I extracted the MAIN.RID file with the useful tool called QuickBMS. Though now it's just raw files. I remember the way to rip it was to use TiledGGD and open one of the files in SPR_ACTIONS folder and set the right settings to view them. And then for the palette, to import MENUPAL file from PALETTE folder. Also configuring the palette settings, you should be able to view the sprites correctly. (Now I may try to get to rip all of those sprites one by one manually, unless someone wants to do it.)
For the sounds that is in SOUNDS folder, I guess they have to be each one by one converted with Audacity when loading them as raw data.
Speaking of QuickBMS, somewhat unrelated to that request thread but since you asked on the thread about Hades, the mentionned game "Hades 2" when you said if it was possible to extract the sprites, I also got to extract those along with the other game data files using that specific tool (Thanks to that page I found here: ... files.html ).
I will get that one finish soon and upload them.
Apparently "Saints of Virtue" also use the same game engine as Hades 2 and that person made a unpacker script for QuickBMS to unpack those WRS data files. It actually worked and extracted the whole game content successfully.
Edit: Here is the Hades 2 ripped content I was talking about: ... Many of the game data files were duplicating the same sprites and other files so I mixed all of them in one to have all of the content without any duplicate. I may try tomorrow to see about those Eradicator sprites.