Zagemod (v1.6 Announced, pg 25)

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Re: Zagemod (v1.2.2 Released, Page 4)

Post by silentzora »

They are rage. Brutal. Without mercy. But he...

He will be worse.
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Re: Zagemod (v1.2.2 Released, Page 4)

Post by Twitchy2019 »

So I am assuming we will see the next version tomorrow?
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Re: Zagemod (v1.2.2 Released, Page 4)

Post by StroggVorbis »

Can't wait to see QuakeII/QuakeIV, Wolfguy or RAGEguy in the update after the next B-) id Tech All-Stars :D

He/They could be named StroggGuy and SMCguy (Space Marine Corps) as long as we don't find something better :P

Sounds weird but speaking of which, have you considered making a Heretic/Hexenguy or Ravenguy? Dunno how that could work out, but he could be an amalgamate of Shadowcaster, CyClones, Soldier of Fortune and other Raven software titles.
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Re: Zagemod (v1.2.2 Released, Page 4)

Post by Twitchy2019 »

If I may give my two cents on the latest video trailer (Slayerguy), I couldn't help but notice that you changed the third-person player sprite into the new doom slayer sprite. Now, that is odd considering you reused sprites such as that shotgun sprite and the hmg sprite which is also shared with another one of your classes. Preferably, someone should make a new set of sprites featuring the praetor suit. D4T (Doom Fortold) has the opposite problem, it has praetor suit first-person sprites but no third person sprite featuring the praetor suit.

This complaint is a minor surface-level bit, I'm not losing sleep on it. WHAT I am losing sleep on is no class with a proper FLAMETHROWER!!! Seriously, that shit with 64 guy is funny with his rocket launcher fire bit. PLEASE put more fire animations with the bigger monsters!!!
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Re: Zagemod (v1.2.2 Released, Page 4)

Post by StroggVorbis »

warman2012 wrote:If I may give my two cents on the latest video trailer (Slayerguy), I couldn't help but notice that you changed the third-person player sprite into the new doom slayer sprite. Now, that is odd considering you reused sprites such as that shotgun sprite and the hmg sprite which is also shared with another one of your classes. Preferably, someone should make a new set of sprites featuring the praetor suit. D4T (Doom Fortold) has the opposite problem, it has praetor suit first-person sprites but no third person sprite featuring the praetor suit.

This complaint is a minor surface-level bit, I'm not losing sleep on it. WHAT I am losing sleep on is no class with a proper FLAMETHROWER!!! Seriously, that shit with 64 guy is funny with his rocket launcher fire bit. PLEASE put more fire animations with the bigger monsters!!!
Should he do Wolfguy, the Mac Family of Wolfenstein 3D ports (including the SNES version) & RtCW (since it's basically a remake of Wolf3D) has one, even though in the former it's more or less a Doom plasma rifle reskin. Also, instead of shotguns, he could have semi auto or bolt action battle rifles, since shotguns were first introduced to Wolfenstein in the trilogy reboot by MachineGames (if you ignore the Tides of War Xbox port of RtCW, which is superior to the PC version and sadly never got backported or made into a mod).
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Re: Zagemod (v1.2.2 Released, Page 4)

Post by silentzora »

warman2012 wrote:This complaint is a minor surface-level bit, I'm not losing sleep on it. WHAT I am losing sleep on is no class with a proper FLAMETHROWER!!! Seriously, that shit with 64 guy is funny with his rocket launcher fire bit. PLEASE put more fire animations with the bigger monsters!!!
The only monster(s) I can add a flame death to at this point are the Baron-style enemies. I've seen a flaming death for those around the forums. I neglect to add them because if those are going to be burnable, I'd like to at least have some burn death sprites for Pinkies, Revenants, Mancubi, and Arachnotrons. A burning death for Flameboi isn't necessary, though, as he's resistant to fire.

Main point is, I can't add a flame death to a monster if I don't have any sprites to use. If you have any lying around, I'm open to sprite submissions.

Incidentally, the reason no class has a flamethrower is because there hasn't been a flamethrower in a main series Doom game. At least, not until Eternal releases, anyway. ;)

The next version release may not be as soon as you think, though. I still have a lot of testing to do, and I want to add some new CVARs for monster cosmetics. I may even add a few new monsters. We'll see. It's going to be a while, still. Just be patient. I'll release it when it's ready.
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Re: Zagemod (v1.2.2 Released, Page 4)

Post by Dwailing »

Yay, another Doom (2016) inspired mod! I realize that sounds sarcastic, but I promise it's not. I'm always happy to see more mods taking cues from the modern Doom games. Looking forward to it! :)
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Re: Zagemod (v1.3 Released, Page 7)

Post by silentzora »

Zagemod v1.3 is released!

Download Zagemod v1.3
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Re: Zagemod (v1.3 Released, Page 7)

Post by Someone64 »

It seems you've defined the proximity grenades as enemies so autoaim likes to prioritize them and autoautosave spams new active enemies in the console. Is the former intentional?
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Re: Zagemod (v1.3 Released, Page 7)

Post by silentzora »

The former is definitely intentional, as I wanted to make the proximity mines shootable in case the player blocks himself off without having to blow himself up. I'm sorry if this is an inconvenience, as I usually don't test with autoaim. I normally turn that all the way off.

I'm not sure what might be causing the autosave spam. I don't recall ever putting anything like that in the mod. Weird. :/
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Re: Zagemod (v1.3 Released, Page 7)

Post by namsan »

Thanks for update. Your mod is my favorite one because there are many classes, like Final Doomer. :D
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Re: Zagemod (v1.3 Released, Page 7)

Post by Ahpiox »

Great update as usual.
But i think it's kinda weird that SlayerGuy and MarineGuy have the same shotgun.
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Re: Zagemod (v1.3 Released, Page 7)

Post by Someone64 »

You should decrease the limit of hand grenades you can hold drastically to encourage more use of them and make it so you don't end up with 50 of them after several maps (which happened to me quite frequently).

I've really been enjoying Quakeguy but I'm concerned on how the ammo balance might be like on maps that give you plasma gun slot weapons and cell ammo and nothing else. You would be totally fucked if the enemies were just demons instead of zombiemen that drop shells because you couldn't use the original with cell ammo.

Lastly, the +ISMONSTER flag on the proximity grenades is what causes it. This can not only cause issues with mods that use that flag for things (imagine if for Legendoom, you had the option to make newly spawned monsters legendary and it affected the proximity grenades. I have no idea if it actually uses +ISMONSTER though.) like autoautosave but it works totally fine without +ISMONSTER. I can't really see why you added the flag but simply removing it solves those issues. Kinda reminds me of how Brutal Doom barrels (and mods that use them) often fuck up with mods like Keymaster and maybe Legendoom because they're set as monsters even if they really don't need to be.
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Re: Zagemod (v1.3 Released, Page 7)

Post by silentzora »

Someone64 wrote:Lastly, the +ISMONSTER flag on the proximity grenades is what causes it. This can not only cause issues with mods that use that flag for things (imagine if for Legendoom, you had the option to make newly spawned monsters legendary and it affected the proximity grenades. I have no idea if it actually uses +ISMONSTER though.) like autoautosave but it works totally fine without +ISMONSTER. I can't really see why you added the flag but simply removing it solves those issues. Kinda reminds me of how Brutal Doom barrels (and mods that use them) often fuck up with mods like Keymaster and maybe Legendoom because they're set as monsters even if they really don't need to be.
I've gone ahead and updated the download, removing the ISMONSTER flag from armed proximity mines. Also, trying to develop a hotfix for Joy of Mapping 6's E3M1, where the game crashes hard towards the end of the map, due to a large amount of Archviles being placed under crushers.
Someone64 wrote:I've really been enjoying Quakeguy but I'm concerned on how the ammo balance might be like on maps that give you plasma gun slot weapons and cell ammo and nothing else. You would be totally fucked if the enemies were just demons instead of zombiemen that drop shells because you couldn't use the original with cell ammo.
See, now you've got me considering adding the Laser Cannon and Mjolnir. :lol:
Ahpiox wrote:Great update as usual.
But i think it's kinda weird that SlayerGuy and MarineGuy have the same shotgun.
I do understand where you're coming from. I kinda wanted to redeem the D3 shotgun, because it was the best melee weapon in the game. I do like what I was able to come up with, and just figured I'd get some of the work done for SlayerGuy early, considering I worked on MarineGuy first. If I can come up with a new center-held sprite set for Slayer's SG, I'll set those to the Combat Shotgun, and will use the current ones for a new shotgun for MarineGuy. But, I need to come up with a suitable alt-fire for it, as I want every weapon to have some sort of unique property to them.
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Re: Zagemod (v1.3 Released, Page 7)

Post by Beezle »

You've done an amazing job on this, it's SO much more than an "Awful General Enhancement" Mod hehe. To be honest, I didn't really see much of a point in adding Marine Guy class but I still appreciate his inclusion in this. Thanks for this update SilentZora:)

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