[WIP] Zombie's Mod - Beta 3 Prerelease 2 pg.4!

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What do you want first?

Gravity gun
Beautiful Doom compatibility patch
Capture The Flag
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The Zombie Killer
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[WIP] Zombie's Mod - Beta 3 Prerelease 2 pg.4!

Post by The Zombie Killer »


Click the title or scroll down for the download

Current features:
* Enjoy darker maps with the new flashlight!
* EXTREME particle-based gore effects!
* EXPLOSIVE action (literally) on the all new IMPOSSIBLE DIFFICULTY
* Make your brain explode with rage in the new Insomnia difficulty!
* Go slow-mo or super-fast with the all new TIMESCALE COMMAND
* Have fun in the bugged-after-map-transition Last Man Standing gamemode!
* Disable weapon raise/lower for instantaneous weapon switching!
* Know what your buddies are holding with the vweap system!
* A "lastinv" key for all you Half-Life Q-spammers!
* Toggle the crap you don't like in the settings menu!
* Paint the floor red with all new blood pools that flow out of dead enemies!
* Watch your step! Walking through a blood pool will cause you to leave bloody footprints!
* Gibbable demons!
* Useless new console commands that act exactly the same as "summon" (Spawn, SpawnAlly, SpawnFriend, SpawnFoe, SpawnEnemy)
* Really cool weapon switch animations!
* Smooth weapon animations!
* Higher quality sound effects!
* Beefier sounding chaingun!
* Pistol, chaingun, and shotgun now have vertical spread
* Altfire for the BFG!
* Various new animations!
* Blood smoke!

Workin' on:
* Gravity gun
* Capture The Flag
* Beautiful Doom compatibility patch


Code: Select all

Beta 02
* Made ACS use GameSkill() rather than GetCVar("skill")
* Changed the min TID for all uses of UniqueTID to -32768 (used to be -32767)
* Changed "Explosion" actor's radius and height to zero
* Fixed bloody footprints facing the wrong direction
* Added GameInfo lump
* Fixed "multicoloured footprint" bug
* Added mirrored footprints
* Made footprints slightly smaller
* Changed Chaingunner death animation
* Changed Baron of Hell attack animation
* Zombiemen, shotgunners, chaingunners and imps leave a quiet "thud" when they hit the
  ground in their death animation.
* Chaingunner's original death is now his chainsaw death
* Added "blood smoke" from Brutal Doom
* Added startup image (thanks for the help Gez!)
* New blood pool graphics from Brutal Doom
* Finished off timescale feature (minus ScriptedMarines)

Beta 01
CRAPLOADS in this version. I might not have remembered everything:
* Chaingun now uses shotgun's firing sound like the chaingunguy, spidermastermind and wolfensteinss
* Enemies now leave blood pools behind
* Stepping in a blood pool will leave approximately 20 bloody footprints depending on how long the player stood on the pool
* Smooth weapon animations
* Removed crappy particle gore (code is still present, but commented out for those who still want to use it)
* You can now use "spawn" in the console instead of "summon" if you really want to
* Weapon switch animations
* Cacodemon has blue blood (leaves behind blue blood pools which cause you to leave blue footprints as well)
* Baron and Hell Knight have green blood (leaves behind green blood pools which cause you to leave green footprints as well)
* Demon is now gibbable
* HQ sound FX
* Vertical spread for pistol, chaingun and shotgun
* BFG altfire uses beta attack

Alpha 04
* Added "insane" timescale option (5.0)
* Go on the impossible difficulty, you'll notice it right away :p Recommended on the insane timescale

Alpha 03
* New gore FX (WIP)
* Added flashlight
* Fixed "soundless" grenade launcher
* Fixed bullet decals

Alpha 02
* All (Doom) monsters' physics (gravity, movement) affected by sv_timescale
* Projectiles are now affected by sv_timescale (Woo!)
* Bunch of other stuff I forgot

Code: Select all

 * Brutal Doom's blood smoke
 * Some code that was used for the unused particle gore
 * Chaingunner death animation

 * NashGore, it was used as a base for the unused particle gore

 * Flashlight from Cammy. Was used as a base for the flashlight in
 this mod.

Raven Software
 * Soldier of Fortune 2's bloody footprint graphics
 * Soldier of Fortune 2's blood pool graphics (no longer used as of beta 2)

NightFright, IcyFreezy, NeuralStunner, JoeyTD, Blox, Blue Shadow, Z86, Minigunner
 * Improved smooth weapons

 * HQ sound effects
 * Smooth weapons

David G
 * Baron of Hell double arm attack animation

 * Blood pool decals

 * Helping me get the STARTUP lump converted to the planar format

 * Demon gib graphics
 * The creators of the marine skins if they're not made by Ghastly_dragon

 * Marine skins v7
Beta 2

Old Versions:
Last edited by The Zombie Killer on Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:42 pm, edited 19 times in total.
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Re: [WIP] Zombie's Mod - Don't play the impossible difficult

Post by TiberiumSoul »

tried it out.. and i like it quite a bit but ill need to sit down at my supercomputer back home (at the library atm) before i can give a proper playtest
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Re: [WIP] Zombie's Mod - Bullet-time for the masses!

Post by The Zombie Killer »

Alpha 02 released. Basically I made a bunch of changes to the bullet time code, and made some more stuff be affected by it.
I suggest playing with rockets in slow-mo :D
TiberiumSoul wrote:tried it out.. and i like it quite a bit but ill need to sit down at my supercomputer back home (at the library atm) before i can give a proper playtest
Looking forward to hearing your full opinion

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Re: [WIP] Zombie's Mod - Bullet-time for the masses!

Post by Nash »

This is a pretty cool and wacky mod. The explosions in Impossible literally made me jump the first time i tried it. :O

The timescale stuff doesn't feel solid enough... but I understand it's a technical limitation. Great effort on the code though!


- Grenade launcher has no sounds
- The new weapons have no impact decals
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Re: [WIP] Zombie's Mod - Bullet-time for the masses!

Post by The Zombie Killer »

Nash wrote:This is a pretty cool and wacky mod. The explosions in Impossible literally made me jump the first time i tried it. :O
Haha, that's what I was aiming for :p
Nash wrote:The timescale stuff doesn't feel solid enough... but I understand it's a technical limitation. Great effort on the code though!
Yeah, it's a huge hack at the moment since you can't really change the ticrate (and even if you could, it'd be really unstable without serious work)

And those two bugs are fixed in alpha 3. I noticed them as well.

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Re: [WIP] Zombie's Mod - Particle Gore FX!

Post by The Zombie Killer »

Alpha 3 released.
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Re: [WIP] Zombie's Mod - Feat. Benny Hill

Post by The Zombie Killer »

Alpha 4 released, gee, that was quick. Don't worry, a more feature-filled update is planned for alpha 5. Believe me.
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Re: [WIP] Zombie's Mod - Feat. Benny Hill

Post by Failure »

Okay, I expected something else.
It's good for me, but not interesting.
tho the last dificult is somehow hilarious.
The Zombie Killer wrote:
No screenshots because, well, you can't really show most of this stuff with screenshots.
I have never seen a proyect wich had enough screenshots to show most part of the content, so please post some screenshots at least.
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Re: [WIP] Zombie's Mod - Feat. Benny Hill

Post by The Zombie Killer »

Failure wrote:Okay, I expected something else.
It's good for me, but not interesting.
tho the last dificult is somehow hilarious.
The Zombie Killer wrote:
No screenshots because, well, you can't really show most of this stuff with screenshots.
I have never seen a proyect wich had enough screenshots to show most part of the content, so please post some screenshots at least.
Yeah, I know. I've had that message there ever since version 1, but since then I actually DO have stuff I can show off with screenshots.
I'll add some ASAP.

EDIT: Screenshots added.
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Re: [WIP] Zombie's Mod - Blood Pools! (and footprints)

Post by The Zombie Killer »

Beta 01 released! Go grab it!
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Re: [WIP] Zombie's Mod - Blood Pools! (and footprints)

Post by PaskaTykki »

Nice feature. Remind much from Duke Nukem 3d. :)
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Re: [WIP] Zombie's Mod - Blood Pools! (and footprints)

Post by The Zombie Killer »

PaskaTykki wrote:Nice feature. Remind much from Duke Nukem 3d. :)
Yep, that's pretty much where I got the idea from :D
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Re: [WIP] Zombie's Mod - Blood Pools! (and footprints)

Post by Tomicapo »

WOW very awesome i dont know how to describe it, Great job with that blood pools and those footprints they are really cool ideas. Keep up!!
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Re: [WIP] Zombie's Mod - Blood Pools! (and footprints)

Post by Immortal Destroyer »

REALLY COOL. I thought i was the only one with the idea about footprints, something that i already did. Bookmarked, and keep up the good works! :D
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Re: [WIP] Zombie's Mod - Blood Pools! (and footprints)

Post by cortlong50 »

after giving this a looksie (finally got to where i could actually download the mod!) all i can think is...youre apparently a wizard at acs.
because some of the stuff youre going for sounds insane.

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