here's the final version: https://www.mediafire.com/?ioqketxa314pwxa thur 19th jan 2017- its been fun guys and its nice to finish this at last...*DEVELOPMENT TERMINATED*
no further updates or changes will be logged on this project from now on. - Latchford
it is vital that you know that this mod is designed to work in zdoom (it features some new software glowmaps for light-source objects that emulate gl-glow effects but actually work in zdoom engine! however you'd need to fudge about with your sprite alignment settings to get these to align properly in gzdoom.) this and some other catastrophic technical issues, are reason alone to state that zdoom 2.8.1 is the preferred engine of choice for this particular mod...
Ok this ugly compilation of mods is a few years onn/off work in the making and is an attempt to sex-up zdoom with some nice effects, weapons and monsters without going overboard, ruining gameplay and generally keeping it OLDSKOOL!
In a nutshell - all my favorite guns items and features from all my favorite 90's games but with a solid doom flavour that somehow doesn't completely bugger the gameplay in standard maps.
the idea of this is basically; think what killer-quake-pack was for quake but a doom version. ok thats a clumsy metaphor but its my inspiration from the start and a few of the weapons do have crossover references to this mod in feel and gameplay. (the freezethrower and nuke for example, although homages to duke3d and shadow warrior respectively, the weapons behave a lot more like their counterparts in kqp, which in turn were created in homage to the original duke and shadow warrior weapons, get it

it makes heavy use of randomization to make it a little different each time you play.
some of you may have already seen the this in its previous guise (osjc's generic zdoom mod) I decided to re-brand it as a final send off as I'm more than happy with it for now...
The mod has many new features:
Spoiler:here is the readme:
taller sky support for tudoom, doom2, tnt and plutonia
nicer water (thanks to enjay)
added new weapons inc; knife, dual pistols (with reload), nades, nade-launcher, machinegun, rifle, magnum, proper-chaingun, auto-shotgun, unmaker, lightninggun, freezethrower, devastators and NUKE! LOL
quick kick (altfire for all weapons)
shell ejection.
camera-shake effects
weapon recoil and kick-up
shoveable barrels
new crosshairs
altdeath for most monsters
new monsters; new zombies and crossbreeds
sexier explosion and plasma effects.
extensive inventory with caryable items inc; portable medkits, radsuits, maps, berserk and visor
new items; flashlight, flares, haste pills, map-scanner, energy armour, regen pack, flightorbs, soulcube, hologram, megahealth, megaberserk, helmet, light armour and used armour!
new ammo; ammo belt, nuke
destroyable pillars
gibbable hanging bodies etc.
to name but a few I could go on but its a bloody bigass list and I've been working on it so long to be honest I cant remember it all now!
Spoiler:and here are the credits
OSJC Latchford's zDooM mod v2.3 - a randomised zDooM weapons,monsters and pickups and enviroment mod for single, coop or Deathmatch...
Installation instructions:
unzip all .wad's and .pk3's into your DooM directory
then right click your zdoom shotcut and click properties.
click on the 'target' box and paste the following at the end of where it says zdoom.exe:
-file nashgore.wad -file splash3.wad -file osjc_zdoom.pk3 -file osjc_firearms23.pk3 -file osjc_monstas8.pk3
for the extended edition enhanced weapons add the following to the end of the previous:
-file plus_addon.pk3
which can be further embelished with the optional colt 'skin' for the pistol via adding: -file coltskin.pk3 to the end of that...
It has to be in this order to run.
now if you'd like to include random scientist zombies add the following to the end of the previous:
-file scizombies.pk3
then do the same to select a set of skies depending on your episode of choice:
-file tudoomsky.pk3
-file d2sky.pk3
-file tntsky.pk3
-file plut_sky.pk3
now if you'd like to include even more weapons options (designed for deathmatch but just as usable in single player) add the following to the end of the previous:
-file dm_randomizer.pk3
(For my own reasons I have also included a copy of Darken2.wad into this pack, because it is simply awesome. this includes a sky/texture addon too: -file Darken2_sky.pk3)
complecated I know but its the only way I could get it to all gel-together and actually work!
= Armour =
as you're sure to be taking a beating on your descent into the depths of hell, it might be advisable to get hold of some armour along the way to protect yourself from a bit of a bruising.
It comes in several guises:
Combat armour; A green titanium-weave armoured jacket worth 100%
this can only be picked up when your armour is less than 100%
Mega armour: This blue coloured heavy duty combat-vest is made of real tough stuff and as such is worth much more protection, 200% to be exact!
this can only be picked up when your armour is less than 200%
Light armour: this tan cloured lightweight kevlar vest gives you a 50% boost to whatever armour you may or may not already have! (not exceeding 200%)
Helmet: an armoured lid that gives you a 25% boost to whatever armour you may or may not already have! (not exceeding 200%)
Used armour: Sometimes you might be able to get your hands on some protection from fallen enemies. These green vests give you a 10% boost to whatever armour you may or may not already have! (not exceeding 200%)
Spiritual armour: an artifact from the other side that gives you a 1% boost to whatever armour you may or may not already have! (not exceeding 200%)
= Health =
oftimes armour alone is not enough to quell the bararge of fire you're likely to take in combat. therefore you'll need to keep your eyes out for the following items of medical care to keep you fighting fit in the field.
Potion: 1%
artifacts from the other realm, these bottles give you a 1% boost to whatever health you may or may not already have! (not exceeding 200%)
Stimpack: 10%
A small pack that contains booster-enzymes and a few band-aids.
this can only be picked up when your health is less than 100%
Portable Medikits: 25%
larger than the stimpacks; medkits include bandages, antitoxins and other medical supplies all in a convenient portable package!
You can carry four of these in your inventory, allowing you heal yourself on the fly, however they can only be used up when your health is less than 100%
'Berserk' Pack: 100%
Similar to portable Medikits, but four times as effective.
Plus the combination of steroids cut with pure epinephrine contained within acts as a super-adrenaline rush, enormously boosting your muscle power...
You can only carry one of these in your inventory but it can be used at anytime.
'Regeneration' Pack: 5% +
Very similar to a stimpack, but portable.
When taken, the meds within not only give you an instant hit but continue to boost your, health back up to 100% whenever you are injured.
You can carry two of these in your inventory and it can be used at anytime, however the effects are temporary so try to use regen judiciously...
'Endurance': 100% +5%
A shot of 'endurance' not only heals any damage you may or may not have taken, but also adds 5% to your health total.
From then on, this allows you to use medikits and stimpacks to heal you 5% more above the usual 100%
Further use of endurance shots will continue to boost your total by 5% each time!
Ultimate Medikit: 100%
Weather you are injured or not, these massive medi-kits are the ultimate in first-aid healing.
Four times as effective as a regular medikit, these 'mega' health-packs will instantly heal you with a 100% boost to whatever health you may or may not already have! (not exceeding 200%)
Ultimate 'Berserk' Pack: 200%
The pinacle in combat stims, these huge berserk-packs not only give you the increased strength of berserk, but also heal you with an instant 200% boost to whatever health you may or may not already have! (not exceeding 200%)
Soul spheres: 200%
these rarely encountered objects from the other dimension supercharge you with an instant 200% boost to whatever health you may or may not already have! (not exceeding 200%)
= Other Items =
Varied UAC tech and assorted oddities from the other dimension now litter the UAC facilties. Most of these are pretty doggone handy, so grab them when able.
security Keycards
come in three flavours, red blue and yellow and are kind of vital for gaining access to areas with locked doors or barriers with the corresponding primary colour on. although brightly coloured they are small and are oftimes hidden so, as such, can be tricky to find...
Scattered around the UAC bases are drums containing rather nasty volitle toxic substances.
Barrels are not exactly an item in the conventional sense as they cannot be picked up. They can, however, be pushed around and used as a step-up to gain access to areas out of the height of your jumping range.
Also bear in mind that the flamable goo contained within make barrels rather succeptable to exploding when penetrated by weapons fire.
This can make barrels quite a useful method of dispatching groups of enemies, wait till several bad-guys get close to a barrel and blast away at the can...
A charge of Composition B explosive wrapped in serrated wire and housed in a large segmented metal egg.
Simply pull the pin and sling it at your enemy.
You'll find these little beauties in your standard issue UAC ammunition backpacks and they're just the thing for giving your opponents a nice selection of nasty shrapnel wounds, just keep your eye on where you bounce them though...
Radiation Suits
these sealed plastic suits provide temporary protection from the varieties of toxic-ooze you're likely to come across in certain areas within the UAC facilities.
You can carry two of these in your inventory and they can be used at anytime.
whilst active the screen will have a green tinge.
Signal Flares
Found in boxes of five, these usefull little torches can be activated to mark your way around the more labarinthian areas of the UAC complex, should you fear getting lost.
they have an indefinate burn time and as such will always be there to prevent you from going round and round in circles in search of that elusive door or corridor...
You can carry an ample twenty of these in your inventory and they can be activated at anytime.
Light Amplification Visors
These infrared visors temporarily allow you to see clearly, even in pitch dark.
You can carry two of these in your inventory and they can be activated at anytime.
Although not as effective as the LAV's, a flashlight is still great at lighting your path through darker areas.
Given that it takes one of your hands to operate a flashlight you are limited to only a pistol for ranged defence.
However, the back end of a flashlight is rather solid and as such makes a great club at close range!
once you have one in your inventory, its there for good and can be used at any time.
Computer Maps
A handy find, these upload your Automap with complete set of schematic files of the area you are currently in, including secret or hidden areas.
the areas you have not yet visited are mapped in grey.
You can only carry one of these in your inventory but it can be used at anytime.
Map Scanner
Scanners are an add-on that plugs into and enhances the effect of Computer maps.
They emit an electromagnetic pulse to detect items, enemies and other objects and then overlays their position on the complete floor-plan of the area you are in.
All objects are laid out as green pointers; thus showing the direction the object is facing or moving.
You can only carry one of these in your inventory and its effect is temporary. Also, be aware that it can only be used if you have a computermap in your inventory and that using the scanner will also activate the computermap.
Once activated these small holo-projectors, known as light-bees, are capable of generating a holographic copy of yourself.
The AI of a hologram is utterly nonexistant so once activated it'll just sit there like a dumbass. however, these decoys can be deployed in strategic positions enabling you to trick foolish enemies into attacking the holo-decoy rather than yourself, allowing you to dispatch the enemy from an alternative position.
You can only carry one of these in your inventory but it can be used at anytime.
From the Med-Labs that brought you 'Berserk' comes 'Haste'.
These unasuming little brown bottles may not seem very impressive at first glace but the power of the pills within make them a real sought after item.
An experimental performance-enhancer drug; Haste temporarily boosts your movement speed, allowing you to literaly run rings around your enemies.
You can carry two pots of haste in your inventory and they can be taken at anytime.
70mm Tactical Nuclear warheads
Much more than your standard UAC rocket, these dangerous devices fit your rocket-launcher and can only be found singly.
Should you attempt to use a nuke without a rocket-launcher, it will remain in your inventory for you to use later...
Skull Keys
bizzare glowing crystal skulls of unknown origin that also handily work as keys to open locked areas.
These skulls come in the three primary colours and work exactly the same as the keycards.
Mega Sphere
Another artifact from the other-side, contact with the megasphere instantly combines the protection of combat armour with the benefits of a soulsphere, maxing out both your health and armour!
Blur Artifacts
Contact with one of these strange orbs will temporarily render you translucent, making it harder for your enemy to to see you.
Flight artifacts
Discovering one of these artifacts allow you to temporarily take to the air and rain death on your enemies from above.
whilst active the screen will have a purple tinge...
Invulnerabilty Artifacts
If the Idea of immunity to all attack sounds too good to be true, try to bear in mind that this 'god-mode' is only temporary, so try not to get caught with your pants down when the effect wears off!
whilst active the screen will have a black and white negative image, your punishment for being tough, eh?
A bizarre demonic living-weapon. When activated, these rare artifacts aid you by taking all damage you dish out on the enemy and transfering it back to you as health!
However, soulcubes are fickle creatures and tend to get bored with you after a while, as such its effects are only temporary.
You can only carry one of these in your inventory but it can be used at anytime.
Demon rune
An arcane device of unknown purpose...
Just ask anyone who's ever saved the world and they'll all tell you the same thing; "right makes might".
Still, when battling minions from the blackest pits of the depths of hell, the only 'right' you're likely to care about is that you have the right firepower to finish the job. Time for a visit to the armoury methinks...
= Fists/Feet =
A knuckle-duster and a bad attitude may sound like your last line of defence but your UAC 'berserk' packs are sure to give you the edge in close combat scenarios.
Secondary fire comes in the form of a quick kick that You can also deliver whilst holding other weapons.
this is most useful for hitting buttons, busting things up or generally getting the demon bastards out of your face...
= combat knife =
getting close enough to hack and slash your enemies into shreds with a blade may sound risky, but the the speed of your attack is often capable of leaving the enemy unable to return fire...
= chainsaw =
Just what the hell a chainsaw is doing in a scientific research facility on phobos is one of those little mysteries of life, but mystery aside the potential of a fully juiced up chainsaw is a welcome change to relying solely on your fists or your knife as a melee weapon.
The blade grabs on to your opponents and then pulls them into the deadly diamond-edged teeth...
= UAC semi-automatic Pistol mkII =
In the development from the mkI to the mkII pistol, little has changed other than aesthetics.
The pistol's high accuracy, rate of fire and ease of maintenance are factors equally shared with the mkII variant.
It does, however, also share the mkI's utter lack of stopping power.
Therefore, obtaining a secondary sidearm would be highly advisable.
Wielding dual pistols may be less accurate, but it doubles your stopping power and your rate of fire...
= UAC 'magnum' service-revolver=
Usually resereved for officers and UAC top-brass personel, the service revolver is one heavy piece of ordinance!
Its six-round revolving-drum makes for a much slower rate of fire. However, what it lacks in speed the magnum more than makes up for with stopping power and accuracy over range...
watch it though, with no slide to absorb that recoil she does kick some!
= UAC 12 gauge pump-action Shotgun mkII =
A worthy successor to the mkI shotgun, the mkII shotgun was the UAC's attempt to combine the shotgun's size, speed and accuracy, but with a stopping power closer to the double-barrelled combat-shotgun.
This was accomplished by completely re-working the tolerances within the breach and pump systems in combination with a slightly shorter barrel.
A true 'work-horse' of your arsenal, you wil find that the mkII shotgun soon becomes the go-to weapon of choice.
in fact with so many positive attributes, many have claimed the effectiveness of mkII shotgun has rendered the combat-shotgun all but obsolete.
However, there will still arise close-quarter-combat situations, either involving swarms of minor enemies or large single creatures where the huge field of fire and sheer brute force of the 'super' shotgun will always be appreciated...
= UAC 12 gauge breach-loading Combat Shotgun =
Standard issue; dual buck-shot load of death encased in twin cobalt-blue-steel barrels, ultimate close range killer but almost useless at long range.
Just watch that recoil, she kicks like a mule!
= UAC belt-fed heavy assault-cannon 'Chaingun' mkII =
As with the mkII shotgun, the mkII Chaingun is the UAC's natural evolution over original chaingun design.
Whilst the function is near identical (belt-fed ammunition funnelled to six rotating barrels), the gearing has been greatly tweaked allowing for almost twice the rotation speed and in-turn twice the rate of fire.
This makes the mkII chaingun THE hot weapon-of-choice against hordes of human sized targets, as the power to rate-of-fire ratio is hard to match.
However, all good things come at a cost and in the case of the mkII chaingun the cost is accuracy and, predictably, ammunition consumption.
In point of fact the mkII chaingun utterly defines the phrase 'spray-and-pray' and, as such, is best used at close to medium range only...
Also the spinning barrels do take a second to get up to speed before firing, but the spin greatly absorbs the enormous recoil of the cannon, minimising it to quite a degree less than it would be otherwise.
= UAC Light Machinegun mkI =
When designing the LMG, the UAC endeavoured to create a lightweight and durable Machinegun, to serve as an alternative light-support option to the shotgun in close-quarter-battle scenarios.
Unlike the mkII chaingun, the machinegun has no fire-delay and it's compact frame is also incredibly lighter, allowing instant fire control and greater accuracy over longer ranges per shot.
However, on full auto, the forces involved on such a light weight frame cause some heavy kick-up that is quite hard to contain.
With this in mind the machinegun is best used singleshot over range, saving full auto for up close and personal...
= USSMC Assault Rifle =
The M-211 Semi-Automatic Gas-Operated Infantry Combat Weapon or sig-cow, as it is better known is the ussmc's answer to the UAC's Light machinegun and is the space marines's go to weapon of choice for any and all combat situations.
however the M-211 is actually based on a much more antiquated assault rifle design, its lineage going back to the pre-space-conquest days of the marine corps.
however, history lesson aside, the superior craftmanship and greater tolerances of the sig-cow make this rifle much more efficient than the lmg in prolonged combat use.
Basically, what it lacks in stability on full-auto it more than makes up for in stopping power.
also the accuracy over range can be vastly improved by utilizing the sight mounted on the top weaver rail.
= UAC 12 gauge Riot Controller =
With the success of the LMG design under their belt, the UAC began to look into further development of said weapon, namely upping the calibre to 12 gauge smoothbore and fitting it with a motorized drum magazine to feed said ammunition.
The intention was to create an urban-pacification weapon, capable of loading varying classes of non-lethal 12 gauge ammunition. However, military personel discovered that the riot-gun is just as capable of chambering 00 buckshot, making it an ideal candidate for a heavy-support role in thick close-combat scenarios.
Its relatively short barrel make for an impressive spread that makes it most usefull in a crowd.
But, as with the machinegun, the force of the shotgun shells in the lightweight steel and plastic frame cause some very heavy recoil on full auto.
As you can imagine, the stopping power of this weapon is simply obscene, it is more than capable of clearing a path through even the thickest of crowds. However, the ammunition consumption can easily catch you out, leaving you high and dry, but there's no kill like overkill, eh?
Just take it easy on the trigger and watch that shell count...
= UAC Rocket Launcher mkII =
As with the mkII pistol the mkII rocket launcher's changes are almost purely aesthetic.
Improved flash suppressors and a slightly more ergonomic frame, make it little more than the standard issue, then again "If it 'aint broke don't fix it."
However the mkII also incorporates a laser tracking system that can be engaged, allowing you to direct your fire at specific targets via the onboard computer that links directly into your USSMC helmet hud system.
As always, keep your distance but be sure to watch your footing to account for the recoil, it'll damn near knock you over!
= UAC Grenade Launcher mkI =
If you like the idea of hurling grenades faster and further than you can by hand then this is the weapon of choice for you!
perfect for open windows or flushing out elevated positions the grenade launcher sports a tactical advatage over most other weapons, as it is more than capable of delivering your explosive payload around obstacles and corners, keeping you well out of harms way.
grenades have a mass-reactive warhead meaning they will always explode on contact with the enemy, however you can program the grenades to either bounce or explode on contact with objects in the enviroment. your hud show which setting is active.
Be aware of it's heavy recoil and also, that is is not a good idea to be in proximity of your grenade is when it decides to go off...
= UAC Radio-tag pipebombs =
the latest and greatest in UAC grenade technology, these are real similar to your standard grenades but instead of a pin release and timer, these are detonated via the handy remote control. Ideal for setting traps, the radio-detonator allows you to set multiple pipebombs in place and detonate them all at once from a safe distance and at a moment of your choosing.
be aware that weapons fire and explosions will also set them off too...
you'll find these in crates of five.
= UAC Phased Plasma Rifle =
Standard issue; deploy streams of white hot plasma at an insane rate of fire with minimal kick-back due to built in recoil-suppressors.
pros; it's a fire-hose of plasmatic death
cons; eats cells up like they were going out of fashion...
= UAC Lightning gun =
This unwieldy object is more or less a gigantic capacitor, using cell packs to spin the coil of an overamped electro-magnet and then discharging the load directly out the front end in a nice firework display of raw electrical power. Anything caught in the main beam is likely to be cooked in seconds but the beauty of this weapon is that the beam is capable of bouncing off of walls to effectively fire round corners.
= UAC freeze-thrower =
This exotic weapon was orinally designed as a tool to instantly freeze any and all gasses or liquids in damaged piping or conduit so that maintenance repairs could be made to said area, live, without the need to shut off entire sections of the base. However, the idea of weoponising such a device was a concept that the UAC scientists could not resist. Utilizing super conductive coils to create an extreme reduction in temperature, the freezethower simply freezes the very air within itself and projects this column of cold directly out of the business end.
Anything within its path is usually entirely frozen solid with a single blast and the spread of the freezing-cloud may dissipate quickly but is more than capable of cooling a room just as rapidly.
With this in mind the freezethower is best used at close range and is ideal for crowd control...
= UAC BFG9000 heavy plasma cannon =
Standard issue; pull the trigger and then go find a mop!
Don't forget, this is one big plasma gun so you'll need to hold on tight! Even with the recoil-dampeners the ol' 9k still kicks some.
= Unmaker =
When the first of these demonic artifacts was discovered by UAC scientists, it took months of careful study to ascertain its true purpose. Clearly never intended for human hands, it was made of flesh, bone, steel, corruption and death.
An arcane weapon of bio-magical-mechanical design, the scientists sought to reverse engineer and disassemble it (or to more accurately put it; dissect it) in order to learn its secrets. They found that the weapon is a living creature in its own right, firing laser beams that are capable of tearing through several enemies at a time before expiring.
However the weapon remains all but useless without the addition of a power source and thats where your cell-packs come in.
Further investigation found the main chamber features glands filled with bony projectiles rich in an unknown metallic element that actually breaks down and neutralises human DNA upon physical contact. these dangerous projectiles are not loaded, they are simply grown, potentially providing an unlimited supply of ammunition.
The scientists theroised that introduction of standard UAC cell-packs would allow a powerful charge to be funnelled along the metal 'spine' of the outer frame in the form of an enormous electro-magnetic field, potentially launching the bony projectiles from the central chamber at an almost impossible velocity. However the device seems inclomplete and as such this alternative fire-mode will remain untested unless the missing vital component, if it even does exist, is discovered...
Although few have ever had the courage or sheer force of will to use one of these mysterious devices in combat, it is truly a sight to behold; just watch how many demons it goes through before it hits concrete!
= UAC multi-launcher =
Also known as the devastator; this double barreled brute of a weapon redefines the phrase "takin' out the trash".
Based on the designs of an Earth-Defense-force prototype the UAC's multi-launcher is the latest and greatest in rocket launching technology.
The sheer brute force of the bararge of ordinance is matched only by its insane rate of fire.
If that were not enough, the weapon also includes the smart target aquisition system featured on the mkII missile launcher...
All excessive recoil is limited by dampeners akin to those on the bfg making the devastator ideal for sustaied attacks, however, rockets tend to be a little dangerous up close.
eats ammo like theres no tomorrow...
All those lovely weapons need reloading once in a while but fret-not. You're sure to find ammo from fallen enemies or generally littered around the UAC base...
= 9mm hollo-point =
Are used in the pistols, machinegun, rifle and chaingun and come in mags of 10, belts of 20 or boxes of 50
= .44 magnum slugs =
these go into the revolver drum of your magnum and come in boxes of 24
= 12 Gauge shot-shells =
Load into in the shotgun, combat-shotgun or riotgun and are found in handfulls of four and also come in boxes of 20.
= 70mm rocket-propelled-grenades =
These rockets fit not only the rocket-launcher and multi-launcher but also the grenade-launcher and can be found induvidually or in crates of five
= 40kw cell-packs =
High energy power cells that provide juice for the plasmagun, bfg9k, lighting gun, freezethrower and the Unmaker and come in batteries of 20 or bulk-cells of 100
= Ammunition Backpacks =
Not only increase your ammunition capacity, but also furnish you with some much appreciated ammo!
as time passes things change, we all know that.
The UAC has developed many a new weapon to aid you in the ellimination of your enemies, however the enemy has been hard at work too and all manner of new nightmares continue to emerge for you to deal with, great eh?
= Zombies =
Not content with sending unimaginable horrors from the darkest pits of hell, the demons have taken to reworking the dead in a marcarbre parody of life.
These flesh eating undead filth are almost desperate to get to grips with any who remain alive, with whatever weapons they can get their rotting hands on.
try to forget what they were and concentrate on what they now are, bad news and easy targets...
Former UAC personel:
in life these men and women were the scientists and workers contributing to the daily running of the UAC facilties.
Now they are brain-dead monsterous freaks who's only contribution to existance is to give you a hard time and a serious headache with fire-axes, crowbars, wrenches etc...
As they lack any ranged firepower, these zombies may appear little more than target practice; They do go down easy but tend to rush you and in large enough groups could even begin to overwhelm you...
Former UAC Secrurity forces:
The UAC's work is often dangerous and highly experimental, not to mention top secret and worth untold billions once it gets earthside.
As such they have an extensive security force comprising of highly trained hardcases.
Back home these guys were army-grunts, but out here in space they've sold themselves to the company to rake in the fat-cash...
still, when the attack started the UAC paid the price big-time as the egotistcal money-grabbing mecenaries lacked the disipline to work together as a cohesive force to protect the bases and one by one they all fell...
Light security:
stationed at arlocks, doors and checkpoints, these guys were little more than bouncers.
Now as undead they delight in taking potshots at any in their way.
They are easily identified by their tan uniforms and are likely to be armed with either pistols or machineguns, as with the scientists, they drop easily enough but their ranged attacks makes them more of a priority target...
guard dogs:
once faithful companions to the light security guards, these undead beasts re-define the concept of a hellhound!
fast, and nasty up close its reccomended you get 'em to 'play dead' as soon as possible...
Tactical security:
superior armour, shotguns and special-forces training make these guards more of a concern.
previously called in to enforce security situations out of the light guards depth, these walking shotguns will fill you with a few extra holes if your not too carefull.
identified by their black tactical armour and serious haircuts they are tough nuts to crack...
Heavy security:
These former guards were seconded to the most secure and secretive of the UAC's areas.
they are identified by their bright red security armour and as if the shotgun zombies weren't enough, these bad-guys are armed with chainguns, making them a real pain...
Former Marines:
after the distress calls eventally had marines sent to the UAC bases, inevitably some of these guys started to fall.
your worst nightmare come true; one of your own re-worked against you, a former marine is a hard enemy to face.
identified by their USSMC green armour, helmet and chaingun, their training and armour make them a real challenge, mentally as well as physically...
The foot-soldiers of the demonic hoards, these brown bastards are fireball-slinging bad news however they come.
However, after extensive dissections of dead imps brought back for study by the marines, the UAC bio-scientists have discovered there are actually several varying genus and species variations aside the usual soldier-imps;
Lesser Imp:
don't let the name fool you, what the lesser-imp lacks in physical stature it more than makes up for with speed and agaility.
Nightmare Imp:
As if the speed and agility of the lesser imp were not enough to contend with this mutation is almost impossible to see!
Alpha Imp:
proof that the older an imp gets, the bigger and tougher he gets, and the bigger and tougher he gets the longer he lives, or something. they don't go down that easy...
A rapid multi-legged abomination, that pounces at your face.
these filth, take a lot more than a rolled-up playboy to splatter and tend to swarm you in groups...
Jack skeleton's evil twin, these gawky looking monstrosities are not to be taken lightly.
his combat armour is topped off with a pair of shoulder-mounted missile launchers that feature an on-board laser targeting system that can allow the missiles he fires to track you down like a bloodhound.
up close he likes to slap you around something fierce with his powerfull right hook.
the result of an unholy union between a painelemantal and a cacodemon comes what is essentially a berserking-mad brown cacodemon with green blood.
The speed and the strength of its green lighting-ball attacks are not to be underestimated.
He takes a lot of hits to deflate and is damned fast...
essentially a cybernetically enhanced hellknight, this grenade-pumping mini-cyberdemon can both dish out punishment and take it!
try to find some cover and give him a good pounding...
++Tips/hints/important info++
_ although most weapons affect your movment/aim via recoil and/or kickup; the fist and hand grenade actually lurch you foward a step.
_ Don't forget you'll need to set your secondary fire to a key in order use the quick kick (e.g. bind x "+ALTATTACK") this key is also used to detonate pipebombs, activate the rifle's zoomed view and change firemodes on the grenadelauncher and rocket launcher
_ learn to counter-act your movement/aim to account for weapon recoil and kick-up. so as not to fall from edges and stairs or to find yourself aiming at the ceiling after a burst of full auto!
_ Dual pistols are only available in multiplayer from dead fellow marines but are sometimes dropped by pistol-zombies in singleplayer...
_ holograms tend to flicker more and become more translucent when running out of power...
_ tapping the machinegun allows for supreme accuracy with no recoil or kick-up , ideal for long range sniping...
_ handgrenades/grenade launcher will not work properly with autoaim, set it to 'never' in the player settings
_ be aware that the sheer force of bouncing grenades can set off barrels before the grenade itself blows...
_ when you obtain the rocket launcher you also gain the ability to launch nukes, should you find one...
_ learn to be a bit smart with the armour, e.g. if there is a light-armour on a map as well as a security armor grab the security armor first, then the helmet/light-armour, this way you will gain a higher armour value.
_ berserk will only effect the kick if the fist is selected...
_ should you run out of ammo for the pistol whilst using the flashlight, remember you can still kick.
_ handgrenades don't bounce off of liquid surfaces, nor do they explode on them, in fact they will simply be lost so watch your aim around water...
_ some weapons need reloading after the rounds from the magazine are spent. Doom is smart and will do this automatically for you. however, although this takes but a moment to do so its not a desireable position to be in when in the midst of enemy fire...
_ keep an eye out for the tell-tale laser-sighting when revenants attack. this signifies that the missiles he's firing will be seekers...
_ frozen enemies will not be destroyed by projectiles fired from creatures of the same species, making them usefull 'road-blocks' in crowded situations...
_ in order to make use of the target-lock system you will need to set your default crosshair to crosshair2 and set forcecrosshair to 0...
_ to gently roll a pipebomb in place rather than lob, crouch when deploying
!!!+ SPOILER ALERT +!!!!
= randomisers =
many things in this mod are randomised, oftimes replacing original items/monsters with all new ones.
balance has been kept in mind but below is a list of the possible things you will see in place of others, so you dont get any nasty suprises.
unless otherwise stated the randomisers are a 50/50 chance...
floor-placed weapons:
chainsaw = chainsaw or Knife
shotgun = shotgun, supershotgun, riotgun (more likely to be a shotgun)
supershotgun = supershotgun or riotgun
chaingun = chaingun, machinegun, rifle or magnum
rocketlauncher = rocketlauncher, devastator or grenadelauncher
plasmagun = plasmagun, lightninggun, freezethrower or unmaker (more likely to be a plasmagun)
bfg = bfg, Unmaker or demonrune (more likely to be a bfg)
invulnerability = invulnerability or soulcube
soulsphere = megahealth, megaberserk or soulsphere
Berserk = berserk or regeneration
Allmap = Allmap, flares, slugs or nuke
invisibility = invisibility or haste
Infrared = infrared or flashlight
green armour = green armour or tan armour
pistolzombie drop = clip or pistol (more likely to be a clip)
zombieman = pistol zombie/machinegun zombie/assorted scientists (more likely to be a pistol zombie)
Imp = imp/lesserimp/alphaimp (more likely to be an imp)
also includes nash's gore mod and enjays liquid effects too!
Spoiler:screenies (25 of 'em
although I'm responsible for a most of this quite a bit was made by editing previous work of other individuals,
below is a list of .wad's etc I used to compile this pack!
Doom64shotgun.wad - used/edited sprites and code.
Eriguns.wad - used/edited sprites and code.
Perkweapons.wad - used/edited sprites and code.
mutiny.wad - used/edited sprites and code.
Doom64.wad - used/edited sprites and code.
Duke3d.grp - used/edited sprites
SW.grp - used/edited sprites
nashgore.wad - included
splash3.wad -included
enjays cacomental
eriances cybruiser
eriances repeater weapon sprites
eriances white weapon sprite (used as freezer here)
enjays edited sw water texutres
scalliano's scientists

Spoiler:I've been at this for a long time now so if anyone has any issues with being forgotten in the credits please yell out and let me know and I'll stick you in! no offence or Plagiarism is intended so don't go mad at me about it or call in the moderators, its all free fun and remember it is there to be enjoyed!
ZioMcCall playing a bit of oldskool mod (he favours the ssg a bit eh?)
naded baron
flashlight/pistol combo in kdizd (45_addon)
pistol reload (45_addon)
using the flashlight outside the hanger in tnt
hand grenades
freezin' the mancs
kicking barrels at badguys and setting 'em on fire
shotgunner crouching attack
riotgunning some clydes
chainsaw gorno
blowin' up the cacos
a revenant laser targets you as you ready your lightning gun
an ssg splatterfest
and again, only this time its rainin' arachnochunks
smg in action
bustin' a frozen zomb
caco carnage with the sigcow hmg
slaying hoards of zombies with dual pistols
the unlocked unmaker living up to its name
beating the big badasses and clearing out the moonbase
magnum doing what it does best; taking out chaingunners with a single shot!
carnage in the wake of berzerk + imps
oh, here is a ridiculously out of date montage screenshot because people like screenshots :previews.jpgit has changed some since this one was taken...
and yes the collection of mods is a real ugly way to work it but Its the best I can do. I will not be changing this as I've no Idea how to and see no reason to either as it works just fine. the above instructions on loading cover this so please bear this in mind when criticizing...
to be honest this mod was made for me first and has only been released to share it with you all as I'm happy with it now. I doubt it will be changed much more now this is pretty much it...
Lud's custom difficulty menu - its imperative that you put this at the start of your load order http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f= ... 46#p897234 only a fool would play any doom without this...
btsx support - this mod is designed to work with generic doom wads (doom/doomII,tnt,plutonia) and as such have texture replacements that wont work with btsx very nicely. but for those that own btsx and want to play this in there simply use this file. (this file is included in the main pack now)
KDIZD support - this pack is standalone and mixes tormentor667's kdizd with my oldskool mod. its totally a personal preferance thing really, I loved the level design of kdizd but was not so keen on all the new monsters and weapons so I made this mix-up. Anyway, its all part of the 'Oldskool-mod' lore, so to speak, so here it is: https://www.mediafire.com/?km8fri477tnk28l quickloading instructions are within... (very obsolete now and features some real old features that have since been removed... still its part of the history of the mod I suppose...)
monstas8 in trailblazer - is fun!
http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f= ... 10#p877206
here it is again for those who hate scrolling back up

NEWest VERSION! https://www.mediafire.com/?ioqketxa314pwxa
a quick mention on the mechanics of the unmaker:
the unmaker laser variant randomly replaces the plasmagun
this is a longrange (hitscan) laser that can pass through whatever is in its path.
secondary fire can be activated via upgrading the weapon.
upgrading can be achieved via the use of demonrune pickups. these are randomly dropped by spidermasterminds or cyberdemons.
the first demonrune you use gives you the railgun variant of the unmaker (slot 7) which has the scope altfire.
the altfire on the laser (slot 6)is still not usable until a second demonrune is activated.
when the second rune is activated you get the altfire on the laser-unmaker. this is the two laserbolts akimbo (you'll remember from doom64.) this uses twice the ammo
the third activated rune gives the final laser-unmaker altfire upgrade, three laserbolt spread that fans out further on full auto... this uses three times the ammo
each demonrune you activate also gives you 40 cells. meaning that even after all the upgrades are complete the runes still have a purpose.
also there is a version of the unmaker that is randomized with the bfg pickup. (not very common though) this is a pre-unlocked unmaker. meaning you get a laser unmaker, railgun unmaker and one activated demonrune when picking it up. this is to give you a chance of getting a a railgun-unmaker in ultimate doom maps...