Click the title or scroll down for the download
Current features:
* Enjoy darker maps with the new flashlight!
* EXTREME particle-based gore effects!
* EXPLOSIVE action (literally) on the all new IMPOSSIBLE DIFFICULTY
* Make your brain explode with rage in the new Insomnia difficulty!
* Go slow-mo or super-fast with the all new TIMESCALE COMMAND
* Have fun in the bugged-after-map-transition Last Man Standing gamemode!
* Disable weapon raise/lower for instantaneous weapon switching!
* Know what your buddies are holding with the vweap system!
* A "lastinv" key for all you Half-Life Q-spammers!
* Toggle the crap you don't like in the settings menu!
* Paint the floor red with all new blood pools that flow out of dead enemies!
* Watch your step! Walking through a blood pool will cause you to leave bloody footprints!
* Gibbable demons!
* Useless new console commands that act exactly the same as "summon" (Spawn, SpawnAlly, SpawnFriend, SpawnFoe, SpawnEnemy)
* Really cool weapon switch animations!
* Smooth weapon animations!
* Higher quality sound effects!
* Beefier sounding chaingun!
* Pistol, chaingun, and shotgun now have vertical spread
* Altfire for the BFG!
* Various new animations!
* Blood smoke!
Workin' on:
* Gravity gun
* Capture The Flag
* Beautiful Doom compatibility patch
Code: Select all
Beta 02
* Made ACS use GameSkill() rather than GetCVar("skill")
* Changed the min TID for all uses of UniqueTID to -32768 (used to be -32767)
* Changed "Explosion" actor's radius and height to zero
* Fixed bloody footprints facing the wrong direction
* Added GameInfo lump
* Fixed "multicoloured footprint" bug
* Added mirrored footprints
* Made footprints slightly smaller
* Changed Chaingunner death animation
* Changed Baron of Hell attack animation
* Zombiemen, shotgunners, chaingunners and imps leave a quiet "thud" when they hit the
ground in their death animation.
* Chaingunner's original death is now his chainsaw death
* Added "blood smoke" from Brutal Doom
* Added startup image (thanks for the help Gez!)
* New blood pool graphics from Brutal Doom
* Finished off timescale feature (minus ScriptedMarines)
Beta 01
CRAPLOADS in this version. I might not have remembered everything:
* Chaingun now uses shotgun's firing sound like the chaingunguy, spidermastermind and wolfensteinss
* Enemies now leave blood pools behind
* Stepping in a blood pool will leave approximately 20 bloody footprints depending on how long the player stood on the pool
* Smooth weapon animations
* Removed crappy particle gore (code is still present, but commented out for those who still want to use it)
* You can now use "spawn" in the console instead of "summon" if you really want to
* Weapon switch animations
* Cacodemon has blue blood (leaves behind blue blood pools which cause you to leave blue footprints as well)
* Baron and Hell Knight have green blood (leaves behind green blood pools which cause you to leave green footprints as well)
* Demon is now gibbable
* HQ sound FX
* Vertical spread for pistol, chaingun and shotgun
* BFG altfire uses beta attack
Alpha 04
* Added "insane" timescale option (5.0)
* Go on the impossible difficulty, you'll notice it right away :p Recommended on the insane timescale
Alpha 03
* New gore FX (WIP)
* Added flashlight
* Fixed "soundless" grenade launcher
* Fixed bullet decals
Alpha 02
* All (Doom) monsters' physics (gravity, movement) affected by sv_timescale
* Projectiles are now affected by sv_timescale (Woo!)
* Bunch of other stuff I forgot
Code: Select all
* Brutal Doom's blood smoke
* Some code that was used for the unused particle gore
* Chaingunner death animation
* NashGore, it was used as a base for the unused particle gore
* Flashlight from Cammy. Was used as a base for the flashlight in
this mod.
Raven Software
* Soldier of Fortune 2's bloody footprint graphics
* Soldier of Fortune 2's blood pool graphics (no longer used as of beta 2)
NightFright, IcyFreezy, NeuralStunner, JoeyTD, Blox, Blue Shadow, Z86, Minigunner
* Improved smooth weapons
* HQ sound effects
* Smooth weapons
David G
* Baron of Hell double arm attack animation
* Blood pool decals
* Helping me get the STARTUP lump converted to the planar format
* Demon gib graphics
* The creators of the marine skins if they're not made by Ghastly_dragon
* Marine skins v7
Beta 2
Old Versions: