Solar Studios' Soundtracks and Mixes

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Solar Studios' Soundtracks and Mixes

Post by S-Priest »

These are the soundtracks that're available for free downloads off the Solar website.

The Hexen Soundtrack is available in four different formats, 96/24 FLAC and 48/24 FLAC and 320-kbps MP3 and Q6 Ogg. The standalone playback format is 96/24, 48/24 FLAC and 320-kbps MP3 and Q6 Ogg are packaged for ZDoom and Doomsday. There is some original percussion (and guitar) in there that was recorded by the author here :-)

Mageslayer Soundtrack is available as 96/24 FLAC and a CD image. It's a bit tricky using it with the game as you'd first have to use the original CD to pass the copy check, then insert the new CD for music. The download page also has a link to a free CD image mounting utility for Windows (and there is a system image utility under MacOS, it can handle CD images too methinks).

Both Mageslayer and Hexen soundtracks are free for non-commercial use, confirmed by Kevin Schilder and the Activision legal people themselves. So you can, in theory, reuse this with anything published under Activision licences too, such as Hexen/Heretic. In case you're wondering, yes, Heretic and Hexen were published by ID and GT Interactive, but eventually Activision bought Raven as a whole company with its IP, and so copyrights to Heretic/Hexen were also acquired by Activision (Heretic II was released under the Activision logo, and they couldn't do that without Heretic trademark/copyright). So yes, you can use Mageslayer music for Heretic/Hexen maps.

Other mixes are: Doom, Doom II, Heretic and some other stuff like the Masters of Chaos Heretic campaign soundtrack. It does not get a "full" soundtrack status because frankly by today's standards some of the old Heretic mixes in it are a bit crummy, and everything else excluding two original MIDI mixes is just Hexen scores. Still, there it is.

The Doom and Heretic soundtracks are in a very background/on-ice work-in-progress mode. They may get released eventually. Originally the two new Heretic mixes were used as testbeds for new percussion samples, but in fairness, it does beg for a better-quality soundtrack. There already are some Doom mixes up, quite a few of them new, and the old ones that played nicely are also there on the Doom page. There are no full soundtracks yet though, but you can download the files and perhaps use them for your own Doom maps.
Last edited by S-Priest on Sun Sep 20, 2015 11:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Solar Studios' Soundtracks and Mixes

Post by S-Priest »

Also, the Hexen Soundtrack has been uploaded to the world's largest online video site. So now the whole soundtrack can be previewed in crummy Flash Video quality.

Here it is:

Full Playlist Link.

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