OSJC's 'OLDSKOOL' zdoom mod - mon 20th march 2017

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OSJC's 'OLDSKOOL' zdoom mod - mon 20th march 2017

Post by osjclatchford »

here's the final version: https://www.mediafire.com/?ioqketxa314pwxa thur 19th jan 2017- its been fun guys and its nice to finish this at last...


no further updates or changes will be logged on this project from now on. - Latchford

it is vital that you know that this mod is designed to work in zdoom (it features some new software glowmaps for light-source objects that emulate gl-glow effects but actually work in zdoom engine! however you'd need to fudge about with your sprite alignment settings to get these to align properly in gzdoom.) this and some other catastrophic technical issues, are reason alone to state that zdoom 2.8.1 is the preferred engine of choice for this particular mod...

Ok this ugly compilation of mods is a few years onn/off work in the making and is an attempt to sex-up zdoom with some nice effects, weapons and monsters without going overboard, ruining gameplay and generally keeping it OLDSKOOL!
In a nutshell - all my favorite guns items and features from all my favorite 90's games but with a solid doom flavour that somehow doesn't completely bugger the gameplay in standard maps.
the idea of this is basically; think what killer-quake-pack was for quake but a doom version. ok thats a clumsy metaphor but its my inspiration from the start and a few of the weapons do have crossover references to this mod in feel and gameplay. (the freezethrower and nuke for example, although homages to duke3d and shadow warrior respectively, the weapons behave a lot more like their counterparts in kqp, which in turn were created in homage to the original duke and shadow warrior weapons, get it :? ) the reason for this is simple. Not only did I like how kqp did things in general, but it works to homage without direct rip-off and therefore allows for an enormous lee-way in creative licencing; letting you change stuff but preserve the identity of the original weapons you are homaging and still maintaining gameplay balance. that is NOT easy I can assure you. sometimes things still seem op but very satisfying and othertimes you seem to be getting hammered. that's randomizers for you I guess. but rest assured that those moments are few and far between and for the most part you'll be playing along quite merrily! you may find you can never go back to vanilla again, maybe that's just me though :D
it makes heavy use of randomization to make it a little different each time you play.
some of you may have already seen the this in its previous guise (osjc's generic zdoom mod) I decided to re-brand it as a final send off as I'm more than happy with it for now...

The mod has many new features:
here is the readme:
and here are the credits
screenies (25 of 'em :shock: ) and videos (only one for now, more submissions very welcome)
I've been at this for a long time now so if anyone has any issues with being forgotten in the credits please yell out and let me know and I'll stick you in! no offence or Plagiarism is intended so don't go mad at me about it or call in the moderators, its all free fun and remember it is there to be enjoyed!


and yes the collection of mods is a real ugly way to work it but Its the best I can do. I will not be changing this as I've no Idea how to and see no reason to either as it works just fine. the above instructions on loading cover this so please bear this in mind when criticizing...
to be honest this mod was made for me first and has only been released to share it with you all as I'm happy with it now. I doubt it will be changed much more now this is pretty much it...


here it is again for those who hate scrolling back up :wink: :
NEWest VERSION! https://www.mediafire.com/?ioqketxa314pwxa

a quick mention on the mechanics of the unmaker:

the unmaker laser variant randomly replaces the plasmagun
this is a longrange (hitscan) laser that can pass through whatever is in its path.
secondary fire can be activated via upgrading the weapon.

upgrading can be achieved via the use of demonrune pickups. these are randomly dropped by spidermasterminds or cyberdemons.
the first demonrune you use gives you the railgun variant of the unmaker (slot 7) which has the scope altfire.
the altfire on the laser (slot 6)is still not usable until a second demonrune is activated.

when the second rune is activated you get the altfire on the laser-unmaker. this is the two laserbolts akimbo (you'll remember from doom64.) this uses twice the ammo

the third activated rune gives the final laser-unmaker altfire upgrade, three laserbolt spread that fans out further on full auto... this uses three times the ammo

each demonrune you activate also gives you 40 cells. meaning that even after all the upgrades are complete the runes still have a purpose.

also there is a version of the unmaker that is randomized with the bfg pickup. (not very common though) this is a pre-unlocked unmaker. meaning you get a laser unmaker, railgun unmaker and one activated demonrune when picking it up. this is to give you a chance of getting a a railgun-unmaker in ultimate doom maps...

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Last edited by osjclatchford on Mon Mar 20, 2017 7:26 am, edited 113 times in total.
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Re: OSJC's generic Zdoom mod! at last! (Mon 4th feb 2013)

Post by insightguy »

not bad.

1st: nice touch on the UAC crosshairs.
2nd: the nuke seems unessesary

all in all the mod is good, even the randomization feels ok
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Re: OSJC's generic Zdoom mod! at last! (Mon 4th feb 2013)

Post by osjclatchford »

I'd actually forgotton the xhair! lol forgotton so much as I've been at it so long!
yes the nuke was kind of OTT but is considered a bit of an in-joke and a homage to the killer-quake-pack nuke.
It was put in for a friend of mine who wanted something mad for zdoom deathmatch...
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Re: OSJC's generic Zdoom mod! at last! (sat 16th feb 2013)

Post by osjclatchford »

lastest version in on main post. features a better riotgun (no longer a big chaingun lol) and some nice kick-up effects for the three shotguns and the machinegun. (makes it more q2ish I feel...)
also the pistols reload now!

enjoy and please report any major bugs!*

*I fixed one. the grenade would flash in sight when kicking even if you had none in ammo LOL! so the kick is gone from nade now...

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Re: OSJC's generic Zdoom mod! at last! (sat 16th feb 2013)

Post by Matt »

Could use a reload key for those times you know you'll be using more shots than what's left in your mag.

Also, the single pistol and fist appear to have priority over the dual pistol and knife, shouldn't it be the other way around? (I'm ok with the other slot priorities though)

Hand grenades need kick altfire like every other weapon.

I think the grenade explosion sprite could use a renderstyle add and/or +bright.

If you don't scale your hud, the key section of the fullscreen hud can be near the middle of the screen, and in any event isn't on the edge of the screen on widescreen.

You can also use zdoom -file OSJC_*.pk3. On that note, can you rename osjc_firearms14.pk3 to OSJC_firearms14.pk3 for future release for those of us with case-sensitive OSes?

May want to spend more time completing the credits list.

Really like the look of everything here, very solid and seamless. Also rare to see a mod that makes such sweeping changes and still remain modular (optional nashgore! :shock: ).
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Re: OSJC's generic Zdoom mod! at last! (sat 16th feb 2013)

Post by osjclatchford »


reload key will not be coming. the idea was to put a dampener on the pistols as they are a bit over-amped (compared to original pistol) otherwise...

pistol and knife slot position are intentional.

the grenade would flash in sight when kicking even if you had none in ammo LOL! so the kick is gone from nade now...
will probably work on the splosion sprite though, thought it was bright already...

hud is a bit of a lash-up and took me an age just to get it like it is now so sorry if its not ws friendly not sure how to amend this or even if I can be bothered to...

case sensitive thing? yes, yes I will.

credits are going to take forever but please see disclaimer on page one...
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Re: OSJC's generic Zdoom mod! at last! (sat 16th feb 2013)

Post by Matt »

You can always just do a simple A_JumpIfInventory to see if the grenade sprite should be displayed.
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Re: OSJC's generic Zdoom mod! at last! (sun 10th mar 2013)

Post by osjclatchford »

v1.7! OUT NOW!
lastest version out features this newer gl:
and now you can destroy the pillars and gib all hanging/skewered bodies and heads, including the head-candles.

also just realised that the previous edish had had some gothic architecture replacing some of the standard doom decorations. this was not meant to be in there and is gone from version 1.7.

also the burning barrel has been restored and has renewed explosion and remains sprites...
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Re: OSJC's generic Zdoom mod! at last! (sun 10th mar 2013)

Post by RockmanYoshi »

Is that HUD face made by you? I like the helmet.
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Re: OSJC's generic Zdoom mod! at last! (sun 10th mar 2013)

Post by niculinux »

Please make another relase with all those files merged into a single wad, it may be possible, please?
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Re: OSJC's generic Zdoom mod! at last! (sun 10th mar 2013)

Post by osjclatchford »

@rockmanyoshi - no the face is shamefully nicked from mutiny.wad!
@niculinux you mean the gothic architecture? here:
just stick this in your zdoom folder and run version 1.7 with -file gothic.pk3 at the end!

also forgot to mention that latest edish has duke style fire-extinguishers! alas they are not in any maps via randomisers (I mean what the hell would you swap them with?) as they have to be placed next to a wall. however they work in the usual explosive barrelly sort of way but cause less damage overall and can be summoned via the name 'extinguisher' or added into a map of your own!
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Re: OSJC's generic Zdoom mod! at last! (sun 10th mar 2013)

Post by niculinux »

osjclatchford wrote:
@niculinux you mean the gothic architecture?
no i meant all the mods :wub:
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Re: OSJC's generic Zdoom mod! at last! (sun 10th mar 2013)

Post by osjclatchford »

oh, right gotcha... when I'm done with this I will do a compilation... :wink:
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Re: OSJC's generic Zdoom mod! at last! (sun 10th mar 2013)

Post by iSpook »

Those Gothic replacements are awesome, where'd you get them?
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Re: OSJC's generic Zdoom mod! at last! (sun 10th mar 2013)

Post by osjclatchford »

Doom'd Marine wrote:Those Gothic replacements are awesome, where'd you get them?
made em geez! out of bits from hexen, strife and doom with a fudge about and a recolour and BAM! done...

oh and the gargoyle's from doom64...

=update= v1.8 is out now! features altered baby splashes by me and some from enjays latest splash.zip and superior bulletpuff with sparkes by wildweasel from mutiny.wad...

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