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Yesterday I discovered the Psxrel emulator and how easy it can make make ripping graphics from PSX games (in context to whats available) so I've decided to rip stuff from AlienTrilogy. It is going to take time for me to rip everything from this game but expect at least one new sheet every week. Once its all finished I'm going to upload the stuff to the Spriters Resource site.
Ripped so far
Alien Queen (ovipostor states)
Some notes about enemies:
-Most enemies have full rotations for their walking states but not for attacks, pain and death states.
-The Alien Queen DOES NOT have full rotations, she only has zero and 45 degree rotations for her walking states.
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Last edited by DrDoctor on Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The egg looks alright, but I'm not a big fan of the alien sprites. Heck the game in general seems to have pretty ugly graphics in my opinion. But hey, with the whole Alien craze going on, I guess this is good to have around.
DrDoctor wrote:Yesterday I discovered the Psxrel emulator and how easy it can make make ripping graphics from PSX games (in context to whats available) so I've decided to rip stuff from AlienTrilogy.
Sorry if this is off topic, but you ever plan on ripping Disruptor? That has some REALLY nice sprites. The textures have been ripped by Zer0 if I'm not mistaken.
I don't recall AlienTrilogy having any, for some reason - I seem to recall (the PS1 version, at least) just having spinning 3D models, or boxes, or something.
Even more stuff and this is going to be it for the rest of the week. Also I'm wondering if any admins would be kind enough to move my uploads to the first post since I'm limited to 3 uploads per post.
Cocooned Victim (meant to be placed on a wall, which is why it has only 3 angles)
Handler (the dudes that accompanied Karl Weyland at the end of Alien 3)
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DrDoctor wrote:Also I'm wondering if any admins would be kind enough to move my uploads to the first post since I'm limited to 3 uploads per post.
I think you will have to resort to some image hostin site sooner or later because as far as I know forum have cap of how many data can you attach to your posts. Sprites looks delicious by the way.
I know this is crazy, but can someone zip up the handler and upload it somewhere? My service provider Virgin media is terrible and I can't even average 0.5kbs right now even though I'm 'supposed' to get up to 10mbps. I'd appreciate it.