Sprites, textures, sounds, code, and other resources belong here. Share and share-alike!
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This is a collection of all the sprites, mainly monsters, that I have released so far. Sprites may get updated every now and then so it might be worth checking for the newest version if you already downloaded an archive some time ago.
All sprites may be used as you see fit in your own projects. If you want to credit me, it would be appreciated Happy modding!
The archive includes a frame info file and two different versions: one at 1:1 Doom scale, one at 2x scale.
Brightmaps included.
Security Bot from System Shock 2.
Included frames: Idle, walk, fire, death.
Scale: 1x and 2x.
Includes frame info text file with detailed frame descriptions and brightmaps.
Military Police Bot from System Shock 2.
Included frames: Idle, walk, fire, death.
Scale: 1x and 2x.
Includes frame info text file with detailed frame descriptions and brightmaps.
Archive includes the following animations in 1x and 2x scale:
Melee attack (stomp)
Ranged Attack (minigun)
Power down
A frame info text file and brightmaps are included.
Archive includes the following animations in 1x and 2x scale:
Melee attack (stomp)
Ranged Attack (machineguns)
Scanning (torso rotating)
Power down
A frame info text file and brightmaps are included.
Last edited by Cherno on Sat Sep 14, 2024 6:49 pm, edited 21 times in total.
Included animations: Idle, Walk, Attack, Pain, Death, Folded, Unfold.
Includes 1x and 2x size versions (both at 0.5 Doom actor scale).
Includes frame info file.
Protocol Droid from System Shock 2.
Included frames: Idle, walk, melee, pain, death.
Scale: 1x and 2x.
Includes frame info text file with detailed frame descriptions.
Archive includes frame info and 1x and 2x resolution versions.
Animations include walking, melee, firing, pain, and death.
Machinegun Turret from System Shock 2.
This turret is meant to be consist of two actors; the shell which doesn't rotate, and the gun which tracks the target. This can be easily done with by assigning the shell actor to be the master of the gun actor. The gifs show both sprites combined.
Idle (closed)
Idle (open)
Destroyed (lower shell remaining)
Brightmaps (gun only)
Centaur from Malice for Quake
Death (lower body explodes, upper body is thrown upwards before falling)
Swing chainsaw
Smash chainsaw
Fire grenade launcher
Pain (4)
Death (2)
Start chainsaw
Gibs (torso, head, limbs, weapons, all in airborne & grounded versions)
Fire machinegun
Fire grenade launcher
Pain (3)
Gibs (torso, head, limbs, all in airborne & grounded versions)
Locust Drone from Gears of War 1
2x orthographic.
I have created a complete pk3 file ready to be loaded with GZDoom. It includes a complete replacement for the Zombieman for testing purposes: Custom behavior, attacking while moving, gibs, and also sounds for all actions.
GoW_LocustDrone.pk3 (A pk3 ready to be loaded with GZDoom) GoW_LocustDrone.zip (The usual zip file containing all the sprites, frameinfo, and sample gifs)
Walk Missile (firing while walking)
Run Missile (firing while running)
Fire Hammerburst
Melee (Rifle butt)
Pain (2)
Death (2)
Gibs (torso x 2, head, limbs, all in airborne & grounded versions)
Last edited by Cherno on Wed Apr 20, 2022 6:08 am, edited 14 times in total.
Great job! So these don't have decorate or zscript? Has anyone done them? So if I try to do like zscript I wouldn't do same job twice as someone already has done it.
Writing actor code for them shouldn't be too hard since all archives contain frame info files that explain in detail what animation states are suggested and which frames to use, and their order. So I'd really be just a case of finding the right values for attack damage, and creating projectiles and things like that.
I like the sprites here especially the Tank Commander. Is there a chance you can perhaps improve the muzzle flashes and sparks coming from it? They look really off compared to the rest and I'd really like to use those in a project of mine.
Outstanding work. Any chance of a DECORATE lump for the DOOM 3 SentryBot?
Post edited to remove quoted post.
No need to quote that massive first post, especially for such a simple one line question that doesn't specifically refer to anything in the post. If you ever actually need to quote something from a big post, please trim out irrelevant stuff from your quote too.
Dang, I've been digging around for a big bulky cyborg enemy and that Tank Commander fits what I'm looking for to the T(ank). The color, shading and palettes look absolutely badass. I have a potentially odd request though; is it possible to get Mr Tank Commander in a 1:1 doom resolution?
Pandut wrote:Dang, I've been digging around for a big bulky cyborg enemy and that Tank Commander fits what I'm looking for to the T(ank). The color, shading and palettes look absolutely badass. I have a potentially odd request though; is it possible to get Mr Tank Commander in a 1:1 doom resolution?
I can look into it, but rest assured that it will look horrible.