Shootable flag prevents teleport

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Shootable flag prevents teleport

Post by DBThanatos »

Is it to be expected that an inventory item that is shootable, completely prevents (blocks) monsters from teleporting to a place where the item is located?

The code of the thing looks like this:

Code: Select all

ACTOR WeaponXPlaced : CustomInventory 
	radius 20
	height 28
	Scale 0.2
	Inventory.Amount 1
	Inventory.PickupMessage "Something."
		D013 P -1
		TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("WeaponX",1)
		TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("AmmoX",2)
If I remove the shootable flag, then monsters can teleport just fine.

I kinda see it like a bug, but I wanted to ask if this is standard behavior and if you know a way around it
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Re: Shootable flag prevents teleport

Post by Enjay »

I'm guessing that making it shootable makes it eligible for telefragging and so monsters won't telport into it. What happens if you set the MAPINFO flag that allows monsters to telefrag like on MAP30?
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Re: Shootable flag prevents teleport

Post by Graf Zahl »

Making it shootable won't prevent teleportation.
Making it shootable and non-damageable will. The teleport tries a telefrag - the item remains unharmed - the telefrag fails and the teleport does also.

A clear case of 'don't do that!'
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Re: Shootable flag prevents teleport

Post by DBThanatos »

Ahh. So that's why.

Hacks start to come to my mind. Considering I need the thing to be shootable, but I dont want the thing to be destroyed, and I need monsters to teleport, I might as well just make it "telefrag-able", and as soon as that happens, it will kinda spawn itself again.

Time to make some experimentation.


Code: Select all

ACTOR WeaponXPlaced : CustomInventory
   radius 20
   height 28
   Health 2000
   Scale 0.2
   Inventory.Amount 1
   Inventory.PickupMessage "Something."
      D013 P -1
      TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("WeaponX",1)
      TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("AmmoX",2)
		TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnItemEx("WeaponXPlaced",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,32)
		TNT1 A 1 A_PrintBold("I died")
Just tried this, and refuses to work with the teleportation. I can "kill" it, with MDK, prints the message and all. But in the teleport case, it still prevents the monsters from getting there.
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Re: Shootable flag prevents teleport

Post by Enjay »

OK, this time does the "allowmonstertelefrags " MAPINFO flag make any difference?
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Re: Shootable flag prevents teleport

Post by DBThanatos »

To be honest. I havent tried that. If Im not mistaken, that basically makes all monsters to be able to telefrag others. The thing is that this is a gameplay mod, and that would affect greatly the way the maps work. But in the other hand, preventing monsters from teleporting, is already affecting the map playability.

First I want to ensure if is possible to do what I need, and if not, then I might make indeed all monsters to be able to telefrag.
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Re: Shootable flag prevents teleport

Post by Gez »

Monsters will only telefrag if they are allowed to telefrag; regardless of what is being telefragged -- fellow monsters, enemy players, weird-ass inventory items...
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Re: Shootable flag prevents teleport

Post by Xaser »

An inverse-TELESTOMP would be nice, I think. Some sort of "ALWAYSTELEFRAGGABLE" flag or somesuch.
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Re: Shootable flag prevents teleport

Post by DBThanatos »

Exactly. But unfortunately, as of right now, such thing doesnt exist. I cant really decide on what's better. Monsters that dont teleport or monsters that teleport and frag whatever.

Either case breaks traps, but it'd seem much more dangerous to have monsters telefragging the player.
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Re: Shootable flag prevents teleport

Post by NeuralStunner »

If you're making your own maps, telefraggable players would make for an unusual source of challenge. (Of course, you need to add a mitigating factor to reduce frustration potential. I'm not sure what, though. At the least, try to clearly mark "unsafe" places where a monster could appear.)
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Re: Shootable flag prevents teleport

Post by DBThanatos »


That's the thing. There arent any maps. Is a gameplay mod. That's why Im struggling so bad deciding what's the lesser evil.
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Re: Shootable flag prevents teleport

Post by Enjay »

If this is a gameplay mod, why is it spawning something at the location of a teleport exit? Have you made the teleport spot spawn items or something or is it just that you are trying to run the mod on a map where things have been placed on the teleport. If it's the former then I can see that being a problem. If it's the latter then I would just chalk it up as a map that is not compatible with the mod.
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Re: Shootable flag prevents teleport

Post by DBThanatos »

It's the latter. The inventory item applies for all the weapons (" replaces shotgun" and so on). Now, the issue Im having is that I cant just rule out as incompatible the maps that has this problem because, Doom2 Map03 suffers this. Doom E1M9 suffers this, and ruling out the two main mapsets is something I dont want to do :P And who knows how many more custom maps have this same type of teleporter destinations right where a weapon is.
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Re: Shootable flag prevents teleport

Post by Enjay »

Hmmm... yes, now that you mention it, it's not such an unusual setup. :?
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Re: Shootable flag prevents teleport

Post by Xaser »

Indeed -- first thing that came to mind was making shootable weapon crates replace guns. And that would indeed break E1M9's monster teleporter, among other things.

I've filed a feature suggestion here. I'd take a look at the code myself but can't for a couple of days since I'm not on my primary PC.

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