SLADE Discussion - Latest: v3.2.6 (28/May/2024)

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Re: SLADE Discussion - Latest release: v3.1.1.1

Post by Redfox123 »

i tend to have my zoom in feature disappearing for no reason
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Re: SLADE Discussion - Latest release: v3.1.1.1

Post by Ravick »

So,... the pics of the buttons and lumps gets changing with a really annoying frequency.

Is there a way for me to disable it??
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Re: SLADE Discussion - Latest release: v3.1.1.1

Post by Gez »

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Re: SLADE Discussion - Latest release: v3.1.1.1

Post by Ravick »

Just like this:

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Re: SLADE Discussion - Latest release: v3.1.1.1

Post by sirjuddington »

Looks like your slade.pk3 file is broken somehow. Try updating to the latest version of SLADE, the one you're using there is pretty old.
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Re: SLADE Discussion - Latest release: v3.1.1.1

Post by Raziel236 »

Can I ask a quick unrelated question - When I press my arrow keys to try to adjust sprites it now moves the whole window left to right up and down instead of the thing within it, I'm guessing it's just a hotkey not an issue with slade.. Thanks.
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Re: SLADE Discussion - Latest release: v3.1.1.1

Post by daimon »

Ok, so from yesterday my Slade version (3.0.1 at first, then changed to the latest stable version for seen if it's a problem relevant to a old version issue) stopped to working and giving these problems while debugging on Visual Studio:
(spoilered huge pictures)

I'm using the MSV Runtime version of 2015 (x86) as suggested from the site, but the program still crashes. This happens when i open my maps with it.
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Re: SLADE Discussion - Latest release: v3.1.1.1

Post by Nash »

Can SLADE be used from the commandline to extract a single lump out of a WAD and put it to the hard disk?

EDIT: d'oh this is a stupid question, SLADE isn't even command line capable, sorry it's almost 4 AM where I'm at
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Re: SLADE Discussion - Latest release: v3.1.1.1

Post by darkhog »

I have a bug/issue to report. When opening Slade, it seems to "steal" audio card. What i mean by that is sound in applications opened after SLADE isn't being produced and those apps that do checks complain audio device can't be connected to (exact message vary from application to application). After closing Slade and restarting those apps sounds works fine again.

Funnily enough, there's some bit of randomness involved as well since sometimes sound seems to work even in apps that were opened after SLADE was. Meaning that, while testing, sometimes ZDoom plays sounds/music, sometimes doesn't (but not zdoom's fault). Also SLADE seems to be outputting low volume (as in, you have to have speakers waaay up and be in very quiet room to actually hear that) white or pink noise, which may or may not be related to the issue.
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Re: SLADE Discussion - Latest release: v3.1.1.1

Post by DoomRater »

You can go to your device in Device Manager and turn off "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device" and see if that helps. Not really sure how SLADE is requesting exclusive access though.
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Re: SLADE Discussion - Latest release: v3.1.1.1

Post by darkhog »

Already turned off, buddy. In fact that was the first thing I've suspected is happening. Sorry I didn't tell you earlier. Also where can I download Slade plugin SDK?
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Re: SLADE Discussion - Latest release: v3.1.1.1

Post by darkhog »

Thank you.

Thank you for making such an amazing tool. True, it has few issues here and there and some things could be improved - but then what kind of software is perfect and without bugs? Probably only "hello worlds" and then I'm giving huge credit to beginner programmers ;).

I found SLADE to be all-in-one package I need. It's amazingly fun to use and play with. And its flaws, while somewhat annoying (sound bug) aren't at all showstoppers and can be lived with.

To say that I'm grateful would be an euphemism. I don't think there are words in the dictionary of any language to express how much I have fun with SLADE and how I look forward to using it every day.

Again, thank you. Keep up good work!
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Re: SLADE Discussion - Latest release: v3.1.1.1

Post by darkhog »

Regarding the sound bug. I've noticed it happens only after Slade is running for a while. That's why it seemed to happen randomly previously to me.

Also I've noticed potential memory leak. When you open a wad, then open map from it, then close map editor (NOT exiting Slade completely), then repeat it all over again few times, you'll notice increased memory consumption in the SLADE.exe process. It's like when closing map editor (with "X" button), whatever it was allocated by it wasn't freed properly and memory was left hanging.

How it is related to the sound bug? No idea, really. But the fact that sound thing happens only after a while which means leaked memory had time to grow, may indicate those two are somewhat related.

My theory is that leaks of map editor (and possibly other subsystems) causes somehow sound code to leak outside normal allowable memory and into other processes that needs access to sound device corrupting playback.

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Re: SLADE Discussion - Latest release: v3.1.1

Post by Hellstorm Archon »

VGA wrote:
Hellstorm Archon wrote:
sirjuddington wrote:Do you have a custom temp folder set, and if so, is it the same as the directory you work in?
I don't recall. I think it might be.
Go to Preferences, Advanced and check out temp_location and temp_location_custom. For me the first is 0 and the other is blank, which are obviously the defaults.
Ok, I just tried that out. Still no change, it still erases everything except for IWADs, other folders, and applications.
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Re: SLADE Discussion - Latest release: v3.1.1.1

Post by Neccronixis »

The latest version of SLADE is not working properly for me on Windows 10. It crashes consistently several seconds after I load a file:
Slade error.png
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