ZDoom project ideas you have

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ZDoom project ideas you have

Post by Cutmanmike »

Post ideas, dreams and visions of ZDoom wads you'd like to make or help make but haven't got the time, tools or skill to do so. Don't go crazy and post things that just cannot be done in the ZDoom engine though.

Also post why you can't make the project. Who knows, maybe someone will like your idea and will be willing to lend you a hand! :idea:

Here's one I constantly think of doing and even gathered resourced to start it once. 28 Days Later doom. If you've seen the movie you know what to expect but if not, basicly it would be a zombie infestation.

The gameplay would be that you're randomly spawned into a huge city or town, maybe even connected via hubs. There's no monsters at the start so you're just walking around this empty city. After a while zombies would start randomly spawning (I have a system planned for this using some a_checksight trickery). Some would chase after you right away, some would walk around aimlessly until they see you and some would just stand still. They'd be fast (like in 28 days later), the same speed as the player. Ammo would be limited and you'd have a "sprint" bar so you can't just avoid them all day. The aim of the game would be to find the helicopter which is also randomly spawned in the huge city in certain areas.

Okay now here's the killer: the maps. I can't map for taters and i'd want it to look as "realistic" as it could in Doom. Alot of work would need to be done. Also here's another reason why: sprites. For the life of me I can't think of any sprinting zombie sprties.
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Post by Risen »

I've wanted to reproduce the Riot Cannon from Einhander as a player weapon, but there's been a lot of obstacles in the way. Most of them I have sorted out now with some of the newer features: 7 levels of charge, armor 'piercing', and ammo handling.

I haven't yet figured out how to do a convincing horizontal lightning effect, though. Railguns are no good because the Riot has a limited range.
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Post by Kinsie »

One project that I've done tiny little bits of on-and-off and abandoned many times is a little something called Mischief! It'd be... not a jokewad, but certainly humorous, taking the player around a city inhabited by both people and creatures of all shapes and sizes, initially to try and find whoever broke into his house, but expanding to a journey of... probably underwhelming proportions.

Once Zdoom finally gets a working ACS command to change an actor's state, I'll probably crack in on this properly. As it is, I'll just hone my skills.
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Re: ZDoom project ideas you have

Post by Dancso »

Cutmanmike wrote:Here's one I constantly think of doing and even gathered resourced to start it once. 28 Days Later doom. If you've seen the movie you know what to expect but if not, basicly it would be a zombie infestation.

The gameplay would be that you're randomly spawned into a huge city or town, maybe even connected via hubs. There's no monsters at the start so you're just walking around this empty city. After a while zombies would start randomly spawning (I have a system planned for this using some a_checksight trickery). Some would chase after you right away, some would walk around aimlessly until they see you and some would just stand still. They'd be fast (like in 28 days later), the same speed as the player. Ammo would be limited and you'd have a "sprint" bar so you can't just avoid them all day. The aim of the game would be to find the helicopter which is also randomly spawned in the huge city in certain areas.

Okay now here's the killer: the maps. I can't map for taters and i'd want it to look as "realistic" as it could in Doom. Alot of work would need to be done. Also here's another reason why: sprites. For the life of me I can't think of any sprinting zombie sprties.
I smell Zombi Outbreak :lol:
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Post by Cutmanmike »

Naw I watched 28 days later long after that.
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Post by tcm »

One project I worked on for a while started life as a port of Nick Perrin's Soldier's Stockpile (solstock.wad) to Zdoom. It morphed from there to an all-out humans-and-robots-only weapons mod, complete with changeable fire modes (the M16 can switch between single fire, burst fire, and full auto), grenade "cooking" (that is, the longer you hold the grenade, the farther you throw it), and alternate ammo types (the M4 not only has an underslung grenade launcher, but displays when you have the grenade loaded or not). Shotgun pumping and bolt-action cocking are also manually done. The zombieman replacements originally had pistols, but I gave them M16s. They'll occasionally run out of ammo and switch to their backup pistol. I also implemented a variation of Wild Weasel's ww-ultimate inventory system, so that you can have one secondary weapon (a pistol, of which there are several types), and one primary weapon (a shotgun, an automatic, or a heavy weapon, like an RPG or grenade launcher).

I've since abandoned that project; I thought about releasing it, since I put so much into it, but I ripped from so many sources I could never name them all in the credits.

Since I got sick of model rip weapons, I remade my "zSolstock," as I came to call it, into an Agent Zero type mod. Instead of a two-weapon limit, this mod has a three weapon limit - but it can be any three weapons. There are weapon upgrades and all kinds of crazy stuff. Also, the hand grenade is not a separate weapon like in other mods - when the alternate HUD is activated, you can see how many grenades you have, and you can throw them while holding any weapon (there's a special key for that).

Another mod idea I have, but haven't started working on, is inspired by Bioshock and System Shock 2 (I just finished the latter; I highly recommend it). The premise is in addition to basic weapons (probably stock Doom ones), there are injectable/mental powers, like the plasmids in Bioshock. Each needle, or hypo, you find contains a power or upgrade of some kind. Some will increase your endurance/stamina (this would replace armor, I guess). Some will increase your health, probably short-term. And some will give you a limited-time weapon, like pyrokinesis (fire), cryokinesis (ice), electrokinesis (lightning), and other stuff like that. Each hypo will be an inventory item, and when you use one, it will deactivate any other hypo you may have used. I really like the injection animation from Xaser's mod whose name I can't remember right now.
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Post by Cutmanmike »

Here's another I should mention incase anyone knows how cause I really want to do it:

A Disruptor weapons pack. I think Enjay is the only one here who knows what it is but basicly it's a psx fps game that came out shortly after doom did. It had high tech badass weapons which were kinda balanced and all looked cool. I'd love to have them in zdoom, but I have no idea how to rip them. First of all it's extremely hard to find a blank wall somewhere which would make it easy to cout out the frames, and secondly the gun flashes are translucent.

The sounds are easy to rip but the graphics... I just don't know how i'm going to do it.
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Post by Phobus »

I have a gigantic rack of ideas for a FPS game, and I almost started making it into a ZDoom mod... but all the spriting put me off.
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Post by neoworm »

1) DooM bible characters as player classes. With different weapon behaviour, sounds and different hands for each character. I made some sketches for the characters but I dont have time and will to continue on this. And it would be pointless without suitable maps.

2) DooM comics. Two pages are already done and 3 more are in progres (pencil drawings waiting to be inked). But I just cant make good enough script for it...

3) Shizuel Saga. Continuation of DooM universe. Demon invasion on Phobos, Mars and Earth stopped by Flynn Taggart was only first one. Fly just bought humankind some time... Now the earth is flooded by demons and heretics and only few communities survive. One of them is Order. Group of religously oriented people who try to purify earth once again. Shizu is one of them, the lowest rank (because he dont believe in god) but one of the best fighters.
Originaly mod, then it become comics, and now its stalled until... I dont know when I will return to this, I just have another things to do. The Monk Marine skin was meant as main hero skin. This mod was also reason why I ripped all the Witchaven weapons (Shizuel´s main weapon was Claymore)...

4) Right now I want to make a small mod with reloading weapons, custom damage types, pain states and resistances, revamped monsters, new textures and few non-linear levels. I am gathering resources right now.
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Post by Jimmy »

I have numerous ideas.

Godworld - Immortal Combat - This would be one of those Massmouth 2 themed WADs with a backstory and numerous ways to play through. The backstory is fairly simple: two powerful gods-in-training quarrel and battle continuously, until one goes insane and starts destroying the universe. You assume the role of either the hero god or the evil god and your journey stays much the same, but with you doing different things throughout the levels depending on whether you're the hero or villain, of course. During the course of the story you will encounter various bizarre friends and foes, navigate your way through giant metal death machines in space, and blow up more planets than you can shake a stick at. :P

I also have the backstory for a sequel to this (Godworld II) in development, but NOTHING done ZDoom-wise yet. :/

Doom Heroes - The levels for this project would be EPIC, far beyond my mapping ability, anyway (I'm talking like 2x eternall.wad, but the maps wouldn't last quite as long as they'd be very fast-paced). They would be immense, very linear and stacked with interactive objects. You would have a boss map after every regular map, as well. Also, throughout the maps there would be "switch points" where you could exchange playerclasses for the main three Doom heroes from Q3A - Doom, Crash and Phobos, and they would have different strengths, speeds, jump heights and weapon sets. Of course, this can't be done on the fly in ZDoom right now, hence why I can't produce it...that and my maps take about half a year to complete even if they're very small Skulltag invasion maps. :( So this is one of those over-ambitious projects that would never get off the ground, or if it did, would get cancelled after the third year of development and still only be a 5% total completion. :P I'm gathering resources like music (some of my own), monsters and scripts for this project, but I can't see it happening very soon at all. :/ And "Doom Heroes" is a play on "Sonic Heroes" due to the gameplay similarities, yes. :P

QuizDoom - Again, more linear levels with dramatic gameplay changes - answer questions with an ACS-based interface to progress further through the levels, with the occasional monster to shoot. There would be varying stages of difficulty, with practically impossible-to-answer questions being asked at the highest difficulty setting. At the moment, I am unable to code a Q/A interface that isn't buggy as all holy hell, which is why this project is on the back backburner right now.

Insan!ty - The weapons and monster in this project would come from my...er..."collection" of additions to Doom that is Insanity Doom. I'm planning on having maps that progress into each other, with some voice acting from the player character, and some kind of ACS-based story log that allows you to pick up information about the alien infestation along the way. Some of the additional monsters in this mod would have personalities of their own, and boss fights at the end of each level, including any of the modified versions of the Doom monsters I've included in Insanity Doom.

DoomCraft - An RTS similar in gameplay to either Dungeon Keeper or StarCraft, in ZDoom, created entirely by ACS. It's nothing else.

Realms of Zoon - This would be a TC. It's situated in the "Realms" (surprise, surprise!) that Zoon, the supreme entity of the game, is taking over with his legions of chaos. His dark realms are trying to take over the light realms, and you have to save the light ones for some reason. Yeah, another one that really hasn't had anything done to it at all. :P
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Post by Kate »

Shoot the Barrel - Nothing more, nothing less. Destroy the barrel to end the level. Too bad there's countless puzzles, numerous enemies, and tricks and surprises at every turn to make an incredibly simple task otherwise amazingly challenging...

I had countless ideas for this one but just never really took it on. Guess I kinda lost inspiration for it, heh.

I might try it one day.
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Post by Tapika »

Sonic Doom Z - Remake of Sonic Doom 2.
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Post by skadoomer »

I was going to do a turok 1 basted TC in Gzdoom for a while. I just never found a resource to extract the model data or anything from the original game.
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Post by Nash »

I wanted to create a free-roaming sandbox-style first person RPG similar to Daggerfall, but without the randomness of DF. It would have a storyline, fleshed out NPCs.

Inspired by playing Nethack-like games, the Elder Scrolls series and LilWhiteMouse's HQuest games.

The furthest I got completed was the new Diablo-like status bar (if you remember Cheap's old WIP thread, I posted it in there) and some zdoom.exe modifications that simply aren't possible without source changes. I also coded a working level up system, and in-game mouse inventory (using Isle's mouse code) using ACS.

I stopped working on it because a lot of features I want require DoomScript, but also are not worth implementing into the EXE (too much work)
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Post by lizardcommando »

I've been wanting to make a Rockman Zero weapons mod, but some of the weapons like the Z-Knuckle and Chain Rod and effects like killing an enemy the Z-Saber would make them have an alternate death sequence different to an enemy killed with the Z_Buster would probably be too hard to duplicate with DECORATE. Also, MSPaint graphics won't do for this kind of project.

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