[Project | Resource] Acknex Boogaloo! + Eradicator

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[Project | Resource] Acknex Boogaloo! + Eradicator

Post by Snarboo »

What started as a resource request for Eradicator has become a resource repository for 2D Acknex engine games! I'm not entirely sure if this includes every Acknex A3 game, but if there's one I missed, I'll be sure to extract graphics from it.
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Last edited by Snarboo on Sat Nov 08, 2014 8:09 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: [Request] Complete Eradicator Resources?

Post by Tristan885 »

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/307 ... ainrid.zip

I extracted the MAIN.RID file with the useful tool called QuickBMS. Though now it's just raw files. I remember the way to rip it was to use TiledGGD and open one of the files in SPR_ACTIONS folder and set the right settings to view them. And then for the palette, to import MENUPAL file from PALETTE folder. Also configuring the palette settings, you should be able to view the sprites correctly. (Now I may try to get to rip all of those sprites one by one manually, unless someone wants to do it.)
For the sounds that is in SOUNDS folder, I guess they have to be each one by one converted with Audacity when loading them as raw data.

Speaking of QuickBMS, somewhat unrelated to that request thread but since you asked on the thread about Hades, the mentionned game "Hades 2" when you said if it was possible to extract the sprites, I also got to extract those along with the other game data files using that specific tool (Thanks to that page I found here: http://typicalgeek.blogspot.ca/2013/05/ ... files.html ). I will get that one finish soon and upload them.
Apparently "Saints of Virtue" also use the same game engine as Hades 2 and that person made a unpacker script for QuickBMS to unpack those WRS data files. It actually worked and extracted the whole game content successfully.

Edit: Here is the Hades 2 ripped content I was talking about: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/307 ... ontent.zip Many of the game data files were duplicating the same sprites and other files so I mixed all of them in one to have all of the content without any duplicate. I may try tomorrow to see about those Eradicator sprites.
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Re: [Request] Complete Eradicator Resources?

Post by Snarboo »

Holy crap, that was fast! Thanks for ripping Hades 2, that should come in handy. :)
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Re: [Request] Complete Eradicator Resources?

Post by Tristan885 »

Snarboo wrote:Holy crap, that was fast! Thanks for ripping Hades 2, that should come in handy. :)
No problem. :) I converted the PCX images to PNG so they are in the PNG folder. I kept the PCX in case I may have messed up the conversion from PCX to PNG.
The rips also extracted some .FLC video but I didn't include them since they were big files and probably not important.
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Re: [Request | Resource] Eradicator & Hades 2 Resources

Post by Snarboo »

Alright, I've been poking at a few other Acknex A3 engine games with the tool you linked, Tristan, and it has worked on every single one of them! However, I've discovered something about the engine: bitmap images can be stored in a compressed format called .lbm. Most A3 games use PCX for everything, thankfully, but Skaphander uses .lbms almost exclusively. All attempts to view them in TiledGGD have failed, and I have yet to find a tool that can convert them.

I'll upload a big A3 resource later and see if anyone has better luck.
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Re: [Request | Resource] Eradicator & Hades 2 Resources

Post by Tristan885 »

Snarboo wrote:Alright, I've been poking at a few other Acknex A3 engine games with the tool you linked, Tristan, and it has worked on every single one of them! However, I've discovered something about the engine: bitmap images can be stored in a compressed format called .lbm. Most A3 games use PCX for everything, thankfully, but Skaphander uses .lbms almost exclusively. All attempts to view them in TiledGGD have failed, and I have yet to find a tool that can convert them.

I'll upload a big A3 resource later and see if anyone has better luck.
http://www.shikadi.net/moddingwiki/LBM_Format I found this, and at the bottom of the page at (Utilities), those programs may be able to convert the .lbm files. Hopefully it's the right format.

http://www.xnview.com/en/nconvert/ that one should probably do it.
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Re: [Request | Resource] Eradicator & Hades 2 Resources

Post by Snarboo »

Just tried nconvert on the .lbm files with no luck. It says it cannot read them. :/

Wait, it might have worked!

It works...some of the time. It doesn't seem to want to batch convert the files for some odd reason, but if I do it one file at a time, it's fine?
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Re: [Request | Resource] Eradicator & Hades 2 Resources

Post by Tristan885 »

Snarboo wrote:Edit:
It works...some of the time. It doesn't seem to want to batch convert the files for some odd reason, but if I do it one file at a time, it's fine?
Hopefully it's not a huge amount of files but I guess yeah, if it works one by one... then it's the only solution I could think of working. I will try looking if there's another software that can convert .lbm file, unless nconvert is fine.

Edit: Well that was quick, I found this: http://x2y.sourceforge.net/features.html (You can send a batch of lbm files and convert them to png or any formats you want) :D
Hopefully it works fine with that one.
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Re: [Request | Resource] Eradicator & Hades 2 Resources

Post by Snarboo »

OH SHIT, IrfanView can open these! That should make batch conversion a snap! :)
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Re: [Request | Resource] Eradicator & Hades 2 Resources

Post by Tristan885 »

Snarboo wrote:OH SHIT, IrfanView can open these! That should make batch conversion a snap! :)
Oh, well that's great! :D
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Re: [Project | Resource] Acknex Boogaloo!

Post by Snarboo »

Boom, thread is now an Acknex A3 resource!
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Re: [Project | Resource] Acknex Boogaloo! + Eradicator

Post by Tristan885 »

How did I not notice Mr. Pibb: The 3D Interactive Game was a Acknex Engine game? Haha! Really nice! :D
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Re: [Project | Resource] Acknex Boogaloo! + Eradicator

Post by Reactor »

See if I understood what I just read...
Can you REALLY extract, unpack .WRS game files??? With what?
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Re: [Project | Resource] Acknex Boogaloo! + Eradicator

Post by wildweasel »

Reactor wrote:See if I understood what I just read...
Can you REALLY extract, unpack .WRS game files??? With what?
There's a tool linked in Tristan's post up there. It says it's for opening the files for "Saints of Virtue," but since that's an Acknex-engine game, the tool happens to work on a lot of other games that used the same codebase.
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Re: [Project | Resource] Acknex Boogaloo! + Eradicator

Post by Reactor »

The QuickBMS? I'll give it a try. War Train Normandy 1944 and Airborne Hero also use the same extension.

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