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Star Trek Doom

Post by Galaxy_Stranger »

I convinced myself that there are not enough Star Trek mods in the universe for Doom. I've come up with some pretty neat ideas, at least to me anyway. I was gonna snag some of the sprites from the original mod - they did a great job on those weapons. But I was gonna improve the map by creating all 20+ decks of the ship and using as many ZDoom features as I can with all the Trek sound effects and everything. I've got tons of music and the sound effects cd to create the mood.

If you go nuts with scripting, you could even fix it so that players have different roles - like the science officer is the only one who can get certain information out of the computer and tricorder. You could even have the controls on the bridge work too, complete with weapons and everything.

Single player would be much more simple, but I was thinking of using the basic concepts that the 25th anniversary game and Judgement Rites had - basically creating a full episode that the players have to solve.

I was just daydreaming and wondered if anyone else had any thoughts on it.
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Post by Sir_Alien »

You're talking Next Gen right? (Haven't played Judgement Rites). Cause nothing else is worth making. Original..? Fffp.

And for those of you who are wondering...

Picard would kick Kirk's ass and hand it back to him on a plate.

With a glass of tea. Earl grey. Hot.

Anyway, I agree. I think that both Star Trek and Star Wars have yet to be properly exploited (no offense Rex, but I'm still hanging for an ANH TC). A pre-movies Next Gen TC would be the shiznit. Something involving all the best parts of the series.

Your ideas sound good. I'm all for a project that makes good use of character swapping.

I'd like to be involved in this, if you're serious.

[Edit]Just realised... You're not talking about Next Gen, right? 25 Anniversary..? Sigh...[\Edit]
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Post by Galaxy_Stranger »

Yeah, I'm serious. But I work slow. And it's gonna be TOS. Sorry you didn't like the show. I'll stop there.

Judgement Rites was basically the same game as 25th Anniversary with new episodes and I guess better graphics.
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Post by Sir_Alien »

No no, loved TOS. Just aint Next Gen is all.

I mean, what other show got away with sticking wine gums on a piece of cardboard and passing it off as the helm of a 24th century starship? TOS rocks pants.

Dude, I own the six original movies. I still try valiantly to watch the entirety of the motion picture. Alas, I fall asleep every time they get to the bit where they're approaching the "A" in the shuttle.

I just think Next Gen has a lot more basis and foundation for a good TC.

To each his own.

Ahhh... fuck it. PM me what you're thinking of GS. I'll see if I can offer anything.
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Post by Woolie Wool »

Sir_Alien wrote:You're talking Next Gen right? (Haven't played Judgement Rites). Cause nothing else is worth making. Original..? Fffp.

And for those of you who are wondering...

Picard would kick Kirk's ass and hand it back to him on a plate.[\Edit]
Pfft. Kirk gets one rip in his shirt and it's all over for Baldy-Boy. The only really good ST was TOS, and the 2nd and 6th movies.
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Post by Graf Zahl »

That's only your opinion - which appears rather closed-minded.

TOS isn't really that good a series. The third season was mostly crap and even the first 2 had their share of bad episodes.

No, the only Star Trek that was consistently good from beginning to end was DS9!
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Post by Galaxy_Stranger »

Oh, Jeezus...can we keep the series bashing to a minimun pleeze?

btw - DS9 sucks monkey balls.
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Post by Graf Zahl »

Galaxy_Stranger wrote:Oh, Jeezus...can we keep the series bashing to a minimun pleeze?

btw - DS9 sucks monkey balls.
Practice what you preach! :P

Besides - you are completely wrong and obvious lack any sense for quality! :mrgreen:
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Post by Galaxy_Stranger »


You must admit, the pilot was pretty hard to get through.
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Post by wildweasel »

In my (really quite) humble opinion, the Star Trek franchise started to go downhill when the focus was shifted away from the crew of TNG. The TNG movies were probably the best ones in my opinion (especially First Contact and Insurrection - I care not for Nemesis and Generations).

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Post by HotWax »

DS9 season breakdown:

Season 1: Utter crap
Season 2: Craptastic!
Season 3: Oh-My-God crap!
Season 4: Holy shit some good episodes?!?!
Season 5: Yay now it gets good
Season 6: You go girl!
Season 7: Oh my god it's crap all over again!!!

And if you want to disagree, I have 4 words for you:

"Chula! Move Along Home!"
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Post by Graf Zahl »

Hotwax's post: Uninformed crap of an unimaginable magnitude. (Not that it surprises me. Somehow I was expecting such a moronic post from you!)

And please don't quote one of the weakest episodes of the entire series!
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Post by HotWax »

It was only one of the score of weak episodes that infested the series and any idiot with half a brain can see it.

If by uninformed you mean having seen every episode, I suppose I fit the bill.

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Post by Graf Zahl »

By 'uninformed' I mean that you cannot see the quality behind it. :P Either that or it was just not your taste. But that still doesn't justify your craptastic dismissal.

Public opinion still rates most seasons of DS9 higher than anything of Voyager or Enterprise, large parts of TNG and most obviously the third season of TOS (which probably is the one season of Star Trek with the highest number of truly awful episodes.)

It's just totally different from the other series (which is why I like it best of all of them.)
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Graf Zahl
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Post by Graf Zahl »

HotWax wrote:"Wait a minute... this beach..... this is where I met............ OW!!!"

Bad quote for proving lack of quality! :P

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