Ultimate DoomVisor

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Ultimate DoomVisor

Post by saegiru »

2.13 **Updated 06-07-2019 ** Link to new version below!!

Fixes to support BDv21 and some other features. Don't have much time to work on it these days. Full changelog at moddb.

Hi all, I am posting this here for anyone to enjoy and use. I know there isn't much love here for Brutal Doom, but it's what inspired me to create this HUD. I have since expanded it to work with vanilla, and many other projects, mainly BD based... but it is simple enough to modify for pretty much any mod out there. I've borrowed and used many people's ideas and code, plus modified and came up with my own solutions to quite a few things along the way. All of my work is free to be used by anyone for any purpose, my only goal was to create exactly what I wanted out of a HUD and make it available for others. If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to post them... just remember that I made this for myself, in my own time, and if you don't like something specific... I will take suggestions on changes, but you are not entitled to me changing anything. I've had way too many jerk people pretty much DEMAND things of me, and I have a problem with demands. I don't mind taking criticism and suggestions, just be cool about it and realize I do this for fun. Now that that's out of the way, here is a list of features:
Main download link: http://www.moddb.com/members/saegiru/ad ... ki113r-v51

Again, hope you enjoy it!
Last edited by saegiru on Mon Jun 10, 2019 5:32 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Max Dickings
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Re: Ultimate DoomVisor

Post by Max Dickings »

Finally a damn thread to one of the best add-ons! :D

I had an idea/suggestion, I don't know how doable it is, so if it can't - don't mind me! But is there a way to tie-in visor/helmet damage to armor values only and make the blood splatter tied to health only? Seems more fitting for when I have 9hp to 99 armor and I don't have any blood in my helmet, if that makes sense. I understand the frames you use are probably just levels of progression, but if they could be made to overlap each other. I dunno :P either way I love this damn visor and never play without it!
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Re: Ultimate DoomVisor

Post by saegiru »

Max Dickings wrote:Finally a damn thread to one of the best add-ons! :D

I had an idea/suggestion, I don't know how doable it is, so if it can't - don't mind me! But is there a way to tie-in visor/helmet damage to armor values only and make the blood splatter tied to health only? Seems more fitting for when I have 9hp to 99 armor and I don't have any blood in my helmet, if that makes sense. I understand the frames you use are probably just levels of progression, but if they could be made to overlap each other. I dunno :P either way I love this damn visor and never play without it!
The blood on the armor stays until it's replaced... it's not there to indicate health, it "naturally" appears when taking damage. Raising your health wouldn't give you clean armor... getting new armor does that, so that is why I have it as it is. I kind of see your point, though. The only way I could potentially understand it is if there was some revolving counter that kept track of where your health was when you got different levels of armor, but as far as I know right now it would take more effort and time than I want to put forward into it. That being said, I get obsessed about finding ways to do weird things like that so I appreciate the suggestion and I'll keep it in mind and see what I could eventually come up with. :D

Oh, and thanks... I am glad you like it man. Now that v20 is out I figured it's time to update the public. :)
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Re: Ultimate DoomVisor

Post by -Ghost- »

Awesome, definitely one of my favorite HUD mods. Did you update it for BD20? I think I tried playing with an older version and wasn't able to pick up bullet boxes/mags for ammo, just the weapons themselves. I may have had something messed up in my load order too, though. And were you able to look into replacing the AI voice with the HEV suit or something similar? The current one is a bit annoying to listen to.
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Re: Ultimate DoomVisor

Post by saegiru »

-Ghost- wrote:Awesome, definitely one of my favorite HUD mods. Did you update it for BD20? I think I tried playing with an older version and wasn't able to pick up bullet boxes/mags for ammo, just the weapons themselves. I may have had something messed up in my load order too, though. And were you able to look into replacing the AI voice with the HEV suit or something similar? The current one is a bit annoying to listen to.
Yep, it's updated. And I did update the voices, there are now 3 AI voices, the original, Half-Life FVOX, and a GlaDOS clone. :)
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Re: Ultimate DoomVisor

Post by Devianteist »

saegiru wrote:there are now 3 AI voices, the original, Half-Life FVOX, and a GlaDOS clone. :)
Half-Life FVOX, and a GlaDOS clone
GlaDOS clone

I now have a reason to use the AI voice.
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Re: Ultimate DoomVisor

Post by RikohZX »

GLaDOS is kinda quiet in comparison to the other voices, though.
Even when successfully loading the hud with BDv20, it still spits out a huge amount of errors before working like there was no problem in the first place, any idea what's up with that? It seems to be involving ammo elements or something.
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Re: Ultimate DoomVisor

Post by Devianteist »

RikohZX wrote:GLaDOS is kinda quiet in comparison to the other voices, though.
Even when successfully loading the hud with BDv20, it still spits out a huge amount of errors before working like there was no problem in the first place, any idea what's up with that? It seems to be involving ammo elements or something.
The Visor has virtually always done that, because it is compatible with so many other mods. ZDoom/GZDoom reads the other mod compatibilities and spits out error messages, but it only actually loads the stuff needed for whatever mod you're playing.
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Re: Ultimate DoomVisor

Post by -Ghost- »

Thanks for adding the HEV suit, it fits perfectly. I haven't noticed any immediate bugs with the newest version but I'll keep an eye out. I noticed that the flares submod wasn't including though, did you remove that?
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Re: Ultimate DoomVisor

Post by Big C »

Hooooly crap, just when I thought BDJE couldn't get any better.

saegiru, you are AMAZING for making this.
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Re: Ultimate DoomVisor

Post by saegiru »

Devianteist wrote:
RikohZX wrote:GLaDOS is kinda quiet in comparison to the other voices, though.
Even when successfully loading the hud with BDv20, it still spits out a huge amount of errors before working like there was no problem in the first place, any idea what's up with that? It seems to be involving ammo elements or something.
The Visor has virtually always done that, because it is compatible with so many other mods. ZDoom/GZDoom reads the other mod compatibilities and spits out error messages, but it only actually loads the stuff needed for whatever mod you're playing.
Yep, that's correct. Since my HUD is specifically made for -so- many different mods, those errors are par for the course. They are more informational, than errors really. Ignore them and you won't have any issues. :D
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Re: Ultimate DoomVisor

Post by saegiru »

-Ghost- wrote:Thanks for adding the HEV suit, it fits perfectly. I haven't noticed any immediate bugs with the newest version but I'll keep an eye out. I noticed that the flares submod wasn't including though, did you remove that?
The flares have never been a part of UDV... they are still available as a standalone download though. Here's a link to the most recent version I've been tinkering with. I plan on updating them on moddb within the next few weeks probably.

https://mega.co.nz/#!9RlHyBqS!hv1PvhHwR ... VpuZRjAWG4
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Re: Ultimate DoomVisor

Post by saegiru »

RikohZX wrote:GLaDOS is kinda quiet in comparison to the other voices, though.
Even when successfully loading the hud with BDv20, it still spits out a huge amount of errors before working like there was no problem in the first place, any idea what's up with that? It seems to be involving ammo elements or something.
Yeah, I haven't been able to get any good high quality recordings of the GlaDOS voice. I had to use a cheap hack using an AT&T text-to-speech plus audio software to make it. If anyone has a good quality way of making some new ones, I would love to get some better ones for that. As it is, that was the best I could come up with.
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Re: Ultimate DoomVisor

Post by Woolie Wool »

Have you considered doing a Modes of Destruction version of this?
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Re: Ultimate DoomVisor

Post by saegiru »

Woolie Wool wrote:Have you considered doing a Modes of Destruction version of this?
Technically if you just load up the base file, it will work somewhat with modes of destruction. The only things that won't are Radar, the ammo warnings, and the weapon/reserve ammo lists. I'll see about maybe making a version specifically for MoD, but since BD mods swap primary/secondary ammo - it makes it kind of a chore to do. I'll update here of course if I do update it, and also keep an eye on the moddb page.

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