[WIP] Necrodome Resources

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[WIP] Necrodome Resources

Post by janiform »

Ripping this stuff with XWE is tedious (every frame must be manually renamed...), but nevertheless: Here's the beginning of what will eventually be a full set of Necrodome resources. These will all be just bitmaps organized in descriptively-named folders (i.e. "Big Robot"), but if someone wants to make .wads with DECORATE, etc. I'd be thrilled. This is a Raven Software game and the sprites seem to gel well with Doom. One of the enemies is a variant on the Hexen fighter (also found in CyClones, from which I unfortunately don't know how to extract graphics).

First up, an enemy whom for lack of information I dub "Big Robot", with full walk, pain, and death animations, as well as two different attack animations and several unique gibs.

LINK: http://www.sendspace.com/file/35gysy
EDIT: Just realized that I missed a number when renaming these. The frame titles go up to "091.bmp", but there are actually only 90 frames. NO FRAMES ARE MISSING, I just screwed up the numbering. Sorry about that!
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Re: [WIP] Necrodome Resources

Post by MidoriMan »


So far, my only complaint is the fact that the background colors for the images are black. Because of this, there is no way to tell the difference between what's the background and what's part of the sprite.
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Re: [WIP] Necrodome Resources

Post by Amuscaria »

MidoriMan wrote:Nice.

So far, my only complaint is the fact that the background colors for the images are black. Because of this, there is no way to tell the difference between what's the background and what's part of the sprite.
Then Use Background erase on MSPaint or magic wand all the black colors on any advanced image editor and delete it all. If the BG image from the game is black, then there should no no other black colors on the sprite itself.
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Re: [WIP] Necrodome Resources

Post by janiform »

What Eriance said. See the image I posted for an example. Black is an uncommon choice for transparency, but it doesn't cause any problems.
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Re: [WIP] Necrodome Resources

Post by Xaser »

Well, this is certainly interesting! Hehe, looking forward to this, I am!

I ripped a couple of Necrodome's weapons ages ago but I had to use screen captures... I couldn't figure out how the deuce to extract the weapon sprites (apparently they come out garbled). Is it at all possible for you to extract those, too? If so, you'll be my hero in a purely-appropriate form. :P

Hehe, "Necro's Re-revenge," anyone? XD
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Re: [WIP] Necrodome Resources

Post by Snarboo »

This is a good idea and resource. :D I would really like to see the weapons ripped too if possible.
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Re: [WIP] Necrodome Resources

Post by janiform »

Xaser wrote:e, looking forward to this, I am!

I ripped a couple of Necrodome's weapons ages ago but I had to use screen captures... I couldn't figure out how the deuce to extract the weapon sprites (apparently they come out garbled). Is it at all possible for you to extract those, too? If so, you'll be my hero in a purely-appropriate form. :P
I've been trying to figure out how to extract them myself. I found the HUD vehicle controls and tires but the weapons elude me.I don't understand why they wouldn't appear as bitmaps like everything else. Does anyone know if Csabo is still active/around to answer questions like this?
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Re: [WIP] Necrodome Resources

Post by Xaser »

The last time Csabo was active on Doomworld was August of last year... even then, I'm not quite sure how responsive he'd be in supporting such an "unsupported" game. Maybe you have a better chance at contacting him than I do, though. :P

I've even tried Dragon UNPacker to nab the graphics, but no luck there. Seems it's either XWE or nothing... unless we've got a willing hex-editing genius among us. :P
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Re: [WIP] Necrodome Resources

Post by janiform »

Next up is "Human 1":
LINK: http://www.sendspace.com/file/6goe0o

167 frames: walking, running, shooting, reloading (I think), throwing, crouching, along with FOUR death animations and animated flying gibs.
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Re: [WIP] Necrodome Resources

Post by janiform »

Next one: Fighter, Red Robot, Rat

The fighter (which is quite similar to the Hexen and CyClones character) and red robot have full walk and death frames, but only have front-angle attack and pain frames (though the red robot also has a second kick attack that does a full rotation). The rat has full walking and death frames and might come in handy.

LINK: http://www.sendspace.com/file/biyavt
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Re: [WIP] Necrodome Resources

Post by Juan "JacKThERiPPeR »

You saved my day. I'm gonna use them for JtRSpeed if you don't mind.
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Re: [WIP] Necrodome Resources

Post by janiform »

Sure, use them for anything you'd like!
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Re: [WIP] Necrodome Resources

Post by Unknown_Assassin »

These all look awesome, especially the big robot.

Nice job jutegyte.
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Re: [WIP] Necrodome Resources

Post by Mechadon »

Yea that robot is wicked looking! And for some reason the human reminds me of Duke Nukem :lol:
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Re: [WIP] Necrodome Resources

Post by DBThanatos »

...and really, that thing looks like hexen's fighter...


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