Code: Select all
- NEW: Kick sprites updated and translate based on players colour from @Dr_Cosmobyte and @Mr.Enchanter
- FIX: Grenade throwing sprites now use the new darker brown gloves
COMPATIBLE ADD-ONS FOR FASPONSNew monster behaviors, attacks, and sprites: Every monster is tweaked in some fashion to make them more dangerous and even more tweaks in the new Ultimate Agitation difficulty. Check out the Project Scope for more details in what the entails.
New weapon behaviors and sprites: Tweaked to perfection!Kicking all around: Your legs are no longer attached to a weapon. You want to kick then you are reloading? Go ahead, it won't stop the animation! You want to kick when switching weapons? No problem! Finally a dream come true for your leg 1 and leg 2! Other player actions are also independent from the weapons so say hello to more fluid gameplay.
- Pistol is replaced with a Rifle
- Chainsaw needs to be started up when switched to
- Fists have a hold attack for a harder smack
- SSG gibs!
- Minigun has a separate ammo pool and no reload - unless you run through the previous ammo and need to feed it a new belt
- Rocket Launcher is now mag based
- BFG has charge up states like Doom 3
Compatible with Heritic, Hexen, and Chex Quest: If you want a bit of different scenery, no worries!
Compatible with monster packs: Love the Faspon weapons but want fight something with bigger teeth and claws like Legion, Dark Doom Creatures, or the other hundreds of choices? Go ahead! You still get access to the Iron Mode, options menu, and other features Faspons has to offer! (Faspons must be loaded before the monster replacement pack)
Details, details: Many weapons, monsters, and actions in the game have been tweaked to provide a more smooth and detailed experience. You rifle is fully out of ammo? Need to reload and make sure you get a round in the chamber. Minigun running low on ammo, watch the belt get eat up as your last bullets go flying by! If you ever have suggestions on how to make things look every cooler or consistent, let me know!
New difficulty - Ultimate Agitation: Monsters projectiles are always faster, no vanilla behaviors, and each enemy has a few new attacks or tricks that make them a bit more difficult to deal with.
"Iron Man" modes: One life - if you die, that is it. Your prior saves will not work if you try to reload them. You have to start a new game. Available in Ultra-Violence and Ultimate Agitation flavours.
Gameplay toggles: Not everyone likes change. You can toggle some features on/off like gibs, the HUD visor, reloading, key saves, etc., to customize the experience.
m8f - Weapon Selection Menu Mod
Pixel Eater - Simple Motion Blur
Nash - Nash's Gore Mod
Nash - SpriteShadow (Duke3D Shadows)
SuaveSteve - Steve's Flashlight Mod
Z86 - Doom IWAD Brightmaps
Nash - Tilt++
Nash - Weapon Sway
TheUnbeholden - Dark Doom Creatures
TheUnbeholden - Snailbullet
faslrn - Ultimate DOOM Visor Hud Patch ( Main File )
faslrn - Doom Nukem Visor Hud Patch ( Main File )
faslrn - NC Hud - Faspons Patch ( Main File )
Tekish - HXRTC Hud
With Lippeth's permission, I have created a mod based off of Weapons of Saturn (http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=36821).
Goal: Faster, harder DOOM experience with a focus on gunplay, monster relationships, and their behaviour.
And please, if you have any feedback around balance, features, or bugs; let me know and my army of small chimps will be happy to respond.
- Lippeth - For the whole mod including coding, sprites, animations, and anything else I missed
- Johnny - For grenades, sprites, sounds, and having an ape avatar
- Somagu - For all suggestions, help, and memes
- Sgt. Mark IV - Brutal DOOM sounds, sprites, and anything else I missed
- saegiru - Ultimate DOOM Visor hud
- TheUnbeholden - For testing, advice, and feature ideas
- DabbingSquidward - For help with the Heretic, Hexen compatibility
- Ac!d - For help with the Heretic, Hexen, Chex compatibility
- wildweasel - For http://gunlabs.blogspot.ca/ and the tutorials that taught me a few things
- SigFloyd - For Brutal DOOM SE sounds
- Gifty - For Smooth DOOM and how mag drops were implemented (life saver), idle animation sprites
- Pa1nki113r - Slide sprites and sounds
- Magmacow - New shotgun and combat rifle sounds
- STRELOK - New plasma sounds
- id Software - Quake 4 sounds
- Valve - TF2 sounds
- TerryWADArchive - DOOM 3 player sound wad
- Blue Shadow - NC Hud graphics
- Blox - Monster death sprites
- Vader - Monster death sprites
- ItsNatureToDie - Monster death sprites
- Kinsie - Monster death sprites
- Minigunner - Monster death sprites
- Eriance - Monster death sprites
- osjclatchford - Monster death sprites
- PermaNoob - Cacodemon, Imp death sprites
- Chickenlegz - Demon gib death sprites
- David G - Monster death sprites
- Leu Xandro - Chaingun Guy kick sprites
- Neccronixis - RPG, SSG, Chainsaw, and Chaingun sprite designs. Bloody monster sprites
- Xaser - Game checker code
- Dr_Cosmobyte - Sprites
- @Mr.Enchanter - Sprites
- Credits from Weapons of Saturn -
- Beautiful Doom by zer0
- Brutal Doom by Sergeant_Mark_IV
- Demon Eclipse by Eriance
- Accessories to Murder by wildweasel and DoomNukem
- Weasel Presents: NAZIS v2 by wildweasel
- DOOMRL Arsenal by Yholl, SoloSpaghetti and Sgt. Shivers
- Killing Floor by Tripwire Interactive
- Return To Castle Wolfenstein by Gray Matter Interactive
- Doom 3 by id Software
- Mom - For pushing me out. Also, happy mothers day
- If I missed anyone else that has something in this mod, please tell me.