1979 »

Nice work with the blood fix mod. I am downloading it now.

I previously used the ketchup mod and was thrown off by all the demons bleeding red.

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